Acadia-St Landry County Louisiana Archives Biographies.....Gardiner, Henry L May 11, 1888 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mike Miller September 24, 2006, 10:48 am Author: Henry E Chambers Henry Lawrence Gardiner, M. D., shortly after graduating from medical college, entered the army service and for nearly two years carried heavy responsibilities in the sanitary department of various training camps. Since the war he has been one of the leading physicians at Crowley in Acadia Parish. Doctor Gardiner was born on a farm near Sunset, in St. Landry Parish, May 11, 1888, son of John Walter and Hunoria (Logan) Gardiner. Both parents are now residents of Vermilion Parish, his father being a Louisiana farmer. Henry Lawrence Gardiner attended school at Sunset and at Gueydan, and subsequently entered the Tulane University Medical School, where he was graduated Doctor of Medicine in 1916. At the university he was a member of the Phi Beta Pi medical fraternity. During his student career, from 1912 to 1915, he acted as assistant instructor and during 1916 was associate instructor of anatomy at Tulane. In 1917 he held the chair o professor of anatomy at the University of Arkansas Medical School at Little Rock. Doctor Gardiner reported for examination to the Army and Navy hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, in February, 1918. On April 4, 1918. he was commissioned a first lieutenant in the Army Medical Corps, and his first assignment was to Camp Mills, Long Island, first performing the duties of sanitary inspector, was then in the detention camp, the camp infirmary, and organized and became commanding officer of the sanitary process plant. On June 17, 1919, he was promoted to the grade of captain, subsequently he was promoted to the duties of executive officer to the camp surgeon, and remained until honorably discharged September 2, 1919. After leaving the army, Doctor Gardiner attended medical and surgical clinics in the Charity Hospital at New Orleans, and on January 12, 1920, located at Crowley and engaged in a general medical and surgical practice. Since 1922 he has been health officer of Acadia Parish, and he served as secretary in 1921, and president in 1922 of the Acadia Parish Medical Society; in 1924 was vice- president of the Seventh District Medical Society, and is a member of the Louisiana State, Southern and American Medical associations. Doctor Gardiner has several forms of recreation, including hunting, fishing and golf. He is a member of the Crowley-Louisiana Club, the Crowley Gun Club, American Sharp Shooters' Association, Crowley Lodge No. 745, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Acadia Post No. 15 of the American Legion, and the 40 and 8 Society. He married at Crowley, January 6, 1923, Miss Esther Toler, daughter of Thomas J. Toler, who in 1900 helped organize and became the first president of the Crowley First National Bank. For many years he has been well known as a wholesale and retail lumber dealer in Crowley. Mrs. Gardiner is a factor in church and social life at Crowley. They have one daughter, Esther Elizabeth. Additional Comments: A History of Louisiana, (vol. 2), pp. 9-10, by Henry E. Chambers. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York, 1925. NOTE: The referenced source contains a black and white photograph of the subject with his/her autograph.