POLICE JURY PROCEEDINGS Crowley Signal March 11, 1926 News Article from Adadia Parish Submitted by Winston Boudreaux, 2006 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************ POLICE JURY PROCEEDINGS Crowley Signal March 11, 1926 Moved by Mr. LeBleu, seconded by Mr. Scanlan and carried, that an appropriation of $75 or as much as needed thereof, is hereby granted out of the Roads and Bridges fund of 1926, for the purpose of rectifying a curve in public road starting from Third Ward line to place of Dr. Cunningham. Moved by Mr. Scanlan, seconded and carried, the sum of $350 or as much as may be needed thereof, is hereby appropriated out of the Roads and Bridges of 1926, for the purpose the graveling of Prudhomme grade in Third Police Jury Ward. April 16, 1926 Jury approved funds to purchase right of was from Ernest Thibodeaux and one small bridge for public road leading from Pointe Noire to intersect with gravel road near Church Point. Mrs. Josephine Matte was removed from Indigent List. She was returned to the list on May 13, 1936 for $5.00 per month.