McGee Cemetery, Allen Parish, Louisiana Submitted by Harold W. Harmon. Typed by Nancy Fruge. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The McGee Cemetery is located about 1.5 miles west or Kinder, LA on Highway US 190. The cemetery was given Row numbers "1" through "7" for the purpose of grave recording; although no Row Markers are in place. Recording began in Row "1" in the southwestern corner of cemetery. All rows run from south to north. DIRECTIONS TO CEMETERY: From the intersection of Highways US 165 and US 190 in Kinder,LA, go west on US 190 for 1.6 miles to McGEE Cemetery on right. RECORDED; May 1, 1998 by Harold W. Harmon and F.L. Orman of Fort Worth, Texas. Row "1" FONTENOT, Olied J. Dec. 15, 1908 - Sept. 1, 1982 FONTENOT, Carrie M. Sept. 24, 1914 - July 14, 1889 (unmarked grave) Row "2" FONTENOT, Lee Earl Sr. Jan. 24, 1944 - Reserved (?) Row "3" MATTHIS, Dora T. March 22, 1900 - Aug. 20, 1959 Row "4" La FLEUR, J. Curley Sept. 24, 1914 - LaFLEUR, Della M. Aug. 11, 1916 - Dec. 12, 1979 HAMLETT, Rita L. Feb. 7, 1945 - Oct. 18, 1994 Row "5" HAMM, Henry Lee Feb. 16, 1933 - April 6, 1995 FONTENOT, John Jr. Dec. 13, 1885 - April 21, 1964 FONTENOT, Clonise Sept. 17, 1887 - May 13, 1970 MORGAN, James C. "J.C." Feb. 1, 1914 - Sept. 25, 1985 MORGAN, Jo Robin P. "Robin" - Reserved HAMILTON, Dean Ila Feb. 14, 1894 - Dec. 2, 1967 SONNIER, Wilford (WWII Vet) Dec. 16, 1923 - March 30, 1973 SONNIER, Cecily Oct. 8, 1934 - March 2, 1984 Row "6" McGEE, Olan Oct. 21, 1889 - Aug. 5, 1973 McGEE, Lillian C. Oct. 10, 1891 - Oct. 8, 1955 MONTEAUX, Dudley "Pete" Sept. 13, 1915 - Feb. 3, 1981 MONTEAUX, Una Mary McGee May 14, 1921 - Reserved McGEE, Kenney J. May 17, 1912 - Sept. 21, 1984 McGEE, Ila E. Blocker April 1, 1914 - April 9, 1988 McGEE, Pauline A. July 22, 1921 - July 4, 1972 McGEE, Osey Sr. Sept. 30, 1917 - Reserved McINTOSH, Billy Wayne (Dep. Sheriff) Sept. 14, 1965 - Oct.1, 1997 McGEE, Antna J. Oct. 2, 1915 - Aug. 3, 1972 McGEE, Florine H. Jan. 16, 1918 - Reserved Row "7" (unmarked grave - Infant) - End of McGee Cemetery - McGEE CEMETERY SUMMARY Marked Graves - 26 Unmarked Graves - 2 TOTAL GRAVES = 28