Nevils Cemetery, Allen Parish, LA Submitted by: Ethel Sacker ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The Nevils Cemetery is located in Allen Parish, in the Indian Village Settlement, ten miles west of Kinder, on Hwy 383, about .5 mile west of the Indian Village Pentecostal Church, on the left side of Hwy 383. It is about 100 years old. The cemetery is well-kept, and all markers are very legible: total of 18 graves. There is more space on the south side for the cemetery to expand, but none on the other three sides. The cemetery was divided into rows for documentation purposes, starting with the west line (or back line), and reading from south to north, or left to right. All graves face east Recorded by Ethel Fontenot Sacker in October, 2000. All readings were recorded exactly as written on grave markers, including any inscription. Annotations in brackets []by Ethel Fontenot Sacker, Viola Bushnell Savant, Jack Nixon and Mert Lormand Nixon. ROW 1 (1)Mrs. THEODORE NEVILS [Dorceline Marcantel] Jan. 20, 1878 Oct. 1, 1958 [d/o Alexandre “Shon” Marcantel & Francis Treme; w/o Theodore Nevils] (2) space (3) Father THEODORE NEVILS 1876 - 1947 [h/o Dorceline Marcantel] (4) space (5) Mother BLANCHE NEVILS wife of Joseph Nevils April 3, 1909 Sept. 5, 1945 She was a kind and affectionate wife, a fond Mother, and a friend to all. She was d/o M/M Theodore Nevils; and a twin to Hattie Nevils Nixon. (6) space (7) ALVIN L. NEVILS Louisiana PFC 316 ENGR Bn. World War II Feb. 12, 1925 - Sept. 13, 1944 [s/o Joseph “Toot” Nevils & Blanche Nevils; killed in active battle overseas] (8) space (9) Joseph Nevils Pvt. US Army World War I Jan. 2, 1898 - May 27, 1977 [h/o Blanche Nevils; f/o Alvin L. Nevils] (10)- (13) vacant spaces (14) ADAM DOUCETTE Louisiana PFC 25 Replacement Co. 25 Infantry Div. Korea Sept. 8, 1933 July 9, 1966 [h/o Nelda Nixon] ROW 2 (1) THOMAS E. NIXON Sgt. US Army World War I Dec. 16, 1896 - March 26, 1981 [called “Tobe”; brother of Rufus Nixon, Sr.] (2) - (14) vacant spaces ROW 3 Completely vacant. May be driveway thru cemetery. ROW 4 (1) ALPHAN F. FUSELIER Louisiana Cpl. HO Co. 42 Division May 16, 1893 - Sept. 7, 1970 [h/o Julia Nevils; presume WW I] (2) space (3) JULIA FUSELIER April 1, 1897 March 20, 1977 Asleep in Jesus [d/o M/M Theodore Nevils; w/o Alphan F. Fuselier] (4) SIDNEY NEVILS Aug. 16, 1894 Dec. 6, 1979 [s/o M/M Theodore Nevils; h/o Elmer Bushnell] (5) ELMER BUSHNELL NEVILS Oct. 13, 1901 - Aug. 25, 1981 [d/o Alphonse Bushnell & Camille Savant; w/o Sidney Nevils] (6) - (14) vacant spaces ROW 5 (1) ROBERT “BOB” BAGGETT Oct. 23, 1958 March 5, 1960 Our Darling [s/o Robert Earl Baggett & Nettie Evelyn Fuselier] (2)& (3) BAGGETT NETTIE EVELYN ROBERT EARL Dec. 3, 1928 June 6, 1912 Oct. 27, 1994 Reserved [Nettie: d/o Alphan Fuselier & Julia Nevils; w/o Robert Earl Baggett] (4) - (13) vacant spaces (14) VERNON LEE July 5, 1913 March 14, 1963 In Loving Memory [raised by Julia Nevils Fuselier; h/o Delia Fuselier (adopted d/o Alphan Fuselier & Julia Nevils)] ROW 6 (1) space (2) space (3) Son and Brother KEVIN JAMES NIXON Jan. 2, 1966 - July 9, 1985 Tho time forgets, still love remembers, We shall meet again. [s/o James “Jack” Nixon & Mert Lormand] (4) - (13) vacant spaces (14) & (15) NIXON HATTIE RUFUS E. April 3, 1909 Aug. 23, 1904 Jan. 5, 1996 May 13, 1993 [Hattie Nevils: d/o M/M Theodore Nevils; w/o Rufus Nixon,Sr.] [Rufus; s/o George Nixon & Syphronia Cole buried in McRill Cem.); parents of James “Jack” Nixon] - End of Nevils Cemetery - Special thanks to Jack and Mert Lormand Nixon for their assistance.