Painchaud, Victor, M.D., Quebec, Canada, then Assumption Parish, Louisiana Submitted by Mike Miller ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic Form (volume 3), pp. 559-560. Edited by Alcée Fortier, Lit.D. Published in 1914, by Century Historical Association. Painchaud, Victor, M. D., of Klotzville, Assumption parish, was born at Crane Island, province of Quebec, Canada, Feb. 27, 1878; the son of Joseph and Alphonsine (Joncas) Painchaud, who were natives of Crane Island, province of Quebec, Canada, in which for many years the elder Painchaud was engaged in farming, and now is living, free from business cares, in the city of Montreal. Dr. Painchaud is the 6th of 12 children. He received a preliminary education in the seminary of Quebec, and took the higher courses of study at the Laval university of Quebec, from which he graduated in 1902; then leaving for Paris, France, where he followed a post-graduate course under the guidance of Prof. Dieulafoy, an eminent physician of Paris. In 2 years, Dr. Painchaud finished his studies in Paris, and returning to Canada, whence he moved in 1905, to Louisiana, locating at Klotzville. The doctor, who is well known and esteemed in the state of his adoption, is a member of the Louisiana State Medical society and the American Medical association. His religious affiliation is with the Roman Catholic church.