Newspapers: "The Bossier Banner" excerpts from Thurs. 6-4-1931; Bossier Parish, La. Submitted by: Brenda Wilkins Hudson ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** More excerpts from a page 6 of the Bossier Banner, Benton La., Thursday, June 4, 1931 FROM OVER BOSSIER PARISH Ivan Items (Tues. June 2) Miss Mamie McDonald is now residing in Shreveport with a sister. She has employment in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee and family from Haughton, and Misses Elmer and Laura Belle Coker and Mr. B.C. Coker were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Wilson Sunday. Mr. Alvin Rhodes has just returned from a business trip to Kilgore, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Lyjie Bundy and children visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Bundy Saturday night and Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. Sid Brooks will be pleased to learn that she has returned home, after a week's stay in Alden Bridge, where she underwent medical treatment. The B.Y.P.U. members and quite a number of their friends enjoyed a wiener roast Saturday night. At 10 o'clock a delicious supper consisting of cakes, sandwiches, wieners, lemonade and tea was served. Everyone very much enjoyed the affair. Messrs. E.H. Wilson, T. Doty, Luther Parkerson, and W.S. Holt and Misses Lucille Bundy, Lula Wilson, and Mamie McDonald were business visitors in Bossier City last Saturday. Haughton Happenings Miss Elizabeth, the beautiful and talented little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, recently underwent an appendicitis operation at the Tri-State Hospital in Shreveport. Haughton had a very distinguished guest one day this past week when Captain Lamb, with other government officials, drove by to "look over the lay of the land" of the airport; which,for the benefit of the Banner's readers who are not informed, takes in practically all of the land south of the V.S. & P., from Haughton to Shreveport. With the closing of school, fishing seems to have taken the day. Members of the Isaac Walton fraternity seem to be proving by the quality and quantity of their catches that Bossier Parish is indeed "a haven of sport". Strings of trout that have been caught out of Bodcau and Norton Bayou recently have been said to have been the equal of any ever seen anywhere. The comings and goings of the teaching fraternity have been happy of late - we mean that the out-of-town teachers of the local school have returned to their respective homes and local residents, who teach elsewhere, have returned home for the vacation period. Mr. and Mrs. Eddington, and their beautiful and accomplished daughter, miss Mary Lou (not the little girl of yesterday), have returned from Arkansas to spend the summer. This lovely family endeared themselves to the people of this community during the time the Haughton school building was under construction, and are being cordially received upon their return. Mr. John Nelson, of Ruston, who has spent considerable time here recuperating where she could be near her physician in Shreveport, has now recovered and returned to her home. Linton Locals (Monday, June 1) Visitors yesterday at the home of Mr. C.W. Jones and family were: Mr. Lennie Jones and family; Mrs. J.W. Wilkins and daughters Annie Belle and Lorene; Mr. Dalton Scarborough and family; Mrs. Ruby Casey, Harold Jones, Thomas and Herbert Lawson, and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Roach and little daughter, Billie Jean. All enjoyed themselves very much, as ice cream and ripe peaches were served during the afternoon. Mr. Levi Jones and family spent yesterday with Mr. Jones parents, Mr.and Mrs. J.G. Jones. Cornealius and J.W. Wilkins were guests yesterday of little E.B. Lockey. Mr. W.V. Lay's health is improving the past few days. The correspondent regrets to report Mr. W.M. Jones' sudden attack of asthma lately. Hope he will soon recover and be up again. Misses Annie Belle and Lorene Wilkins visited Mrs. Delton Scarborough Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Gray Jones and Mr. John Hall Wilkins visited yesterday at the home of W.D. Johnston and family of Emma. Mr. Ira Jones was a visitor to Ivan yesterday. Miss Mattie Belle Scarborough is spending the week with her mother. Mrs. Willie Scarborough of Benton visited Mrs. Delton Scarborough yesterday. Mr. Hughie Wilkins spent the past weekend at the Frank Curry home. Mr. Ernest Burns of Jefferson, Texas is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Charley Patterson and Mrs. B.H. Daniel a while before joining the **unable to read last 5 words**. Bellevue Locals (Tuesday, June 2) Mr. Walter Pinson of Longview Texas is spending a few days here visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark spent last weekend in Trees City. Misses Doris Michel and Helen Fitch and Mrs. Elbert Carter and son Hueitt, were Shreveport visitors yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Horton of Elm Grove of Elm Grove spent the past weekend here visiting their parents. Mrs. G.W. Coleman and daughter left today for a visit in Hughes Spring, Texas. Miss Thelma Coleman, Miss Frances Michel and Mr. E.E. Kelly were Shreveport visitors yesterday. Mrs. C.C. Ford and Mrs. Svious Hueitt spent yesterday in Shreveport. Mr. G.W. Coleman was an Elm Grove visitor today. Miss Hazel Owens spent sunday with her brother, Mr. W.D. Owens. Miss Frances Michel was a Haughton visitor Sunday. Phillip's Hill (Monday, June 1) Seems as if we are going to have a dry spell. Crops are sorry in this section, but during the past few days there have been several visitors at the writer's home from Texas, Oklahoma and other sections and they say we have good crops compared to those around their homes. Mr. Sam Young and Mr. Buddie Pickett were Cotton Valley visitors one day last week. Mr. R.L. Young passed through one day last week en route to El Dorado, Arkansas. Mrs. Ruby Alexander, of Burkburnett, Texas, with her two little daughters, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bounds. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Booker and Mrs. Booker's brother, Mr. Millard of Oklahoma, came in yesterday evening for a short visit with Mr. Booker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B.Booker. Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Coyle were Shreveport visitors last week and brought home with them their three little grandsons to spend a week or two with them. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dempsey spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booker. Mr. W.B. Young, of Shreveport, visited his brother, Mr. T.S. Young one day last week. -----Rosebud Carterville (Monday June 1) Mrs. L.C. Boggs and children and Mrs. Ethel Farrington visited a while last Thursday evening at the home of the latter's brother, Mr. J.L.Holman. Mr. Bryant Blanton spent Saturday night with his cousin, Mr. Willie Blanton. Mrs. Pink Swaner and two children, Louise and Herbert, from Cotton Valley visited in this community Sunday of last week. Mrs. Pearl Wager visited yesterday evening with Mrs. J.L. Holman. Mrs. E.C. Dodson (and family) from Plain Dealing, recently visisted her father, Mr. J.J. Roberson. Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Holman and daughter spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Holman. Mrs. Curtis Allen visited her mother, Mrs. Addie Chandler, Saturday evening. Mrs. T.H. Blanton and two children and Mrs. R.E. Holman and baby spent last Thursday evening with Mrs. J.L. Holman. Messrs. Louie Farrington and Curtis Allen were visitors to Plain Dealing Saturday afternoon. Mr. Ray Matlock was a caller yesterday evening at the home of Mrs. Bertie Brown. Miss Lucille Goodwin spent a while Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Frankie Holman. -------Kitty Oak Hill (Tuesday, June 2) Mrs. David Vasilo made a weekend trip to Longview Texas, where she visited with friends and relatives. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Impson Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hodge, Misses Lillian, Ursa and Willie B. Seward and Nancy H. Hamiter, and Messrs Jack Norris, Lynn Hamiter, Walter Anderson and Frank Impson. Miss Lillian Seward is spending this week with Mrs. T.F. Impson, while her husband is on the river at work. Miss Treba Winn, who spent last week with her mother, of near Plain Dealing, is now back with her sister, Mrs. Rose Hamiter. Misses Lillian and Ursa Seward spent Saturday night with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Hamiter. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Winn, of near Plain Dealing, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Rose Hamiter. Some Advertisers: Painful, Weak Condition Mrs. H.V. Skaggs, of Van, Texas writes: "A number of years after I was married, my health was very poor. I suffered so much in my hips and shoulders. Had some pain across my body. I read of Cardul, took a bottle,and it did me good. I was weak before I took Cardul. I was yellow as a pumpkin. I was hardly able to get around. It sure did help me, I felt like a different woman after taking Cardul. It did more good than anything I had ever taken." Good Baled Hay Alfalfa, Grass, or Alfalfa and Grass mixed - any quantity. Apply at plantation, two miles east of Vanceville. TIDWELL & BRADFORD WE WRECK'EM - and Sell the Parts New and used parts for every car or truck at discount prices. De Generes Bros. Texas & Jordan Ste. Shreveport, LA Bossier Abstract & Title Co., Inc. Benton, Louisiana Mrs. R.B. Hill, President D.W. Brownlee, Sec'y-Treas Members American Association of Title Men and Louisiana Title Association. Notary Public in Office. Summer School Short Course June 8th to August 14th, Inclusive Special Rates, All Business Subjects Taught Reservations Now in Order For information, call, write or visit Lynn's Business School 723 Marshall st. Shreveport, LA Phone: 5893 A Good Home at a bargain price. For quick sale, there is offered at present a comfortable home in Benton, now occupied, and located within three blocks of the Court House, at an exceptionally inviting price. It is a six-room house, with bath, on a 2.5 acre tract, well drained, including garden spot; piped for gas; two garages, one good cistern. It is offered for $2000, and is easily worth more. --