Thomas Rigmaiden's Diary Calcasieu Parish Louisiana 1837 - 1838 File prepared by Jan Craven File submitted by Carlton R. Adamson, Stuart MacKillican, William Quick and Clyde Vincent. ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ JANUARY 1837 * 1. Found Mr. Moss going to the seashore in company with Dr. Neblett and Mr. Coward. * 3. Francois Bris died. Attended school in the morning. Attended funeral afterwards. Assisted in taking inventory of his effects. Got a cap for Edward that night. Stopped at Geo. Mike's. * 4. Finished inventory and returned home with Mr. Michel, John Hampshire, Alcendore and Francois. * 8. Came up from the schooner. * 9. Wrote some letter for Pierre and sent them by Don Louis Broussard to Vermillion. * 10. Pierre moved into his new house. Christeen here. Took her cloth. * 11. Valentine went to Pierre's. Taken sick at night. * 12. Heard of Mr. Monte's being taken up at Shoepeak for attempting to entice off some Negroes. 13. Valentine too sick to attend school. * 16. Went to Mr. Ryan's. Wrote a certificate for Christeen's marriage. * 17. Dr. Neblett, Mr. Moss and Mr. Coward with goods in Frank's boat. * 18. Wrote a few lines to Ward by Lezime and enclosed $5.00 for a subscription to New York Courier. * 21. Jan 1837, Louis Reon departed this life at Mr. Ryan's about 2 P.M. I went up there with my family and sat up all night. * 22. Louis was taken over the river and interred in the family burying ground of Madam Charles. Stopped at Pierre's on our return home. * 23. Austin and Valentine came from Mr. Moss's. Lezime returned from Opelousas with his licenses. 30. Mr. Moss's schooner arrived from Vermillion with corn - about 150 barrels. * 31. Emily came to school to board again. FEBRUARY 1837 * 1. Larkin Thomas paid us a visit. * 3. Johnson returned from the lake with a load. 5. Went to Mr. Moss's. Had a settlement with him. Not had one before for 3 years. I found I was owing him $76.50. Met with Larkin Thomas on my return. He told me to get a four year old beef and brand (brand shown) on the shoulder and he would pay me $10.00 in cash. Gave Mr. Moss $10.00 to get me a barrel of molasses. 7. Johnson started for another load. 9. Johnson arrived with another load. In the evening went down to the river to swim. Took supper at Mr. Ryan's and returned in company with Alcendore. * 10. Onezime took my cart to bring up a beef. * 11. Pierre killed for me over the Mauves Marry. * 12. Salted my meat. Espasie Mallet here. Jerrisan came here yesterday to go to school. 13. Very sick. Confined to bed all day. 19. Pierre and Sally came over in the evening. * 20. Magleware got three yards of frilling at 50 (cents). MARCH 1837 * 1. Wrote to Mary Ann. Very sick today. * 2. Wrote a letter to my brother James. 3. Prepared my accounts for public teaching, amounting to $67.50. * 6. Went to Mr. Perkins for Parish Judge and Sheriff. 7. Gave Dr. Neblett my letter to mail to my brother in New Orleans. Magleware and wife here for supper. * 8. Francois Vincent and Taunton brought up 5 barrels of corn from John Hampshire. Hauled it home. 9. Went with my family to Mr. Ryan's. Got 72 lbs. of coffee owing to us. * 10. Eliza warped a piece of cloth. Paid Beckey the coffee owing to her. 11. Eliza put . . . . in her piece of cloth. * 12. Went with Eliza to Pierre's. Christeen Mike got 3/4 yards of casinett. * 13. Matilda Hampshire came here and shelled 2 barrels of corn to take to mill. * 16. Hampshire and Cole started at night for the lake. Went to George's and got two catfish. * 20. Went to George's to get little Louis to assist me with my sow. 22. Francois passed on his way to New Orleans. * 23. Jerrisan went home. Austin absent 2 weeks and Valentine three. * 25. Took a barrel of shelled corn to Richard Coward's mill. Had to leave it as there was no water. APRIL 1837 * 1. George and Melissa here with family. * 2. Jerrisan went a hunting. Got 55 lbs of Cotton from Mr. Ryan at 18(cents) a pound. Melissa and Alfred came back to school. 3. Johnson Moss arrived from Vermillion with coffee, corn sugar, molasses and tea. * 8. Mr Joseph Francois came here in the evening. Magleware commenced on my house. 11. Pierre hauled the posts. Got a mess of fresh meat from Pierre and Alcendore. * 14. Heard that Gerrard had small pox. * 16. Mrs. McFaddin paid us a visit. * 17. John Smart took shelled corn to the mill. * 18. Took Edward and Cadmus to be inoculated. 19. Pleasant with south wind. George came to see me respecting commencing the butchery. * 20. Cloudy all day. Grubbed a little. Pierre Petit hauled 4 plates for me. Paid him $3.00 for it. 21. Fine day. Magleware at work. His wife here in the evening. Grubbed a little. 22. Threatening rain. Commenced the butchery by killing a cow got from Pierre. Took half a quarter. Taken very sick. Magleware at work. 23. Cloudy with a little drizzle. At home sick. Eliza went to the river to fish. 24. Cloudy with a little rain. Went to the mill. Got my meat. Took a barrel of shelled corn which I left to be ground. Got home about 4 P.M. Magleware at work. 25. Cool pleasant day. Magleware at work. Very sick indeed. Attended school. 26. Still cool and pleasant. Magleware working at Pierre's. Hoed some in the garden. 27. Cloudy with little drizzle. Finished hoeing over my garden. Feel better today. 28. Fine warm day. Planted peas in the garden. Valentine and Austin not at school this week. Pierre hauled me a load of pews for my cow pen. * 29. Warm Day. Killed a three year old beef in the butchery got from Pierre. Mr. Moss's children went home. Ward here in the evening. * 30. Fine warm day. Took my hide to Mr. Moss's. Ward cleaned Mr. Ryan's clock. Francois arrived from New Orleans and stopped at Mr. Michel's. MAY 1837 1. Continues dry and pleasant. Moss's children came to school. Magleware at work. 2. A little cloudy. Put up the frame of my house. Planted the remainder of my field in corn. 3. Threatening rain at night. Magleware put up cow penn and part of pasture fence. 4. Much appearance of rain. Alcendore ploughed my small field. Hoed over my sugar cane. 5. A little rain at night. Eliza went to the river to wash. Moss children went home. Valentine and Austin not at school. 6. Very fine rain. Went to Mr. Michel's for the butchery meat. Did several little jobs about home. 7. Fine day. At home all day. Not very well. * 8. Very warm day. Went with Pierre and Mr. Ryan up to Prien's, understanding they were going to appraise Francois's effects. Found there was nothing done. 9. Fine day. Grubbed a little. Did not teach school, having so few to attend. Hoed some in the corn. Magleware making me a writing desk. * 10. Very hard rain today. Went to Prien's to the sale of Francois's goods. Arsen, Martin and his son the principle purchasers. 11. Rain all the forenoon. Felt very unwell all day. 12. Fine pleasant day. Magleware working on the gallery posts. Ward here. 13. Fine cool pleasant day. Went to mill. Took up some corn for Pierre. Brought home my meat. Magleware doing a little work here today. 14. Continues fine. Eliza went to Mr. Ryan's and Mr. Moss's. At home all day. 15. Fine cool day. Austin, Melissa and Alfred came to school, also Jerrisan. 16. A little drizzle this morning. Planted my small field. Pierre herded the . . . 17. Very fine rain before day. Hoed some in my garden. *18. Fine pleasant day. Woods came to get his school certificate signed. Sent some corn by Melia to mill. Mr. Moss and others stopped for Court. 19. Fine cool day. Finished hoeing in my garden and fixing bean harbour. *20. A little rain before day, and threatening it today. Went to Mr. Ryan's for the butchery meat. Brought home Pierre's and Alcendore's. Let Treveal have my cart to bring his family here. 21. Fine day. Left home. Took dinner at Mr. Ryan's; from thence, went to George's. *22. Very warm day. Wind variable. Went on board of Johnson's schooner in company with my family. *23. Very pleasant day. Wind S. Beat down to the Black Bayou where we took dinner. Got to the Lake at dark where we anchored out all night. *24. Thunder from the S. At 4:10 A. M. got weigh. Wind East. Came to anchor at 2 P. M. in the Pass. The Lady of the Lake arrived. We lightened her over the bar. *25. At 4 A. M. got under weigh, Frederick with us. Went to The Lady of the Lake, put what load we had on board of her again, took breakfast, and left her with a fine North wind and got to the seashore at 10 A. M. 26. Fishing all the forenoon. Appleton passed on his way to Texas. Returned leaky. 27. The first thing I did this morning - caught a large red fish. After breakfast went up to the Pass. Caught a hog - tolerable eating. Better today. 28. Moved our camp to the East of the Pass. Appleton started again. 29. Took an early breakfast, put our things on board the schooner and started, but the wind headed us and were obliged to return. When we ran close in shore, the tide left us, but at 10 P. M. we were able to get her off and came up to the Lake before day and came to anchor. *30. Rain this morning. At 4:30 got under weigh - wind East. At 10 went on shore at Hampshire's - took dinner there. Got to the landing at Mr. Greenwood's before sunset. Stopped at George's. 31. Got our bedding, etc. from on board the schooner. George lent us his cart to come home where we arrived at about 3 P. M. JUNE 1837 1. Very warm day. So fatigued I attempted to do no work. 2. Still very warm. Did several little jobs about home - hoeing, etc. *3. A warm day. Went to mill. Found my corn was not ground. Took dinner with Mr. Woods. Arty killing in the butchery. 4. Continues warm. Prien here. Jerrisan came to school. 5. Still dry and warm. Austin and Alfred came to school. Did not teach today. 6. Continues very warm. Employed at school, having been absent two weeks. 7. Much want of rain and warm. Hoed some in my sugar cane. 8. Very warm today. Finished hoeing my sugar cane and worked some in the corn. *9. Magleware at work the last 5 days. Austin and Alfred went home with Susan. 10. Excessively hot. Went to Mr. Ryan's to the butchery. Meat killed by George. Brought home Pierre's and Alcendore's. They both at Shoepeak. 11. A very hard rain accompanied by hail, thunder and lightening. At home all day. 12. Rain at night. Austin and Alfred came to school. Jerrisan did not come. 13. Cleared off pleasant. Hoed some in my corn. Put up the rafters of the new house. 14. Fine pleasant day. Pierre here at night. Magleware covered part of the house. Got 4 gallons of molasses and one plug of tobacco from Mr. Moss. 15. A pleasant day. Morning and evening hoeing in my corn. 16. Very warm. Hoed some this morning. Austin and Alfred went home. 17. A little cloudy and warm. Went to mill and brought home my meal. Left two bags of corn. 18. Fine day. Went with Eliza to George's. Got 1-1/2 gal. of liquor from him. 19. Very cool. Austin and Alfred came to school. 20. This morning very cool. Employed at school. 21. Still cool. Austin plowed some furrows which I sowed with peas. 22. Fine day. Got 33 lbs. yearling meat from Alcendore. 23. Rain last night. Magleware got 3 yds. domestic. Traveal got brl. of corn. *24. More rain. Went to Alcendore's for my butchery meat, killed by Madam Michel. In the evening went with my family to a ball at Pierre's. Ward here. 25. In the evening rain. Eliza went over to Pierre's. At home all day. 26. A very hard rain last night. Austin and Alfred came to school. 27. Another hard rain last night and rain all day. Pierre branding. *28. Very fine day. Old Aunt Susan here. 29. Rain again. Pierre sold unbranded cattle. Magleware went home with Aunt Susan. 30. Rain. Turned cool at night. Finished my week's employment. JULY 1837 1. Went to Pierre's for my butchery meat. Met Mr. ..... there. Magleware got 5 lbs. of cotton - in all 25 lbs. 2. Went to Mr. Ryan's. Took dinner there. 3. Only Austin came to school from Mr. Moss's. 4. Went in the evening with my family to Mr. Ryan's. A ball. Austin went home. 5. Warm day. Came home. Francois Vincent with us. Made a bargain with Don Louis for his . . . pickers to . . . delivered here, for $5.00. *6. Broke my cart wheel. Got one from Dr. Neblett. Sally safely delivered of a little girl at 4. 7. In the evening went over to Alcendore's to see them. Counterbranding. *8. Crossed at George's and went to Mr. Bilbo's. Intended to have returned this evening had Mr. Bilbo been at home when I got there. Allen Coward crossed a large drove of cattle he brought from Texas. 9. Returned home. Stopped at Pierre's. Found him very sick. 10. Lent Pierre eleven bowls meal. *11. William Smith and his sons at Pierre's. 15. Pierre borrowed 3 bowls of meal. He sent us a fine piece of fat venison. 16. Michel took the hide up to Mr. Moss's that I got from Alcendore. Eliza and family went to Pierre's and Alcendore's. 17. Lent Pierre 5 bowls of meal. Prien came here - made out my account; he owing me $15.75. 18. Old Aunt Susan walked down here to see Magleware. 19. Troisile put up my pasture fence. 21. There was a ball at Mr. Ryan's. None of us went to it. 22. Received $10.00 from Prien by Pierre. Arsen Guidry paid Pierre part of what he owed him for the beeves - $11.50. Ward brought my papers. 23. Aunt Susan here. Sent by her what I was owing Arty. 24. Eliza came home. 26. Mary went to the river to wash for Eliza. 27. Troisile and family went to Mr. Michel's. 30. Francois started with Madam Greenwood's effects for the Province. 31. A fine shower between this and Mr. Ryan's. Went to the bayou to see if I had any weather boarding there. Took dinner at George's. Austin and Alfred came to school. AUGUST 1837 *1. (Tuesday) William Lyons here to dinner. *2.Pulled up a few planks out of the old house floor. In the evening Mr. Gowins brought me 400 feet planks @ $4.00 per C. 4. Austin and Alfred went home. *5. Pierre Petit killed in the butchery. In the morning went up to Mr. Moss's. Sally paid us a visit. Ball at Joe Fork's. 6. Received $25 sent by Mr. Bilbo. Frederick came here and wrote some letters. *9. Alcendore doctored Jack for the distemper. Not it. 11. Poor crop of peaches finished. 12. Rain most of the day. Troisile killed in the butchery. A ball at Pierre's; my family and self at it. Paid Vaughan $5.00 I was owing him many notes. 14. Borrowed 13 pews from Alcendore. 15. Came home from Pierre's about 11 A. M. 16. Mr. Rowe came here. Gerard had a load of pickets hauled from the bayou and Magleware got the chimney posts and hauled them. 17. Don Louis hauled the garden pickets down I purchased from him for eight dollars. Magleware made a finish of my new house. 18. Pierre went to the big lake to brand Joe Francois's calves. 19. Old Aunt Sukey walked down here. 20. Eliza went to Alcendore's and borrowed two large bowls of coffee. Alcendore and family here to supper. Magleware put hinges to the windows of the new house. 22. Ball given at Pierre's by Charles Frederick. We all went to it. * 27. Received $15.00 from Pierre - what was due me, the two beeves sold Mr. Charles after paying Pithon and Olezime Vincent. 28. Magleware went to dig a well for Olezime Vincent. He got 4 lbs. nails from me for him. 30. Eliza got a carrot of tobacco for Beckey. SEPTEMBER 1837 *2. Went in company with Mr. Magleware to Mr. Coward's; from thence with Pontal to Mr. Mallet's and from thence to Jesse Ashworth's where I stopped all night. Mr. Coward signed my school certificate. 3. Called at Dr. Neblett's. Nathaniel Moss sick at his brother's. Magleware and wife here. *5. George Hargrove took breakfast with us. 6. George and Olezime started for Vermillion *8. Very hard rain and wind. Thunder struck Pierre's well sweep and broke the glass in his clock. Had to leave the school house. 11. Austin and Alfred came to school. 12. Eliza went to Mr. Ryan's. Aunt Susan here with her. 13. Eliza put up a quilt. Lent Jack to Alcendore. * 14. Eliza finished her quilt. Mrs. Ryan and Sophia walked down to assist her. Got 40 posts from Mr. Ryan. 15. Finished my 12 months of employment at teaching school. Austin assisted me to brand my calves. Afterwards he went home. 16. Arty killed at the butchery. Pontal here to dinner. Ward and Pierre here in the evening. 17. Ward came here to breakfast. Went over with me to Pierre's. Was detained there by rain until the evening. 18. Rained all day and very cold. Made some holes in the posts of the new house for sticking. 19. Wrote to my sister and Mary Ann. Mrs. Magleware here assisting Eliza at another quilt. 20. Jonathan Gowins here. Paid him $10.00 on account of planks. Had a settlement with Pierre; he owing me $17.87-1/2. 21. Went to Mr. Perkin's; from thence to Mr. Bilbo's. Received $42 from the latter. Took my letters to the post office. Received no papers by this mail. 22. Rained most of the day. Returned home by way of Dr. Neblett's. Paid him my yearly account, amounting to $35.30. 23. Cloudy. Mr. Michel killed in the butchery. It was late before I got my meat. 24. Took Eliza up to Mr. Ryan's. I went up to Dr. Neblett's in company with Mr. Moss. Agreed with the Dr. to take charge of his store during his absence to the Province @ $30 a month. To take charge on Tuesday. 25. Fine day. Settled with Gerard, he owing me $6.00. On the 23rd, settled with Magleware. He charged me. $60.00 for building my house. I owe him $16.00. [Typist's notes: the months, October, 1837 - May 1838 are missing. Notice the entry for Sept. 24, 1837, he has agreed to take charge of Dr. Neblett's store. Then on June 10, 1838, he states that he left the store. The time period of his minding the store is the same as what is missing from the diary.] JUNE 1838 * 10. Left Dr. Neblett's store on Sabine, having been with him 8 months, 14 days at $30 a month. Stopped at John Stanton's for the night. 11. Left Stanton's, took dinner at Pontal's, and got home at night. 15. Jack left me and could not get from home. In the meantime, I got two barrels flour from Pascal. Not very good. Paid $12.00 a bbl. 16. Got a horse from Pierre to go for the butchery meat. George killed. Let Pierre have half a share. At night a ball at Pierre's. We all went. * 19. Got Jack home. Wm. Smith and Lady here. 20. Went to Dr. Neblett's store. Waited there until near sundown for the mail. It did not arrive. Promised Dr. Neblett to go up on Friday to bring up his books. Brought several advertisements for Neblett's sale. 22. In the evening went up to the store. Supper at Berry's. 30. Employed bringing up the Dr's. books. Boarded at Berry's. JULY 1838 1. Finished the posting at about 10:00 o'clock and got Mr. Berry's mare to come down an far as Mr. Moss's. Got a horse from Mr. Moss to go down home. 2. Very sick or should have gone to the election. 3. Somewhat better today. Took a ride before breakfast. 4. Rode up to Mr. Ryan's for breakfast. Public sale today. 5. Went to Dr. Neblett's sale for some paper and a bridle bitt. * 7. Went to Mr. Ryan's for the butchery meat. Took Elizabeth up with me for a change of air. Let Pierre have half a share of my meat, making in all 2 shares. 8. Another hard rain. Ward came here in the forenoon. 9. A very wet day. Waited here all day. Very sick and weak. 13. Intended to have gone to seashore with Johnson and Mr. Ryan. They started yesterday. Sick. 14. No rain. Pontal killed. * 15. Fine day. Mr. Moss and Emily here. Antoine arrived from Vermillion. 16. Appearance of rain. George Hargrove took dinner with us. There was a ball at Mr. Michel's. Too sick to attend. 17. A little rain. Took a dose of salts. Very sick. 18. Very hard rain. Eliza went to Mr. Ryan's for Elizabeth. Antoine came here. Gave him my note for $17.13-1/2 cents. One of my sickest days. 19. Another hard rain. Pierre got Jack up for me. * 20.Fine day. Went over to Pierre's. Got Coulett. Much better today. 21. Alcendore went for the butchery meat. In the evening went with my family to Mr. Moss's. 22. A remarkable warm day. Returned home by way of Mr. Ryan's. Had no papers by last mail and only one the mail before. 23. In the evening went to the branding at Pierre's. 24. Went over to Pierre's in the evening. 25. Confined at home all day sick. 26. At home writing. Feel better today. 27. Very sick. Got no sleep last night. 28. A very hard rain and wind in the evening. Melissa went to Mr. Ryan's for the meat killed by George. Took half of our share. 29. Some rain. Alcendore, Beckey and George here to dinner. 30. Commenced writing a letter to my brother James. AUGUST 1838 1. Rained all day. Prevented going to the ball at Mr. Michel's by the rain. * 2. Went to Mr. Ryan's. Had breakfast there. Mrs. Ryan presented me with a pattern for a pair of trousers. Sent my letter to the Post Office by Meliceo. He brought me down five newspapers. 3. A light shower. Ward came here in the forenoon. 4. Went to Mr. Ryan's for the butchery meat. Very late before the beef was penned. Pierre took half of our share. Ward here. 5. Went with Ward to Pierre's. He stopped there. * 6. Rain. Went down to Mr. Michel's. Heard there was a letter for me from Rowe brought by Jellet's visit. Not very well today. 7. At home all day. Felt better. * 8. Warm today. Started to go to the Sabine, but returned. Made arrangement with Pierre to have a school house built. Bought an unbranded yearling heifer. Paid 4.62-1/2 c Had it branded for Lucy with Melice's brand. * 9. A little rain. Went to Sabine. Stopped at Alex. LaDoux's. He returned me the ten dollars I gave him to get brands for Elizabeth and Mary Ann. 10. Returned from Sabine. 11. Some Rain. Eugene killed in the butchery. Pierre took home ours. 12. Rain. In the evening went with Eliza and family over to Pierre's. 13. A little rain. Went to Mr. Michel's to see them cross a drove of beeves. 14. A warm day. Beckey borrowed 3 large bowls of coffee and 1 doz. candles. 15. Fine day. At home all day. 16. Went to Alcendore's daubing. Mr. Ryan came home with me. * 17. Alcendore finished daubing. Eliza taken very sick. Got some pills from Mr. Tally which gave her much relief. 18. Pierre killed in the butchery. Eliza quite well. In the evening went to a ball at Pierre's given by Mr. Bourgeois. A large party there. 19. Continued warm and dry. Paid Bourgeois $20.00 on account. 20. At home all day. Not very well. 21. Rain at night. Pierre branded my calves, the white cow and yearling, 22. A warm day. Looking for Jack most of the day. Could not find him. 23. Went in the evening with Eliza to the river. We stopped at Arty's the night. Very warm. 24. Still very warm. At the river all day. At night went to George's. 25. On our return home, the cart wheel broke. Got an old one of Dr. Neblett's that I had left at Mr. Ryan's. Mr. Ryan killed a hog which weighed 25 lbs. Got home in the evening. * 26. Very warm. Valentine here. Went to Pierre's in the evening. Joseph Bilbo came there. * 27. Very warm. Pulled what little fodder I had in the garden. Eliza put up a piece of cloth for old Jim. George started with his and Arty's cattle up to Jacob's. 28. Threatening rain. At home shelled corn to take to the mill. 29. Very hard wind and rain. Went to Mr. Moss's to bring up his books. 30. Fine day. At Mr. Moss's. Employed as yesterday. 31. Employed at Mr. Moss's as yesterday. SEPTEMBER 1838 1. (Saturday) A fine cool day. Came home and killed a fat cow in the butchery gotten from Mr. Berry. Pierre took our share of meat. Took the hide to Mr. Moss and wrote some in his books in the evening. 2. Fine day. Finished bringing up the books and came home. Found by my account that I owed Mr. Moss $4.87c. 3. A very pleasant day. Took the corn to mill and left it there. Lezime not at home. In the evening pulled some fodder in Pierre's field. 4. Still pleasant day. Pulled fodder and brought home a few bundles. 5. Continued cool. Pulled more fodder today and brought home some. * 6. A fine day. Finished pulling fodder and brought it all home. Madame Mike started with Claraval to Vermillion. Pierre got 3 posts. * 7. Much want of rain. Went to the river to take the sleigh and harness to Melissa and old Jim's cloth. Took dinner at Mr. Ryan's. From there went to Pierre's with Wm. Bilbo. Joe Francois and John Lee arrived. 8. Very dry but pleasant. Alcendore killed in the butchery for Madame Mike. Pierre took none of our meat. * 9. Took Roulette up to Thompson's field. Dinner at Mr. Moss's. 10. Alcendore moved into his new house. 11. A very warm day. Pierre went over to Shoepeak to cross his beeves. 12. John Lee paid us a visit. Pierre brought us some yearling meat. * 13. Went to the Post Office. Received only one newspaper. Paid Bourgeois $10.00. Returned part of the way home with Armstrong. 14. Eliza went to the river to wash. Stopped with the children. 15. Rain and hard wind. Went to Mr. Michel's for the butchery meat. Mr. John Tall arrived at Pierre's. Alcendore borrowed two large bowls of coffee. 16. Hard wind and rain most of the day. In the evening went over to Pierre's. 18. Fine pleasant day. An eclipse of the sun. Pulled fodder in Pierre's field. 19. Fine day. Employed as yesterday and brought home 58 bundles of fodder. 20. A very warm day. Eliza went to the river with Sally to wash. Employed pulling fodder. Brought home 35 bundles. 21. A little appearance of rain. Pulled fodder and brought home 20 bundles. * 22. Went to Pierre Trahan's for the butchery meat killed by Francois - being the finish of the second round. 23. Went to Mr. Ryan's. Took dinner there. In the evening tied up fodder and brought home 19 bundles. 24. Very pleasant day. Pulled fodder and brought home 36 bundles. * 25. Eliza warped a piece of cloth for blankets. Lent Eugene two large bowls of coffee. 26. Johnson Moss here to supper. Bourgeois collecting a drove of beeves. * 27. A warm day. Jackson Black here to dinner. Part of Bourgeois's beeves got out of the penn last night. 28. Pierre started with the drove of beeves. He returned much hurt, having been thrown from his horse. Sally and Beckey here. Lent Sally two large bowls of coffee. 29. Received two papers by Alcendore - latest date 1st. inst. 30. Very thick fog and heavy dew. Aunt Sukey here. Gathered some chinkapins in the evening. OCTOBER 1838 1. A very heavy dew and thick fog. At home all day. Not very well. 2. A remarkable heavy dew. Cut a little wood. Still not very well. 4. Jack came up. Hauled a little wood. 5. Eliza went to the river with Sally to wash. She took all the children. 6. Got a share of meat from Pierre owing from the butchery. 7. Penned Roulette at Mr. Moss's. He jumped out. 8. Returned for Roulette and got him. Not well today. Got a plug of tobacco from Mr. Moss. 9. A fine day. George, Mike and Melissa here. Beckey came over and got two bowls of coffee. 10. Shelled corn for mill. 11. Took corn to mill. Left it there. Olezime sick. 14. A warm day. Went to Dr. Neblett's. Settled with him in full to this date. 15. Assisted Pierre breaking in his corn. Got 1/2 quarter of meat from him - only three ribs. 16. Threatening rain and a hard SE wind. 18. Rained all morning. In the evening went to Shoepeak. Swam my horse at Pontal's. The Bayou very high. Stopped there all night. * 19. Took breakfast it Pontal's. From thence to Woods's. He accompanied me. to Dr. Neblett's as an arbitrator in my cause with Sam Perkins. His arbitrator did not show up. From the testimony of Mr. Berry, I was compelled to give my note for $50.00 payable in 6 mo. from date. A most rascally transaction. 22. Got a quarter of treat from Pierre - the shoulder. 23. Went to George's. He was digging his potatoes. Could not tell me how many he could spare me. To go on Monday to get what he has to spare. 25. Lent two blankets to John Hampshire. 26. Mr. Woods came here in the evening. * 27. Went with Woods to Pierre LaGrange's. Paid Woods a dollar I was owing Pierre LaGrange. Received a letter from my brother James and sister Bess. 28. Went to Mr. Moss's. Got a pair of shoes for Eliza and Mary Ann. 29. Went to Pierre's. Helped him dig his potatoes. Myself and family stopped there last night. Alcendore hauled 4 bbls of potatoes for me from George's. 30. Beckey got a bag of cotton weighing 18 lbs. and bag. 31. A pleasant day. Covered the potatoes I got from George. NOVEMBER 1838 * 1. (Thursday) Went to Pierre's to get some potatoes. Being All Saints Day had to return without them. In the evening went with Eliza to Mr. Ryan's. Mr. Thomas arrived yesterday. 2. From Mr. Ryan's went to Mr. Moss's. Got a pair of shoes for Elizabeth and James. Lent Eugene large bowl of coffee. 3. Mr. Ryan penned a drove of beeves from the lake. * 4. Killed cow I got from Melice for $14. No help but Eliza. Pierre and William departed for Vermillion. Salted my meat. * 5. Hauled 2 bbls of potatoes I got from Francois Vincent. Mr. William Colt, here at night. 6. Mr. Cole started for the Lake. * 9. Mr. Brown came here as an arbitrator in my cause with me. Hampshire, the arbitrator, reduced the plaintiff's account from $245.00 to $36.00. 10. Fine warm. day. Hauled five or six loads of wood. * 11. Went to Mr. Moss's. From thence to Mr. Ryan's. Jacob on his raft coming down. Thomas started with his family to Texas. * 12. Mr. Moss and Prater started with their gentle cattle to the lake. 13. The mosquitoes so bad I could not do any work. Sally and her family here. 14. Cloudy without rain. The mosquitoes still very bad. 15. Passed my time reading old newspapers. Lent Mr. Ryan two bowls of coffee of Andrew's. * 20. Reeves and Mary Ann arrived. Mr. Ryan commenced making sugar. 21. Went with my family to Mr. Ryan's. Stopped there at night. 22. Returned home in the evening. 23. Pulled my old corncrib down and partly finished one in the old house. Received a letter from Rowe. Pierre returned from Vermillion. 24. Started to go to Mr. Moss's but heard he had gone to Opelousas. 28. Raised the school house. Francois Riviere at work on it. 29. Got some corn from Alcendore. * 30. Eliza washing at home all day with the Auldreso. DECEMBER 1838 3. Cleared off cool. Sent my letter to the office by Alcendore on his going to the swamp, also my watch. Made a new axe helve. Francois at school house. 4. Finished covering school house. Reeves and Mary Ann here. 5. Wet and disagreeable day. Reeves went home. Arty was to have her house daubed today. Cut a little wood in forenoon. Sick at night. 6. Very cold today. Cut a little wood in the evening. Still sick with a bad cold. * 7. A very hard frost. Cut a little wood. Very weak. Bourgeois's schooner came to Michel's. 8. White frost. Went with my family to ball at Pierre's. 9. Fine pleasant day. Went to Mr. Michael's. Eugene paid me the coffee he borrowed. 10. Very fine day. Hauled some wood. Not very well. 11. White frost. Went to Mr. Ryan's. From thence in company with Mr. Reeves to Mr. Moss's for some nails for school house. Pierre killed some of his hogs over at Shoepeak. * 12. Cloudy. Madam Vincent here. Wrote to Rowe. Found some of my hogs. 13. Fine warm day. Employed all day looking for my hogs. Pierre paid five bowls coffee - still owes three. 14. At work with Pierre at the school house. 15. Employed as yesterday. Wrote Mr. John Tally. 16. Rain all day. Employed myself with writing most of the day. 17. Went to Mr. Ryan's. Sent my letter as far as Dr. Neblett's by George Elender. 18. A fine day. Started to go to Mr. Moss's for corn. Met with him. Then went with Pierre for a load of moss for the school house. In the evening went to Mr. Michel's on Bourgeois business. * 19. Very cold. At Mr. Michel's all day. Frank sailed with Mr. William's goods. Watson passenger. 20. Fine cool day. Hauled wood. Afterwards went to look for my hogs. 21. Some frost. Found my blue sow with six pigs. Melissa and George here. 22. Fine warm day. Daubed the school house. Did not finish. 23. Very cold day. Found my black sow heavy with pigs. Lost my wallet with corn and had to return home without looking for more. Received what coffee Alcendore owed me. 24. Went with Eliza to Mr. Ryan's to the division of eight of his negroes, giving one to each of his children except Susan and Christeen which is to receive $519.00 in place of a negro. Gave my note to Mr. Ryan for $55.75 payable in one and two years. Eliza went with Mr. Moss, Mrs. Moss and myself having to make bill of sale, etc. 25. Drizzling, disagreeable day. Returned home, and in the evening went to ball at Alcendore ' s. 26. Cloudy with some rain. The blue sow came home with only 3 pigs. At home all day. 27. Cold disagreeable day. Looking for hogs. Brought up my spotted sow. Black sow missing. 28. Rain most of the day. Cut a little wood while not raining. 29. Cloudy and cold. Killed my white barrow. It was very good meat. 30. A hard frost. Salted my meat. My horse missing. 31. A disagreeable day. Found my spotted sow with pigs. Ball at Alcendore's. FOOTNOTES JANUARY 1837 1. Mr. Moss - Henry Moss: b. December 2, 1705, m. (1) 181 5, Ann Ryan, (2) Margaret Jane Green Jones, died ? , son of Nathaniel Moss and Joanna Johnson. Seashore - Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Neblett - Dr. Robert Caldwell Neblett: b. October 28, 1795, Roanoke, Virginia, d. December 22, 1871, in Grimes County, Texas, m Maria Ann Powe in Wayne County, Mississippi. Mr. Coward - Hardy Coward settled west of Calcasieu River in Big Woods area prior to 1824. It is believed that he had brothers named William and John who settled in the same vicinity. Mr. Coward signed a document in 1836 with Thomas Bilbo authorizing payment for public teaching to Thomas Rigmaiden. Mr. Coward was from North Carolina. He was b. 10 Sep 1776 d. 16 Aug 1844. He m. Elizabeth Bates. 3. Francois Bris - No information available. Edward - Thomas Edward Rigmaiden: b. October 26, 1827, son of Thomas Rigmaiden and Eliza Ryan, m. Lezah Marcantel, d. April 12, 1905. Geo. Mike's -Brothers George Elender and Michael Elender. George d. 1871 at age 100 years. Sons of Michael Elender and Christine Trahan. 4. Mr. Michel - Michel Pithon - Soldier of the First Napoleon, John Hampshire - Jacob "John" Hampshire: b. 1795, d. after 1840, m. Nancy White, June 3, 1824. Alcendore - St. German "Alcendore" Elender: b. August 26, 1809, d. December 2, 1883, m. Rebecca Ryan, November 2, 1829, brother of George Elender and son of Michael Elender and Christine Trahan. Francois - Francois Riviere: b. 1800, m. Catherine __?__ b. 1810, occupation, laborer. 8. Schooner - "The President" owned by Henry Moss and operated by his son Johnson Moss. Ran from Calcasieu River to New Orleans. 9. Pierre - Pierre Vincent, Jr. : b. 1795, d. April 29, 1852, m. Sarah Celeste Ryan. He was the son of Pierre Vincent, Sr. and Catherine Galman Don Louis Broussard - Don Louis Broussard: son of Benjamin Broussard, m. July 11, 1820 to Marto Vincent. daughter of Pierre Vincent, Sr. and Catherine Galman. 10. Christeen - Christeen Ryan: h. July 1), 181 1, m. (1) Onezime Hebert (he died, 1831), (2) Onezime Royer, m. January 21, 1837. 11. Valentine - Joseph Valentine 1). September 13, 1825, d. December 16, 1901, m. (1) Jane Coward, (2) Amelia Cormier. Son of Henry and Ann (Ryan) Moss. 12. Mr. Monte's - Shoepeak - Choupique Bayou: Ten miles west of Sulphur on Cameron road. Choctow word meaning Bowfin or Mudfish. 16. Mr. Ryan's - John Jacob Ryan, Sr. : b. 1768-72, Pensacola, Fla. , d. September 7, 1846, m. Mary Ann Hargrave. He was the son of Daniel Ryan and Marguerite Barclay. 17. Franks's - Burrell Franks: settled in Hackberry area 1.811) on Calcasieu Lake. 18. Ward - Daniel Sylvester Warde: b. 1808, d. after 1850, wife, Caroline, b. 1809. Lezime - Onezime "Lezime." Vincent: son of Pierre and Catherine Vincent, b. May 22, 1807, m. Marguerite Bertrand, August 7, 1826. 21. Louis Reon - Louis Reon: b. ?, d. 1837, m, September 30, 1823 Artemise Ryan (b. 1802, d. 1865). Louis Reon was the first man to build home in neutral strip on west bank of Calcasieu River. Paid taxes to Spanish governor as late an 1811. 22. Madam Charles - Madam Charles Sallier (Caroline LeBleu): m. Charles Sallier. Caroline was daughter of Martin Commersac LeBleu and __?__ de La Marion. 23. Austin - Austin Clifton: b. 1821, d. after 1880, m. Mercelite Vincent, b. April 11, 1829 d. May 23, 1868. He was the son of Nathaniel Clifton and Susanne Ryan. Austin named for his grandfather. 31. Emily - Emily Elender: b. December 15, 1829, daughter of George and Melissa (Ryan) Elender. FEBRUARY 1837 1. Larkin Thomas - Larkin Robert Thomas: m. Anna W. Moss, daughter of Henry Moss and Ann Ryan. One time sheriff in present day Orange County (known then as Green's Landing). 3. Johnson - Johnson Moss: b. 1816, d. May 9, 1860, m. (1) Martha Lyons, b. 1824, (2), Malvina Sallier, b. ?. He was the son of Henry Moss and Ann Ryan. First sheriff of Calcasieu. 10. Onezime - Onezime Royer, Sr. : m. Christine Ryan, January 25, 1837, daughter of John Jacob Ryan, Sr. and Mary Ann Hargrave. 11. Mauves Marry - 12. Espasie Mallet - Serazan - (Mistakenly typed as "Jerrisan" in text) Believed to be a son of Leonard Sarrazin who came to Mississippi Gulf Coast about 1840. Sarrazin's five sons came much earlier. They married into Krebs, Finance and Charbonnet families. Many later migrated to Louisiana. 20. Mangleware - Mangleware Known to be A carpenter and builder in the area. MARCH 1837 1. Mary Ann - Sister to Thomas Rigmaiden 2. James - James Rigmaiden Of London, England, brother to Thomas Rigmaiden. 6. Mr. Perkins - Rees Perkins: Settled on east bank of Calcasieu River prior to 1824. Perkins owned a public house and operated a ferry. He was first Justice of the Peace of Calcasieu Parish and Permanent Clerk of Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, Big Woods. He was b. 06 Apr 1774 and d. 08 Feb 1846 and was the son of James Perkins and Margaret Chandler. Rees m. 08 Jan 1796 to Martha Morgan. 8. Francois Vincent - Francois Vincent: b. 1810 d. before 1860. m. Sylvanie Trahan. He was the son of Pierre Vincent, Sr. and Catherine Galman. (lived and died in Bayou d'Indre area). Taunton - 10. Eliza - Eliza (Ryan) Rigmaiden, b. 1806, m October 30, 1826 to Thomas Rigmaidien, d. August 31, 1871. She was the daughter of John Jacob Ryan and Mary Ann Hargrave. Beckey - Rebecca Ryan: b. March 17, 1810 d. October 19. 1893, m. Alcendore Elender, November 2, 1829 She wis the daughter of John Jacob Ryan, Sr. 12. Christeen Mike - Possibly Mrs. Michael Elender. 13. Matilda Hampshire - Matilda Hampshire: sister of John Hampshire and daughter of John Hampshire and Nancy White. She later married Jacob H. Garner Jefferson County, Texas. 16. Hampshire - John Hampshire: b. 1795, d. after 1840, m. Nancy White, June 8, 1824. Cole - Believed to be Absalom Cole b. 1788 (Miss.), d. 1860. Son of James Cole, early settler in area known as the State of Mississippi. 20. Little Louis - Believed to be son of Don Louis Broussard. 23. Jerrisan - Jerrisan Duhon: Son of Cyprien Duhon. Austin - Austin Clifton: b. 1821, d. after 1880, m. Mercelite Vincent. 25. Richard Coward - Believed to have settled on Choupique Bayou. b. 11 Apr 1806, d. 19 May 1867. He m.(1) Eleanor Henderson 20 Oct 1826, and (2)Harriet Buckner Smith 30 Nov 1831. He was the son of Hardy Coward and Elizabeth Bates. APRIL 1837 1. George and Melissa - George Elender: 1). October 11, 1811, d. ?, m. January 8, 1829, Melissa Ryan, b. September 27, 1813, d. October 19, 1893. 2. Melissa - Melissa Moss: daughter of Henry Moss and Ann Ryan, m. Warren Johnson. Alfred - Alfred Moss: b. Sept. 14, 1829, d. April 11, 1913, m. Mary Annie West. He was the son of Henry Moss and Ann Ryan. 8. Joseph Francois - Believed to be Francois Vencent (lived and died in the Bayou d'Indre area, Calcasieu Parish), m. Sylvania Trahan. He was the son of Pierre Vincent, Sr. and Catherine Glaman. 14. Gerard - 16. Mrs. McFaddin - Believed to be Elizabeth, wife of James McFaddin (Jefferson County, Texas). ******17. John Smart - John Smart: m. Eliza.******* John Rowell Smart b. 02 May 1807 d. 1898 m. Louisa Coward. He was son of John Rowell Smart and Jane Perkins. 18. Edward - Thomas Edward Rigmaiden: b. October 26, 1927, son of Thomas Rigmaiden and Eliza (Rvan) Rigmaiden. Cadmus - Cadmus Welboan: son of William Welboan. 20. Pierre Petit - 29. Ward - Believed to be Sylvester Ward: b. 1808, d. after 1850, wife, Caroline, b. 1809. 30. Mr. Michel's - Michel Pithon (pronounced Meshell Peton): Soldier of the First Napoleon, d. 1871 at the age of 100 years. MAY 1837 8. Prien's - Cyprian Duhon - for whom Prien Lake was named. 10. Arsen - Arsen LeBleu: son of Martin C. LeBleu and Caroline Sallier. Martin - Martin LeBleu: son of Martin C. LeBleu and Caroline Sallier. 18. Woods - James B. Woods: Active Clerk, Police Jury, 1840, which met in the home of Arsen LeBleu. Melian - Maximillien Vincent: b. June 27, 1800, d. ? , m. Marguerite Trahan. He was the son of Pierre Vincent, Sr. and Catherine Glaman. 20. Treveal - Believed to be Traiveal Oboin. 22. Johnson's Schooner - Schooner owned by Henry Moss. Johnson Moss was his son. Schooner named "The President." 23. Black Bayou - Lake - Calcasieu Lake: sometimes known as "Big Lake. 24. Pass - Calcausieu Pass: at present day Cameron, Louisiana on the Gulf of Mexico. The Lady of the Lake - 25. Frederick - Charles Frederick. 26. Appleton - 30. Mr. Greenwood's - Believed to he merchant and cotton shipper located on bank of Calcasieu Lake near Hackberry area. JUNE 1837 3. Arty - Artemise "Arty" Ryan: b. 1804, d. 1865, m. Louis Reon, September 30, 1823. She was daughter of John Jacob Ryan, Sr. and Mary Ann Hargrave. 9. Susan - Susan Ryan: b. January 18. 1799, m. (1) Nathaniel Clifton, (2) Pontal Landry, d. August 18, 1865. She was a daughter of John Jacob Ryan, Sr. and Mary Ann Hargrave. 24. Madam Michel - Widow Michel Elender: mother of George and Michael Elender. 28. Old Aunt Susan - Same as Susan Ryan, sister-in-law to Thomas Rigmaiden. JULY 1837 6. Sally - Sarah Celeste Ryan: b. March 8, 1801, d. after 1860, m. before 1817 to Pierre Vincent, Jr. The child was M. Millette who later m. Joseph Reon. 8. Crossed at George's - Crossed Calcasieu River at George Elender's to visit Thomas Bilbo. Bilbo lived on Charles' Lake in present day Lake Charles. Mr. Bilbo's - Thomas Bilbo: b. June 20, 1776, d. Sept. 20, 1846, in. Anna Marie Lawrence, July 12, 1804, a native of Virginia and writer of Mississippi State Contitution. Allen Coward - Lived north of Rigmaiden on west fork of Calcasieu River near George Elender and Isham Reeves. 11. William Smith - Lived between Louis Reon and Rees Perkins. 19. Troisile - 22. Armen Guidry - Lived near William Bilbo and Francois Vincent. 26. Mary - AUGUST 1837 1. William Lyons - William Lyons: b. 1800, d. ?, m. Elizabeth Cole, b. 1810. He was a son of John Lyons, Sr. , b. 1757 and Mary Anne Ahart, b. 1761. 2. Mr. Gowins - Jonathan Gowins. 5. Joe Fork's - Settled near Thomas Bilbo. Possibly should be spelled Forque. 9. Jack - Horse belonging to Thomas Rigmaiden. 12. Vaughan - 16. Mr. Rowe - Alexander Rowe or Thomas Rowe. 27. Mr. Charles - Charles Sallier: m. Caroline LeBleu, daughter of Martin C. LeBleu, Sr. Lake Charles was named for this settler. 30. Carrot of Tobacco - Caroteel, Carotel: the commercial name for a tierce or cask in which dried fruit or other commodities are packed. SEPTEMBER 1837 2. Pontal - Joseph Pontellien Landry: m. Susan Ryan. Mr. Mallet - Ascension Parish, 1810, John Mallet, Sr. & Jr. Jesse Ashworth's - Jesse Ashworth: a native of South Carolina, son of James Ashworth and Kesiah Dyal, in. October 3, 1810, Sarah Perkins, daughter of Joshua Perkins and Mary Mascon. George Hargrove - Believed to be son of Benjamin Hargrove and Rebecca Gualtney of Virginia. Brother of Mary Ann Hargrove (Hargrave) Ryan. 5. Well Sweep - An apparatus for drawing water from it well, consisting of a long pole attached to an upright which nerves six a fulcrum; hence a pump handle. 8. Nathaniel Moss - Nathaniel Moss, Jr. : b. January 27, 1797, d. ?, m. Sallie Wilburn. He was son of Nathaniel Moss and JoAnna Johnson. Henry Moss was his brother. 14. Sophia - Believed to be slave owned by John Jacob Ryan, Sr. JUNE 1838 10. John Stanton - John F. Stanton b. Mar.5,1804 m. Hannah Harmon s/o Malachi Stanton & Sarah McManus. Brother to Adelah Stanton who m. Samuel Lyons & Amanda Stanton who m. John Lyons III. 19. William Smith - William Smith: lived between Rees Perkins and Louis Reon. Rees Perkins lived on the west fork of the Calcasieu and Louis Reon lived on the edge if Big Woods and the Great Prairie toward present day Vinton. 22. Berry's - George Washington Berry: m. Caroline Moore. JULY 1838 7. Elizabeth - Elizabeth Rigmaiden: b. July 15, 1830, d. August 12, 1853, m. Eugene Vincent. She was a daughter of Thomas Rigmaiden. 15. Antoine - Antoine Boudreau: appears in 1830 census living in vacinity of Calcasieu River north of Lake Charles. 20. Coulett - 21. Alcendore - St. German "Alcendore" Elender: b. Aug. 26, 1809, d. Dec. 2, 1883, m. Rebecca Ryan, Nov. 2, 1829. He was son of Michael Elender and Christine Trahan. AUGUST 1838 2. Mrs. Ryan's - Mary Ann (Hargrove) Ryan: b. Mississippi, d. October 16, 1848, m. John Jacob Ryan, Sr. , January 2, 1793. She was the daughter of Benjamine Hargrove and Rebecca Gualtney of Virginia. Meliceo - 6. Jellet's - Believed to be. Espasie Mallet. 8. Lucy - 9. Alex. LaDoux's - Alexander LaDoux: believed to have operated a ferry on Sabine River near present day Neblett's Bluff. Mary Ann - Mary Ann Rigmaiden: b. May 18, 1832, d. after 1880, m. Adolphe Escoubas on November 3, 1846. She was a daughter of T. Rigmaiden. 17. Mr. Tally - John Talley. 26. Valentine - Joseph Valentine Moss: b. Sept. 13, 1825, d. Dec.16, 1901, m. (1) Jane Coward, (2) Amelia Cormier. He was son of Henry and Ann (Ryan) Moss. Joseph Bilbo - Joseph Lawrence Bilbo: b. March 12, 1812 in Mississippi Territory, d. after 1880, m. April 12, 1858 to Elmira Hodges. He was son of Thomas and Anna (Lawrence) Bilbo. Joseph later became an attorney in Lake Charles. 27. Jim - Possibly a slave. Jacob's - Jacob Ryan, Jr. : b. Feb. 14, 1816, d. Dec. 17, 1899,m. (1) Rebecca Gaines Bilbo, January 2, 1834, (2) Emma Platz Munn. He was son of John Jacob Ryan, Sr. SEPTEMBER 1838 6. Claraval - Jean Clairville: b. 1736, d. after 1850, m. Pelsquie (?), possibly worked for Henry Moss. 7. Wm. Bilbo - William Lawrence Bilbo: b. March 25, 1814, m. Muldah Cole, April 12, 1829. He was son of Thomas Bilbo and Ann Lawrence. Joe Francois - Believed to be Francois Vincent: m. Sylvania Trahan. He was son of Pierre Vincent, Sr. and Catherine Galman. John Lee - 9. Roulette - Horse belonging to Rigmaiden. Thompson's - Archibald Thompson. 13. Bourgeois - Armstrong - Possibly James Armstrong who nettled in Jefferson County, Texas. 22. Pierre Trahan - Pierre Trahan: m. December 3, 1805 to Francois Hargrove. He was son of Paul Trahan and Marie Duhen (brother to Oliver). 25. Eugene - Eugene Vincent: m. Elizabeth Rigmaiden, daughter of Thomas Rigmaiden. 27. Jackson Black - Believed to be Andrew Jackson Black. OCTOBER 1838 19. Sam Perkins - b. 10 Sept. 1810 d. 12 Jan 1869 m. 20 Apr 1837, Rebecca Ann Coward. He was son of Rees Perkins and Martha Morgan. 27. Pierre LaGrange's - Pierre LaGrange: b. 1812, m. Elina Benoit, 1831. He was son of Henry LaGrange and Catherine Morreau. Bess - Bess Rigmaiden: sister to Thomas Rigmaiden who lived in England. NOVEMBER 1838 1. Mr. Thomas - Larkin Thomas. 4. Melice - Possibly Maximillien Vincent: brother of Pierre Vincent, Jr. William - William Smith. 5. William Cole - William Cole: b. April 22, 1808. d. after 1880, m. (1) Eleanor Knowland, April 22, 1826. (2) Emily Moss, April 8, 1840, (3) Angeline Wrinkle, 1856. He was son of James Cole and Jemima Curtis. 9. Mr. Brown - James Brown. 11. Jacob - Jacob Ryan, Jr. : b. February 14, 1816, d. December 17, 1899, m. (1) Rebecca Gaines Bilbo, January 2. 1834, (2) Emma Platz Munn. He was son of John Jacob Ryan, Sr. and Mary Ann Hargrove. 12. Prater - William Prater or William Prather- b. September 28, 1804, d. September 23, 1877, m. Francis Lyons. daughter of John Lyons, Jr. 15. Andrew's - 20. Reeves and Mary Ann - George Reeves: b. 1810, d. 1876, m. Mary Ann Ryan, October 6, 1834. She b. March 1, 1818, d. March 3, 1911. 30. Auldreso - DECEMBER 1838 7. Bourgeois's Schooner - 11. Mr. Reeves - Believed to be George Reeves' father. 12. Madam Vincent - Believed to be Mrs. Pierre Vincent, Sr. 19. Frank - Frank Burrell. Mr. William's - Possibly Thomas Williams. Watson -