Thomas Rigmaiden's Diary 1840 Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana File prepared by Jan Craven File submitted by Carlton R. Adamson, Stuart MacKillican, William Quick and Clyde Vincent. NOTE: If you have information about any of the people mentioned in this diary, please contact Jan Craven at ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ JANUARY 1840 * 1. Hard frost. Wrote to Woods, Abel Lyons and Black, the latter enclosing documents from Opelousas respecting Matie's case. * 2 & 3. Frost both days. Went to Arsen's for my cart. From thence to Buchanan's. Got my papers. * 4. A little frost. Returned home. In the evening went to a ball at Alcendore's. 5. Cloudy. At home all day. Jackson Black and his wife here to dinner. * 6. Fine warm day. The children came to school. Austin cut wood in the evening. 7 & 8. Austin cutting wood and putting up fence. * 9. Cloudy all day. Warren bought me $20 from his father. Austin at work. 10. Rain most of the day, so did not attend school in consequence. 11. Fine day. Planted some peach trees. * 12. Went to Mr. Ryan's. Got a sheep skin from him. Joe came from Sabine. 13. Children came to school. * 14. Joe and Doceta started for their licenses. Fr. Zerasan married. * 15. Rain before day. Pierre and others returned from the wedding. Attended school. * 16 & 17. Frost. Mr. Moss's children went home. * 18. Very fine day. Hunted some wood. Planted a bed of onions on the full of the moon. Mr. Bilbo brought Laura down to do to school. [sic] 19. A hard freeze. Let Mr. Bilbo and Melia have Jack and Roulette to go up to Mr. Ryan's. 20. Cloudy. The children came to school. Opened my large potato heap. * 21 & 22. Rain most of the night. Melia hauled me a load of wood. 23. Got three hogs from Pierre weighing 580 lbs. and cut them up. 24. Cloudy and warm. Rose at 3 A.M. and salted away my meat. At school 25. Warm day. Cut some wood in the evening. * 26. Very pleasant warm day. Went to Mr. Ryan's, thence to Mr. Moss's where I took dinner. Eliza and family at Alcendore's and Pierre's. Joe returned from Opelousas. 27. Cloudy. Children came to school. Cut wood in the evening. 28. Rain. Employed as yesterday. 29. Rain. Finished my 12 months school. Children went home. 31. Cloudy and drizzling. Did several jobs about home. Cut wood in the evening. FEBRUARY 1840 * 1. (Saturday) Very cold disagreeable day. Pontal here at night. 2. A hard freeze. Went to Pierre's and spent most of the day there. 3. A white frost. Cut and hauled some wood. 4. A fine day. Went with my family to Joe LeDoux's wedding. There was a large party assembled there. Received my new papers. 5. Returned home at daylight. Eliza and __?__ stopped to breakfast. 6 & 7. Wet and disagreeable time. At home. Read my papers brought by the two last mails. * 8. Fine day. Went to Wood's. He was not home. I crossed at Caldwell's. * 10. Cold but pleasant day. Commenced school. Fed my sows and pigs on my way to the river to see Johnson, having come up to "The President" to lighten him over the Momentau. * 11. A little frost. Edward and Warren went to Doceta's wedding at Choupique. 12. Fine cool day. Edward and Warren returned. Planted out some peach trees. 13. Continued pleasant. Edward and Warren putting up fence. * 14. Cold. Sent Warren to Choupique. Got my second school account. Edward finished. Sally delivered of a fine boy. * 15. Hard frost. Pierre went in the woods with me. Found my two black barrows, and Pierre shot them. Hauled them home, and Sam assisted me to clean them. 16. Cloudy and rain. Salted my meat. Went to Choupique. Crossed at Caldwell's. * 17. Very fine pleasant day. Alfred and Erastus came to school. Planted a bed of onions. * 19. Hard wind and cloudy. Went to Melia's daubing. 20. Rain before day. Melia moved to his new house. Cut some wood. 21. Children went home. 22. Planted bed of onions. Hung up my meat. Cut wood. 23. Rain. Went to see Woods, from thence to Mr. Moss's. He down at seashore. 24. Cloudy with rain. The children came to school. Cut wood. 25. Drizzly. Broke the axle tree of my cart hauling wood. 26. Fine day. Split some wood in the evening. Eliza planted some popcorn. 27. Warm and pleasant. Sent Warren to Mr. Bilbo's with a letter enclosing my second school account. He did not return. Made three pinder ridges in the garden. 28. Very fine day. Hoed some of my onions. Eliza went to help them to wash at Pierre's. 29. Fine day. Went to Mr. Moss's with Eliza where stopped all night. MARCH 1840 * 1. (Sunday) Very hard rain. Went to the Big Woods and stopped at William Bilbo's. * 2. Cleared off. Returned home. Got a few articles from Butler. 3. Warm and clear. Being Shrove Tuesday, did not teach school. 4. Continues warm. Planted in my garden. * 5. Fine day. Burned off part of the grass in the pasture. John Guidry bought 16 bbls. corn. 6. Still warm and dry. Burned off more grass. Put up yard fence. * 7. Fine day. Wrote to my sister Lucy, 2 Freeman's Court. Corn high on this date. 8. Threatening rain. Finished my letter. Went to Mr. Ryan's. * 9. Cloudy with some rain. Found Beauty down in the pasture. The boys came to school. Brought me $21 from Mr. Moss. 10. Fine cool day. Grubbed a little and other little jobs. 11. Pleasant cool day. Employed as yesterday. 12. A little cool and dry. The boys went home. Grubbed a little. 13. Continued dry. Went to Buchanan's. Took my letter to my sister Lucy and sent one to __?__ by Bilbo. Mail started today. * 14. Cloudy, and warm at night. Went to the Big Woods to a meeting and __?__ . Neither took place. Returned as far as William Lyon's. * 15. Fine day. Returned home Alcendore and Becky here. * 16. Boys came to school. Michel's grubbing. 17. Employed as yesterday. * 18. Somewhat cloudy. Melissa came down and took up the 2 boys. 19 & 20. Very hard wind and rain. Could not get to school on 20th. 21. Settled with Alcendore. Grubbed, hauled wood, and fed my sows and pigs. 22 & 23. Cloudy and cool. At home all day. 22nd. The boys came to school. 24 25 & 6. Cold these three days. Employed grubbing and doing other little odd jobs. * 27. Emily came for the boys. The three girls went up to Mrs. Ryan's with her. 28 & 29. Rain last night. Grubbing all day on Saturday. Eliza and myself at Pierre's. 30. Cleared off cold. Went up in the cart for the girls. Got 13 lbs. cotton from Mr. Ryan. APRIL 1840 1. (Wednesday) Wet disagreeable day. Alcendore ploughed the part of my field that was clear of roots. 2. Rain most of the day. 3. Cold and disagreeable day. Employed as yesterday. * 4. Alcendore commenced in the butchery. Took a share. Mrs. James Hargrove from Vermillion here. Did several little jobs. * 5. Went to Mr. Michel's to see Mr. Judd and his brother, Jillet, arrived from New Orleans with Mr. Pujo and his goods. 6 & 7. Hard rain yesterday morning. Moss boys did not come to school. * 8 & 9. Emily Moss married, 9th. Did not go up. * 10. Went to Wm. Bilbo's. Got 4 bbls. of corn. Shelled two of them. Broke my hames going to Mr. Berry's where I stopped all night. 11. Still warm and pleasant. Got my corn ground and returned to Mr. Ryan's. From thence to the river and brought home a sack of salt and 50 lbs. of coffee. 12. Cloudy. Returned home. 13. Did not teach today. 14 & 15. Cloudy with little rain. Planted the ploughed ground. 16. Fine day. Cut bean sticks. Worked in the garden. 17. Good Friday. Wind S. all day. Attended school in the forenoon. In the evening went to the river where I found Eliza and family. At night went to Mr. Ryan's. 18. Fine day. Pierre killed in the butchery. He afterwards came here, and I had a settlement with him. I gave him my note for $100. * 19. Cloudy with some rain. Went to the river and returned to Mr. Ryan's. Stopped all night. Sukey very sick. Mrs. Ryan up there. 20. Fine day. Returned home. Did not teach today. 21. Warren brought me $20 and took his books and clothes. * 22. Hard South wind. Mrs. Bilbo came here and stopped all night. 23. Wind as yesterday. Mrs. Bilbo returned. Laura accompanied her to the river. 24. Still hard wind from South. Eliza went to the river to wash. * 25. Arty killed in the butchery. Got Alcendore's cart. * 26. Wind changed to North. Went to Mr. Michel's. Pascal there with flour and ca_?_. 27. Cool and pleasant. Alfred and Erastus came to school, being absent one month. 28. Wind south. Replanted corn. 29. Employed as yesterday. Eliza had a turkey. 30. Warm day. Finished replanting. Mr. Bilbo came here. MAY 1840 1. Cloudy. Mr. Bilbo returned. Sent my watch by him to get cleaned and my last year's school accounts. Eliza went to the river to wash. * 2. Fine day. Went to the Big Woods. Settled with Butler. Jas. Perkins there. 3. Some rain at home. Shelled tree barrels corn in the shock at Mr. Bilbo's which I left at the mill. Left 13 barrels in the shock which I am to get when the new crop is gathered. Gave him an order on Mr. Moss for what is owing for which he is to let me have corn at 1.25 cents per barrel. * 4. Hard South wind. Boys came to school. Did not teach. Received $10 from Mr. Moss. 5. Still hard wind with appearance of rain. Taught school. J. Ashworth here. * 6. Very hard South wind. Mr. Bond brought his cattle from the lake. 7. Hard rain in the evening. Planted a few potato slips and hoed the pinders. 8. Fine pleasant day. The boys went home. * 9. Cool and pleasant. Melia killed. John Tally spent the day with me. * 10. Still cool. Went to the river with Edward and James. Brought my meal home. 11. Pleasant and cool. Boys came to school. Worked in my garden. 12. Cloudy. Commenced hoeing the corn. 13. 14. 15. Rain on each day. Employed hoeing my corn. * 16. A little rain. Boys went home with Edward when he went for the meat. Wrote to my brother James. Ball at Mr. Ryan's. Did not go to it. * 17. Some rain. Took my letter to Mr. Pujo. Paid Francois and lent him $5.00. 18. Fine warm day. Boys came to school. Did not teach. Pulled the onions. Not many. 19 - 22. Pleasant weather. Hoeing in my leisure hours. Boys went home. 23. Still dry. Hoed in the morning. Mr. Michel killed. Alcendore brought my meat. Took Laura down to the river. Met Mr. Judd at Mr. Ryan's. Mosquitoes very bad. 24. Continues dry and warm. At home all day. Could not get my horses. 25. Pleasant day. Boys came to school. Mr. Judd came down. Lent him Roulette to go to Pascal's. He got him bogged, himself very wet and dirty. Lent him clothes. He stopped all night. Pierre went to Pine Woods to gather cattle. 26. Dry and pleasant. Mr. Judd walked up to Mr. Ryan's. Hoed the corn. Eliza worked a piece of cloth. The mosquitoes are getting worse. 27 - 28. Warm and dry. Finished hoeing over my little field. 29. Getting warm and mosquitoes bad. Mr. Moss ___?____...... 30. Continues warm. Mr. Michel killed in the butchery. Pierre brought meat. Hoed in my garden most of the day. Could not get my horses. 31. Warm. Went to Mr. Ryan's with Eliza, thence to the river. Received my first school account amounting to $56.25. Passed it to Pujo and received $30 from him. JUNE 1840 1. Warm. Mosquitoes not quite so bad. Lent Roulette to Mr. Judd to go to Sabine. Eliza finished her piece of cloth, and I finished hoeing over the garden. * 2 - 3. A very warm day. Took seven pigs to the river. Let Mr. Gellet have four @ 250 f. and the other three I let Joe Bilbo have @ 100 f. Did not teach these two days. 4 - 5. Warm and somewhat cloudy. Eliza put up a piece of cloth. 6. A fine rain. Pascal killed. Brought up the neat in my cart. Planted pumpkins. 7. Fine day. Went to the river. Got my papers. Judd returned. Laura came down. 8. Very warm. Boys came to school. Did not teach. 9 - 10. Warm and cloudy. At school. Hard rain in the evening. 10th. Planted a few slips. 11. Fine pleasant day. Mr. Judd took a walk down here. Worked a little in field. * 12. Fine day. Armstrong came for boys. 13. Warm day. Michel killed. Melia brought my meat. Went to Pujo's sale. Found our new Judge there and a young Frenchman looking for the office of sheriff. Spoke my mind truly respecting his intrusion. Ball at Pierre's. Did not go to it. 14. Very warm. At home all day. No one came here. * 15. Still warm. Mr. Moss sent me word to attend a meeting at Bourgeois which I did. Nothing done but dividing the Parish into districts, which was divided into six. 16. Cloudy. Mr. Judd brought some papers down for me to make a copy of. 17. Rain all the evening which preventing our attending school. 18. Rain in the forenoon. Moss came and took one of the copies I had ready. 19. Rain all day, which kept us from school. 20. Rain. Mr. Michel killed. Joe LeDoux brought my meat as far as Pierre's. The marry being so high and having no horse, could not go for it, so that by his unaccommodating disposition, had to go without my meat from the butchery. 21. Rain again. Was confined at home all day. Corn blown down in the field. 22. Rain most of the day with hard South winds. Attended school. 23. More rain. Eliza went over to Alcendore's. Got my horses. Boys came to school. 24. 25. 26. Fine weather again. Moved cow pens. The boys went home. 27. Fine warm day. Got a three year old beef from Pierre to kill in the butchery. 28. Warm and dry. Went to Pujo's. Found the mosquitoes intolerable bad. 29 - 30. Still warm and dry. Attended school. The mosquitoes continue bad. 31. A little rain. Went to the river and got a barrel of molasses from Mr. Moss. Melia hauled it for me. JULY 1840 1. 2. 3. Fine days. Attended school. Mr. Moss came down for the boys. 4. Very fine day. Mr. Moss killed in my place in the butchery. Went with my family to Pierre's to celebrate the day. Not a very large company. 5. Very warm. Came home, took my dinner and retired to rest. 6. Cloudy. Very sick, which prevented my attending the election at Buchanan's. * 7. Fine day. Much better. Lent Mr. Judd Roulette to go to Franklin. G. Hargrave here. 8. Rain in the evening. Boys only came to school today. 9 - 10. Some rain. Attended school. Made an axe helve for my meat axe. 11. Fine day. Got a three year old beef from Pierre. Boys went home. Cut a little wood. 12. A little rain. Emily spent the day with Eliza. Went in the woods from the _ ? _.... to the river. 13. Fine day. Boys came to school. My guinea sow came up with seven little pigs. All were sows. * 14. A warm day. Tabby's little baby died. Went in the evening to see it buried. * 15 - 16. A little drizzle. Grand Charles and other branders came to Pierre's. 17. Very pleasant day. The boys went home. * 18. Rain. Pontal killed in the butchery. Went to the election for Police Jury. Got very wet coming home in company with John Stanton and Mr. Ryan. Got home late at night. 19. No rain. Went over to see them brand. * 20. Very hard rain. Charlotte Lyons came to school. 21. Some rain. 22. Rain. Pulled fodder in the garden. 23. Rain. 24. Rain again. Finished my week's job at school. 25. Rain in the evening. Went to Mr. Moss's for my meat. Cut some wood. Got my papers from Mr. Moss. 26. No rain. Found and fed my blue sow's shoats. Afterwards, went to Mr. Ryan's. 27. Rain at night. Commenced pulling fodder in my field. Boys came to school. 28. Rain in the morning. 29. A little drizzle. Pulled some fodder. 30 - 31. Rain both these days. Pulled fodder and saved it with much trouble. AUGUST 1840 * 1. (Saturday) Fine day. Eliza assisted me pulling fodder. Sent Edward for the meat killed by Lezime. 2. No rain. At home all day. Took in my fodder. 3 - 4. Rain both days. Pulled fodder and did not lose any of it. 5. Fine day. Pascal here to dinner. Eliza over at Alcendore's. 6. Pulled last fodder. 7. Fine day. Finished getting in my fodder. 8. Fine. Went to Mr. Ryan's for my meat. 9. Warm and dry. Went to the river. Got a bbl. of sugar for Mr. Moss weighing 228 pounds. 10. Fine day. The boys did not . . . school, Alfred being sick. 11. Still fine. Johnson Moss paid me a visit. 12. Hard rain. At school. 13 - 14. Both fine days. Finished my week's occupation. 15. Fine. Went to Mr. Ryan's for my meat, killed by . . . . ? . . * 16. Very warm. Went in company with Mr. McGuffy to the store. He gave me $5 for Pierre. 17. Threatening rain. Melissa and Erastus came to school. Alfred sick. 18. Rain most of the day. 19. 20. 21. Fine. Employed as usual. Mr. M. came for the children. * 22. A fine day. Pierre killed in the butchery. Hauled some wood and did other little jobs. 23. Very warm day. Went to look for my hogs. Eliza at Pierre's. Paid Pascal $10.00. Nath'l. present. 24 - 25. A little drizzle both days. Melissa and Erastus came to school. Pascal started with beeves. 26. Warm. Johnson Moss came here. Cut a little wood. 27. Warm. Eliza went to wash. 28. Very warm. The children went home. Cut a little wood. 29. Still warm. Pierre killed in the butchery. Cut and hauled some wood, etc. 30. Threatening rain. Armstrong came here. Went to the store in company with him. 31. A hard rain. Melissa and Erastus came to school. SEPTEMBER 1840 1. Hard rain. Melissa and Erastus came to school. 2. Very warm. 3. Rain at night. 4. Fine. 5. Pleasant. Alcendore finished second round. Pulled my corn. Received a letter from my sister Lucy. 6. Rain at night. Went to the river. Returned in the cart with the children. 7. Warm. At school. 8. Fine day. Eliza had a quilting. 9. Warm. In the evening went out to Pontal's. Eliza went to the river to wash. * 10. Very warm. Went to the Choupique for a load of corn, got from Joe Hayes. Bro't. 15 bbls. 11. Pleasant. Mr. Ryan killed in Pierre's place in the third round of the butchery. 12. Still pleasant. Went to Mr. Moss's. From thence, to Pujo's. Jillet arrived from New Orleans. 13. Pleasant. Went for the last load of corn. Melissa and Erastus came to school. 14 - 15. Still peasant. Got Roulette back by Pascal. * 16. Cloudy. Pontal and Susan here. Received a letter from Judd with my paper by Alcendore. 17. Rain in the evening. 18. Fine and cold. Children went home. 19. Cool. Pierre killed. In the evening went to the river. Forenoon cut wood. 20. Very fine day. Went to the river in the cart with Eliza. Got three barrels of flour and tea. Borrowed $7.00 from Pujo to pay Joe Hayes for a wheel. 21. Fine day. Alfred and Erastus came to school. I was too sick to teach. 22. Warm. Pontal brought me 15 bbls. corn from Wm. Bilbo. Put the children to write. 23. Rain all the evening. 24. Cloudy most of the day. 25. Warm. Mr. Bilbo came here. Children went home. 26. Arty killed. Hauled wood. Ball at Mr. Ryan's. 27. Very warm. Let Mr. Bilbo have my horse and cart to return. 28. Cloudy. Alfred and Erastus came to school. Sent Roulette over to Alcendore's field. 29. Cloudy with a little rain. Cut a little wood. 30. Very fine day. Attended school, etc. OCTOBER 1840 * 1. (Thursday) Rain most of the day. 2. Rain. Ward came here . . . . ? . . . 3. Cleared off. Pierre killed in the butchery. Boys went home. Ward assisted me to put up a well sweep. 4. Cool and pleasant. Went to the river. Took James. Paid Mr. Pujo $7.00 borrowed. 5. Pleasant. Wrote to Rob. Judd. Sent the letter by Nath'l. No school today. 6. Cloudy with rain. Attended school. 7. Very fine day. At school 8. Planted some onions and garlic in my garden. 9. Fine. Charlotte left school. * 10. Stormy. South wind. Lezime killed. John Lee arrived. Met him at Alcendore's. 11. Very warm. Went to Mr. Ryan's. Met Rob. Judd there. Went to the river. 12. Mr. Judd went with me to Mr. Ryan's. Opened his brother's chest, etc., . . . . Let him have the writing desk and a box. The remainder of things, I brought home with his papers. 13. Continues warm. Went with Mr. Moss's. Got $3.00 from him which I let Judd have. From thence, to Mr. Ryan's. Met Johnson Moss there. 14. Very warm. Judd started back. Attended school. 15 - 16. Warm and cloudy. Boys went home. 17. Mr. Moss killed. Caldwell here. Lent him my cart. * 18. Wrote to Mrs. McCuster and a letter to John A. Wood. Alcendore here. 19. Hard rain last night. Edward took Mrs. Curtel's letter to Mr. Pujo's to be put in the office. Melissa and Erastus came to school. 20. A little rain. At school. 21. Rain. 22 - 23. Fine. Boys went home. * 24. Fine, cool day. Commenced a letter to my sister Lucy. Received a letter from my brother James with a draft on Frederick Fry, Exq., of New Orleans, for 20 lbs. * 25. Fine day. Went to the river. Paid Nat $4.00 . . . going to Mermantau. 26. Edward and Alfred went to Choupique for my cart left by Caldwell. 27 - 28. Cloudy with rain. At school. Hauled a load of wood. 29. Fine day. Drew a set of exchange on Frederick Fry for 20 lbs. 30. Very cold day. Finished my sister's letter in the evening. 31. White frost. Mr. Moss killed in the butchery. Hauled some wood. NOVEMBER 1840 1. Fine day. Went to the river. Gave Pujo my draft and bills of exchange to be forwarded to New Orleans. Received $25.00 from him. * 2. Cool, pleasant day. Went to the Presidential election. Paid my postage to this day. 3. Still fine. Did not teach in the afternoon. 4. A little cloudy. Got a horse cart to load potatoes from Pontal's. 7 - 8. Pontal killed in the butchery. 9. Boys came to school. 10. - 11. Cloudy with rain. 12. Very hard frost at night. Went to look for Jack. Eliza sick. 13. A little frost. 14. Got a cow from Pierre to kill in the butchery. * 15. Pleasant day. Landry came to school. Harry . . . . cut 1 1/2 cords wood in the pasture. 16. Very pleasant. Melissa and the boys came to school. 17 - 18. White frost. 19. Very cold. Cut and hauled some wood. 20. Cloudy. Children went home. * 21. Rain. Mr. Moss killed. Got wet coming home. Eliza delivered a little girl. 22. Pleasant. Went to the river. 23. Hauled wood. Melissa and the boys came to school. * 24 - 27. Frost each day. Taught school in the old house. Bob cutting wood for me. 28. Fine day. Melia finished the butchery. Mr. Moss came here. Went to the river. 29. Pujo started to New Orleans. 30. Cloudy. Children came to school. DECEMBER 1840 1. Cloudy and warm. Pierre killed a large beef for me. 2. Cool and pleasant. Cut up my meat. Received a letter from Pujo which I answered by Fed. 3 - 4. Frost. Alfred went home. 5. Melissa went home. Hauled some wood. 6. Fine day. Looking for hogs. Could not find them. 7. Melissa came to school. 8. Put up blue sow. 9. - 10. Fine. No occurrence. 11. Melissa and boys went home. 12. Fine. Hauled one load wood from Wood. 13. At home all day. 14. Alfred and Erastus came to school. 15 - 18. Attended school. 19. Rain. Got Pontal's beeves to haul wood. Could not haul it all. 20. Cold. Mrs. Bilbo came and took Laura home. Sent them to the river in the cart. 21. - 31. A vacation. Spent Christmas night at Mr. Ryan's. Eliza at Mr. Moss's. FOOTNOTES: JANUARY 1840 1. Woods - James B. Woods: Acting Clerk, Police Jury, 1840, which met in the home of Arsene LeBleu. Abel Lyons - Abel Lyons: b. August 10, 1806, d. August 30, 1868, farmer and stock raiser, m. (1) Miss Merriman, (2) Mary Ann Bryan. Parents of eleven children - no children by first marriage. Abel was the son of Michael Lyons and Mary Hayes. Black - Andrew Jackson Black Matie's - Unknown 2 & 3. Arsen's - Arsen LeBleu: son of Martin C. LeBleu and Caroline Sallier. Buchanan's - James H. Buchanan who purchased a ferry and surrounding land from Rees Perkins. The ferry was located on the West Fork of the Calcasieu. 4. Alcendore's - St. German "Alcendore" Elender: b. August 26, 1809, d. December 2, 1883, m. Rebecca Ryan, Nov. 2, 1829. He was brother of George Elender and son of Michael Elender and Christine Trahan. 6. Austin - Austin Clifton: b. 1821, d. after 1880, m. Mercelite Vincent, b. April 11, 1829, d. May 23, 1868. He was son of Nathaniel Clifton and Susanne Ryan. She b. January 18, 1799, d. August 18, 1865. Austin was named for his grandfather. 9. Warren - Warren Johnson: m. Melissa Moss. Believed to be son of Robert Johnson. His father - Robert Johnson. 12. Mr. Ryan's - John Jacob Ryan, Sr. B. 1768-72, Pensacola, Florida, d. September 7, 1846, m. Mary Ann Hargrave. He was son of Daniel Ryan and Marguerite Barclay. Joe - Joseph LeDoux: son of Alexander LeDoux. 14. Doceta - Unknown Fr. Zerasan - Believed to be a son of Leonard Sarrazin who came to Mississippi Gulf Coast about 1840. Sarrazin's five sons came much earlier. They married into Krebs, Finance and Charbonnet families. Many later migrated to Louisiana. 15. Pierre - Pierre Vincent, Jr.: b. 1795, d. April 29, 1852, m. Sarah "Sally" Celeste Ryan. He was son of Pierre Vincent, Sr. and Catherine Galman. 16 & 17. Mr. Moss's Children: Emily, b. 1821, d. Oct. 26, 1866; Mary Ann, b. 1823, d. September 14, 1886; Joseph Valentine, b. September 13, 1825; Melissa, b. 1827; Alfred, b. September 14, 1829, d. April 11, 1913; Erastus b. January 8, 1831. 18. Mr. Bilbo - Thomas Bilbo: b. June 20, 1776, d. September 20, 1846, m July 12, 1804 Anna Marie Lawrence. He was a native of Virginia and writer of the Mississippi State Constitution. Laura - Laura E. Bilbo: b. 1826, Jackson County, Mississippi, m. first cousin William Thomas Bilbo, b. 1820 in Jackson Co., Mississippi. 21 & 22. Melia - Simeon "Melia" Vincent: b. March 3, 1820, d. May 27, 1888, m. June 29, 1839 to Tabitha Lyons. He was son of Pierre Vincent, Jr. and Sarah "Sally" Ryan. 26. Eliza and family - Eliza (Ryan) Rigmaiden: b. 1806, d. August 31, 1871, m. October 30, 1826 to Thomas Rigmaiden. She was daughter of John Jacob Ryan, Sr. and Mary Ann Hargrave. Children: Thomas Edward, Elizabeth, Mary Ann, James and Leroy. FEBRUARY 1840 1. Pontal - Joseph Pontellien Landry. 8. Wood's - Jonathan Wood: m. February 22, 1814 Charlotte Hayes. They had sons, James and Michael. Caldwell's - Unknown 10. Johnson - Johnson Moss: b. 1816, d. May 9, 1860, m. (1) Martha Lyons, b. 1824, (2) Malvina Sallier. He was son of Henry Moss and Ann Ryan and was the first sheriff of Calcasieu, Louisiana. The President - A schooner owned by Henry Moss and operated by his son, Johnson Moss. It ran from Calcasieu River to New Orleans. Momontau - The Mermentau River. 11. Edward - Thomas Edward Rigmaiden: b. October 26, 1827, d. April 12, 1905, m. Lezah Marcantel. He was son of Thomas Rigmaiden and Eliza Ryan. Choupique - Choupique Bayou - Ten miles west of Sulphur on Cameron Road. Choctaw word meaning Bowfin or Mudfish. 14. A fine boy - Thomas Vincent: d. March 5, 1877, m. Marcelien (Mussy) Lyons, b. 1840, daughter of Elizabeth Cole and William Lyons. 15. Sam - Sam Ryan: Slave belonging to John Jacob Ryan. 17. Alfred - Alfred Moss: b. September 14, 1829, d. April 11, 1913, m. Mary Annie west. He was the son of Henry Moss and Ann Ryan. Erastus - Erastus Moss: b. January 8, 1831, m. November 30, 1851 to Sarah Elmira Booth. He was the son of Henry and Ann Ryan Moss. MARCH 1840 1. William Bilbo's - William Lawrence Bilbo: b. March 25, 1814, m. April 12, 1829 to Hulda Cole. He was son of Thomas Bilbo and Ann Lawrence. 2. Butler - Unknown 5. John Guidry - Unknown 7. Lucy - Lucy Rigmaiden: believed to live in England. 9. Beauty - Animal belonging to Thomas Rigmaiden. 14. William Lyons - William Lyons: b. 1797 d. December 15, 1853, m. Elizabeth Cole, b. 1810. He was son of John Lyons, Sr. (b. 1757) and Mary Anne Ahart (b. 1761). 15. Becky - Rebecca Ryan: b. March 17, 1810, c. October 19, 1893, m. November 2, 1829 to Alcendore Elender. She was daughter of John Jacob Ryan, Sr. 16. Michel's - Michel Pithon. 18. Melissa - Melissa Moss: m. Warren Johnson. She was the daughter of Henry Moss and Ann Ryan. 27. Emily - Emily Moss: b. 1821, d. October 26, 1866, m. 1840 William Cole. She was daughter of Henry Moss and Ann Ryan. APRIL 1840 4. Mrs. James Hargrove - 5. Mr. Michel's - Michel Pithon: elected President of the first Police Jury of Calcasieu parish on March 24, 1840. Soldier of the First Napoleon. He died 1871 at the age of 100. Mr. Judd - Robert Judd. Jillet - Jillet Judd. Mr. Pujo - Paul Pujo: came from France and arrived this date. He m. Eloise L. LeBleu. 9. Emily Moss - Emily Moss, daughter of Henry and Ann Ryan Moss md. William Cole. 10. Hames - The curved bars on the collar to which the traces of a draught horse are fastened. Mr. Berry - George Washington Berry: m. Caroline Moore. He was b. 1812 in Mississippi, d. August 13, 1867 in Calcasieu Parish, LA. She was b. 1822, d. July 20, 1890, Calcasieu Pr. Louisiana. 26. Pascal - Pascal Goins. MAY 1840 2. Jas. Perkins - James Perkins: b. 1801, m. Catherine Henderson. He was son of Rees Perkins and Martha Morgan. 4. J. Ashworth - Jesse Ashworth: A native of South Carolina, he was son of James Ashworth and Kosiah Dial. He m. October 3, 1810 Sarah Perkins, daughter of Joshua Perkins and Mary Mascon. 6. Mr. Bond - Solomon Bond: b. February 1, 1791, South Carolina, d. after 1860, m. (1) Lydia Ann Knowland, (2) Sarah Ann Woodland, (3) Eliza __?__. Solomon is believed to be the brother of Preston Bond who was b. in Georgia. 9. John Tally - 10. James - James Rigmaiden: b. May 18, 1832, d. after 1880. He was son of Thomas Rigmaiden. 16. James - James Rigmaiden: brother of Thomas Rigmaiden - believed to live in England. 17. Francois - Francois Riviere: b. 1800 m. Catherine __?__, b. 1810. His occupation was laborer. JUNE 1840 2 & 3. Mr. Gellet - Joe Bilbo - Joseph Lawrence Bilbo: b. March 12 1812 in Mississippi Territory, d. after 1880, m. April 12, 1858 to Elmira Hodges. He was son of Thomas and Anna (Lawrence) Bilbo. Joseph later became an attorney in Lake Charles. 12. Armstrong - Possibly James Armstrong who settled in Jefferson County, Texas. 13. New Judge - 15. Bourgeois - Possibly Adolph I. D. Bourgeois Dividing Parish into districts - After the Parish was divided into districts, each district elected a police juror prior to August 24, 1840. The first Police Jury met in the home of Arsene LeBleu on August 24. James B. Wood, Acting Clerk; First Ward - David Simmons; Second Ward - Alexander Hebert; Third Ward - Michel Piton; Fourth Ward - Henry Moss; Fifth Ward - Rees Perkins; Sixth Ward - Thomas Williams. JULY 1840 7. Franklin - Parish seat of St. Mary Parish on Bayou Teche. G. Hargrave - George Hargrove; b. December 7, 1810, m. Anastasie Trahan. He was son of William Hargrove and Catherine Bonarme who were married September 2, 1800. 14. Little baby - Unnamed child of Simeon Vincent and Tabitha Lyons who were married June 29, 1839. 15 & 16. Grand Charles - 18. Election of Police Jury - First meeting of 4th Ward after Calcasieu Parish was formed and divided into 6 districts. Henry Moss was elected as Police Juror representing the 4th Ward. John Stanton - Believed to be father of Oscar F. Stanton, b. September 2, 1809, and Adella Stanton, b. March 26, 1814. 20. Charlotte Lyons - Daughter of William Lyons and Elizabeth Cole. AUGUST 1840 1. Lesime - Onezime "Lezime" Vincent: b. May 22, 1807, m. August 7, 1826 to Marguerite Bertrand. He was the son of Pierre Vincent and Catherine Galman. 16. Mr. McGuffy - 23. Nath'l - Nathaniel Moss, Jr. b. January 27, 1787, m. Sallie Wilburn. He was son of Nathaniel Moss and JoAnna Johnson. Henry Moss was his brother. SEPTEMBER 1840 10. Joe Hayes - 16. Pontal and Susan - Joseph Pontellien Landry and his wife Susan Ryan. OCTOBER 1840 2. Ward - Sylvester Ward: b. 1808, d. after 1850, m. Caroline __?__, b. 1809. 10. John Lee - Believed to have married Racheal __?__, b. about 1800. He died prior to 1850 leaving five children, the oldest being Mark Lee, b. 1825. 18. Mrs. McCuster - John A. Wood - John A. Woods, Teacher; b. 1798 in Kentucky. He later moved to Jefferson County and resided with the Aaron Ashworth family. He taught the Ashworth family children. 19. Mrs. Curtel's - 24. Frederick Fry, Esq. - 25. Nat - Nathaniel Moss, Jr. - Footnote, August 23, 1840. NOVEMBER 1840 2. Presidential election - Benjamin Harrison defeated Martin Van Buren. Harrison recorded 1,275,612; Van Buren - 1,130,033. Louisiana was 60% for Harrison while the U. S. went 53%. 15. Landry - Harry - believed to be a slave. 21. Little girl - Catherine Rigmaiden, d. November 24, 1891 m. Isaac Lang. 27. Bob - Believed to be a slave.