Hurricane Rita, Cameron Parish, Louisiana The Cameron Parish Pilot, Cameron, La Submitted by Kathy Tell Date 25 Jan 2006 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Where are they now? Report on the evacuees By NELL COLLIGAN Page 3, The Cameron Parish Pilot, Cameron, La., January 19, 2006 MARGARITA FREDERICK Our old friend, Oscar Garcia called to tell me his mother, Margarita Frederick is with her son, Carlos, in San Antonio. She is doing well and has no plans to rebuild in Cameron. Margarita misses all of the friends she had in Cameron: through her church, her beauty shop, and from her association with the Cameron Volunteer Fire Department. Her late husband, Ray, was a volunteer fire fighter for many years, and Margarita was always at his side for their functions. Margarita went way beyond the call of duty for my mother-in-law, Gertrude Colligan, when she was living. She came to Old Mamma’s house to perm her hair whenever the need arose, ever so gracious and with a smile. We will always remember her kindness. My guess is that she did that for other home-bound senior citizens who were her customers through the years. I don’t know any other place on earth that a beautician would do that except a little town like Cameron. Oscar moved to Sulphur about seven years ago, but says he is still “a Tarpon in my heart.” He reads the Cameron Pilot online every week to keep up with his old friends. SUE BURAS Edward Peterson called to give us news of Mrs. Sue Buras. When Mrs. Buras initially evacuated before Rita, she went to her granddaughter’s home in Ft. Worth. Now she is living with her daughter, Joyce Holcombre, in Sterling, Michigan. Her house in Cameron sustained a lot of wind and water damage. She plans to give the go-ahead to demolish it. At 84, she is not able to return and rebuild. She would love to hear from her old friends in Cameron. BETTY SAVOY I did succeed in locating Betty Savoy. She is living in Grand Lake with her daughter Kathy and Giz Guilbeau. Betty has been hospitalized at St. Patrick’s Hospital this week, diagnosed with pneumonia. In addition to treating her pneumonia, the physical therapists are putting her through her paces. She celebrated her birthday Jan. 19, but a late card is always as welcome as one on time. She may be in the hospital a little longer. COLUMN TO BE ON WEB Kathy Tell, the volunteer Cameron Parish Archives File Manager has asked permission to post the “Where Are They Now?” columns on their web site. They would post it on a special “Hurricane Rita Remembered” page, minus the personal addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers. I asked Jerry Wise what he thought about this idea, and he said it would be a valuable way for people around the country to find out about Cameron Parish evacuees. Naturally, I gave the goahead. We will put something in the column about this listing after it goes into effect and where to find it on the Internet. DOXEY HOUSE Mike McCall sent me a good picture of the Doxey House which I forwarded on to Kathy Tell. It shows some outside damage, but it is hard to tell what the inside looks like. Maybe someone else could tell us more. It was interesting to see that the boards on the left hand side of Doxey House (that were exposed after the exterior horizontal siding was blown away) are nailed at a 45 degree angle. I’ve been told that’s what held those old houses together. Pease send your news to: 302 Trailwood Lane; Lafayette, La. 70508. Phone: 337 - 988 - 5395 . NELL COLLIGAN The CAMERON PARISH PILOT- Weekly Publication Jerry and Joy Wise, P.O. Drawer 1486, Cameron,La. 70631-8998