Claiborne-Webster County Louisiana Archives History - Letters .....Letter From Rebecca Murrell to Lou Eddins February 2 1861 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Laura Bonde November 10, 2004, 7:59 pm Letter from Rebecca Murrell to Lou Eddins Minden Feb 2nd. 1861 Dear Lou; I received you letter some time ago and neglected answering it as soon as I expected but I shan’t apologize for you knowing my failing, Mr. Murrell has gone to Arkansaw and I am left alone as usual except John is staying here going to school. He is a great deal of company for me. I could not stay by myself these exciting times nohow. Lou, I scarcely know what to write about. The general talk is war, war all the time and I don’t care to take any interest in that for it scares me half to death to think about it. How do you feel about it. Do you fell like fighting for your country, or do you feel as I do, that all the men should stay at home and protect their families. They will have their hands full to do that for I really think sometimes our worst enemies are amongst us (the darkies). They are the cause of all the fuss and I do wish we had never known one. I suppose you have heard by this time that we are all out of the United States, how do you like it. However, I shan’t say anything more about it. I will try and tell you something else. Brother John as gone to the River again but did not take any of the family with him. They were all very well. Lucinda has been down and stayed two weeks with me. We went down to Cousin’s Jessie Smith’s and Mr. Eddin’s. There were very well. Mat Fuller said she wanted to see you very much. She went up to Louisville Christmas to see Cousin Sarah Jane Fort and Dillie. They were well. Dillie has a little daughter. There is a young man boarding at Mr. Eddin’s going to school—name Brightthof. He and Mat are taking on extensively. He is a very nice young man. I think form the way Mrs. Eddin’s talked she would like very much for Mat to catch him. Sister Betsy enjoyed herself finely down on the river, Brother John says. He and she both learned how to live without grunting down there. Sister Betsy says she saw Bill Measels and he was taking on dreadfully about you going home. I would not be surprised to hear of his going over there some of these days. You wanted to know what had become of Mrs. Butler. She is getting along finely. Mr. Butler took dinner here today. He has John Simeon living with him this year. Had you heard that Mollie Butler had a daughter. Mr. Crow and Columbus have both moved up on the river. Amanda Glover was married last week but I have forgotten the name of the gentleman she married. Lou there si to be a concert at the Minden College on the 22nd of this month. I do wish you would come over. Can’t you and frank get in a buggy and come. I know you can get company a plenty if you will. I would so very glad to see you. Give my best to your Ma and tell her I would like very much to see her. Lou don’t be as neglectful as a I was but answer this letter soon. Write often don’t wait for me. I will be certain to write once in a while. I did as you requested and (that is) kissed all the children except Maimie. She made out she was so ashamed she would not kiss. Maggie can say most anything she wants to and runs everywhere. She is as sweet as ever. John is grumbling about you not answering his letter. He joins me in love to you. Good by Your true friend Rebecca This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb