Bio: A. J. Du Bose, Sr., Desoto Parish Louisiana Source: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest Louisiana The Southern Publishing Company, Chicago & Nashville, 1890 Submitted by Gaytha Carver Thompson ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** A. J. Du Bose, Sr., of Grand Cane, De Solo Parish, La., is a practical farmer, one who believes that it is beneficial to have all his farming operations conducted in a manner so thorough as to not slight one department of labor more than another, and this idea is carried out very completely. He is a native of Dallas County, Ala., where he was born January 25, 1824, his parents, Isaac and Mary (Moss) Du Bose, being natives of Georgia, their ancestors having been French Huguenots. The great-grandfather was born in France and emigrated to the new world over 200 years ago. Isaac, the paternal grandfather, was a soldier in the Revolution, and died in Alabama in 1824, after having followed the life of a farmer. To Isaac and Mary (Moss) Du Bose, a family of eleven children were born, but only three are living at the present date: A. S., Mrs. Johnson (of Alabama), and Mrs. Williams (of Mansfield, La.). After spending his youth and early manhood in Alabama A J. Du Bose removed to Louisiana, this being about the year 1854, and purchased his present plantation, which he increased to 1,200 acres prior the war, his slaves numbering thirty. His present plantation, which is an excellent one, comprises 480 acres with about 250 under cultivation, shows that he is thrifty and persevering, and ever ready to adopt new and improved methods. The principal products are cotton and corn, but vegetables of all kinds and all sorts of grain can be raised in abundance. He was married October 1, 1850 to Fannie C. Atkins, a native of Alabama, by whom he has four children: Mary M. Durham, Martha E. Williams, A. J., Jr., and Junius A. Four of his children are deceased: Thomas L., Fannie A., Sarah A. and Frances A. Mr. Du Bose is a member of the Baptist Church, and has been for the past fifty years.