The Ouachita Telegraph - Editor Killed by Lightning Date: Mar. 2004 Submitted by: Lora Peppers ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** *********************************************** The Ouachita Telegraph July 18, 1867 Page 2, Column 3 AN EDITOR KILLED BY LIGHTNING. The Mansfield Times (De Soto Parish) comes to us draped in mourning for the death of one of its editors, Judge Jno. M. McClanahan, from a stroke by lightning, causing instanteous death. Deceased was standing at the time in the front piazza of his residence watching the approach of a cloud. Judge McClanahan was for many years a resident of Shelby County, Alabama, but removed to Louisiana some eighteen months ago. He had filled many responsible positions in that State. He had already made hosts of friends in his new home, and died greatly lamented. # # #