File prepared and submitted by Pam J. Rice and Joyce A. Rogers ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** ABSTRACT OF OATHS RECORDED IN BOOK “B” (1832-1837) OF THE SHERIFF’S SALES PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA Sheriff’s Book “B” contains 240 pages, and is primarily a record of tax sales conducted by the Sheriff. The entries therein were made by the “parish Clerk”. Only the “oaths” recorded therein are abstracted below. The page numbers of Book B are noted to the left of the entries. Page 1 JOHN DAVENPORT, took oath as Justice of the Peace. Dated April 18, 1832. Recorded April 20, 1832. Page 4 JOHN REID, took oath as town magistrate. Dated April 24, 1832. Recorded April 26, 1832. Page 4 JOSEPH MONGET, took oath as Town Constable. Dated April 25, 1832. Recorded April 26, 1832. Page 13 RAPHAEL LEGENDRE, took oath as Parish Auctioneer. Dated June 4, 1832. Recorded June 5, 1832. Page 14 WILLIAM GILL,. Took oath “to perform duties incumbent on me as ______. Dated September 7, 1832. Recorded September 11, 1832. Page 23 A. H. LEGENDRE, took oath as Notary Public. Dated November 27, 1832. Recorded the same day. Page 49 JOHN BUHLER, Sheriff’s Bond recorded March 13, 1833. Page 54 WILLIAM R. WILLIS, took oath as Town Magistrate. Dated April 10, 1833. Recorded april 16, 1833. Page 60 “State of Louisiana State Legislature Medical Board of Examiners Know all men by these presents, that we, the president and members of the Medical Board of Examiners, do hereby authorize DR. A. H. JONES to exercise the profession of Physics and Surgery throughout the State of Louisiana and enjoy all the benefits and privileges appertaining to the same. Given at the City of New Orleans, the Tenth Day of December, Anno Domini, One Thousand and Eight Hundred and Thirty-two. Signed: R. L. Monnier, President M. Farn------, Secretary R. Davidson, M.D. Jno. Rice, M.D. (T. or J.?) Labaluly, (?), M.D. W. Rogers, M.D. Recorded August 2nd 1833.” Page 68 JOHN BUHLER, Sheriff’s Bond dated March 17, 1834. Recorded in Lib. 0, Fol. 243, March 27, 1834. Page 72 “WM..” GILL, took oath as Justice of the Peace. Dated February 24, 1834. Recorded april 4, 1834. Page 72 SAMUEL L. ISETT, took oath as Parish Auctioneer. Dated March, 1834. Recorded April 4, 1834. Page 82 HENRY KEAN, appointed by Police Jury as Constable of Parish. He gave. Bond. No date. Recorded June 10, 1834. Page 83 MANUEL MORENO, took oath as Justice of the Peace. Dated June 18, 1834. Recorded same date. Page 97 ROWLAND THOMAS, took oath as Constable. He gave bond. Dated September 22, 1834. Recorded same date. Page 98 V. ALLAIN, V. LE BLANC, V. PATIN, M. LANOUE, THOMAS W. CHINN AND JOHN BUHLER took oath as inspectors “of the Penitentiary housed at Baton Rouge”. Dated August 27, 1834. Recorded September 22, 1834. Page 99 ABNER N. OGDEN, took oath as one of the inspectors of the penitentiary. Dated September 18, 1834. Recorded September 22, 1834. Page 101 LOUIS GUIDRY, took oath as constable pro tem of the Parish. Dated September 25, 1834. Recorded same date. Page 103 SEBASTIAN HIRIART of West Baton rouge took oath and gave bond as Curator to the absent heirs of the late John Debellievre. Dated October 2, 1834. Recorded October 3, 1834. Pages 110-11 JOSEPH LANGE, F.M.C. took oath as administrator of estate of the late Pauline Hubeau. Recorded November 14, 1834. Page 128 MICHAEL CHAMBERS, took oath as tutor of his minor children, Edmunc N. Chambers, John S. Chambers, Elizabeth (C?) Chambers and Israel Chambers. Dated March 10, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 128 WILLIAM HAWES, took oath as under0tutor of the children of Michael Chambers. No date. No date of recordation. Page 129 EUNICE YOUNG, took oath as tutrix to her minor children, Henry Carl Young and Mary Dortch Young. Dated March 20, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 129 JOHN BUHLER, took oath as undertutor to the children of Eunice Young. Dated March 20, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 133 OZEM WOODRUFF, took oath as tutor to his minor child, Ozem Woodruff. Dated March 27, 1835. Recorded April 10, 1835. Page 133 ALEXANDER H. JONES, took oath as undertutor of the minor, Ozem Woodruff. Dated March 27, 1835. Recorded April 10, 1835. Page 133 (P. or R?) A. WALKER, took oath as tutor of Mary Ann, John A. Malcolm P. and Sarah Jane Wood, minor children of the late Alexander H. Wood and his wife, Rebecca. No date. Recorded April 10, 1835. Page 134 VALENTINE THOMAS DALTON, took oath and gave bond as administrator of estate of Valentine Thomas Dalton. Dated April 10, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 135 JOHN BUHLER, gave bond as Sheriff. Recorded in Register 0, Fol. 427 on May 13, 1835. Page 139 JOSEPH DENHAM, took oath as tutor of Mary, Reuben, Sarah, John, Harvey, Alexander and Henry Denham, minor children of the late Hugh Denham and Margaret Ogden Denham of this Parish. Dated May 18, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 139 ANTHONY WEBB, took oath as tutor of Anthony S. Simpson and John Simpson. Dated May 15, 1835. Recorded May 18, 1835. Page 140 RAPHAEL LEGENDRE, took oath as Town Magistrate of Town of Baton Rouge. Dated May 4, 1835. Recorded May 19, 1835. Page 142 JOHN BUHLER, took oath as Sheriff. Dated March 20, 1835. Recorded June 1, 1835. Page 142 OZIMA AVANTE, widow of Guy Duplantier of this Parish, deceased, took oath as tutrix of her minor children, Amelia, Guy, Emelie, Celestin, Armantine, Louise, Octave and Eugenie Duplantier. Signed Vve Guy duplantier. Dated May 29, 1835. Recorded June 5, 1835. Page 143 AUGUSTINE DUPLANTIER, took oath as undertutor to the minor children of Guy Duplantier named above. Dated May 29, 1835. Recorded June 5, 1835. Page 144 JEREMIAH MC HUGH, took oath as administrator of estate of the late Margaret Cooper. Dated May 28, 1835. Recorded June 5, 1835. Page 145 JOHN BIRD, took oath as tutor of Polly Bird, Abraham Bird and John Bird, minor children of the late Thompson Bird. Dated June 11, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 145 ABRAHAM BIRD, took oath as undertutor of the above named minor children of “Thompson Bird, decd. And Elizabeth Bird, his surviving wife.” Dated June 11, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 145 ELIZABETH THOMAS, widow of the late Benjamin P. Thomas, took oath as tutrix of her minor children, Frances E., William L., Henrietta A., Philemon R., Phemmer T., Lucretia Jane (Fane?) and John Anderson, Alexander Thomas. Dated June 13, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 146 WILLIAM THOMAS, took oath as undertutor to above named children of Elizabeth Thomas. Dated June 13, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 146 ELIZABETH WEBB, widow of the late Wm. Webb took oath as tutrix to her minor children, Samuel T. Webb and Anna L. Webb. Dated June 30, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 147 ANTHONY WEBB, took oath as undertutor to above named minor children of Elizabeth Webb. Dated June 30, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 148 GEORGE GARIG, took oath as tutor of Mary Garig. Dated July 6, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 148 ANTHONY WEBB, took oath as undertutor of Mary Garig. Dated July 6, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 149 ESTHER V. FULTON, widow of the late Hugh Alexander, took oath as tutrix of her minor daughter, Emily Alexander. Dated July 24, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 149 JESSE FULTON, took oath as undertutor of Emily Alexander. Dated July 24, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 149 MARY SMITH, widow of (Phonin or Thomas?) Brooks, deceased, took oath as tutrix of her minor son, Evi Brooks. Dated July 27, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 150 JOHN GAYLE, took oath as undertutor to the minor children of the late Benjamin Thomas, dec’d. . Minor children are Frances E., William L., Henrietta A., Philemon R., Phemmer T., Lucretia Jane (Fane?) John Anderson, and Alexander Thomas. Dated August 8, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 151 JOHN F. MC CAA, took oath as Justice of the Peace. Dated March 27, 1835. Recoeded August 8, 1835. Page 151 JOEL EDDINS, took oath as tutor of his minor children, William and Kenneth Efddins. Dated February 23, 1835. Recorded August 8, 1835. Page 151 GEORGE E. CHANEY took oath as undertutor to William and Kenneth Eddins, Dated February 3, 1835. Recorded August 8, 1835. Page 151 GEORGE B. CHANEY took oath as tutor of John C. McRae, the minor child of the late K. L. McRae and Mary Mc. Rae, bot of this parish, deceased. Dated February 23, 1815. Recorded August 8, 1835. Page 152 JOEL EDDINS took oath as undertutor to John C. McRae as above. Dated February 23, 1835. Recorded August 8, 1835. Page 152 P. A. WALKER took oath as tutor of Benjamin Smith, Thomas Smith, John Smith, Frederick Smith and Josephus Smith, minor children of the late Josephus Smith. Dated August 27, 1835. Recorded same date. Pages 152-154 JUDITH BABIN took oath as administratrix of the estate of the late John Thomas. Dated August 29, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 154 DANIEL D. AVERY took oath as Justice of the Peace. Dated September 1, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 155 ELLEN BARROW, widow of Jacob Sides, took oath as tutrix of her minor children, Barbara, Jane, Peter, William, Martha and Mary Sides. Dated September 8, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 156 EPHRIAM DIXON took oath as tutor of above named children of Ellen Barrow Sides. (, Barbara, Jane, Peter, William, Martha and Mary Sides). Dated September 8, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 159-160 PHILIP BOYLE, took oath and gave bond as curator for the absent heirs of the late John Robertson (Guthine or Gutherie?). Dated September 29, 1835. Recorded same date. Pages 160-161 JANE MONTGOMERY took oath and gave bond as curator for the absent heirs of the late Hugh Montgomery. Dated October 8, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 162 R. (N. OR W.) NEWPORT took oath as administrator of the estate of the late Abraham (Foreman or Freeman). Dated October 15, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 168 THOMAS GIBBES MORGAN took oath as Judge of the 3rd Judicial District. Dated November 4, 1835. Recorded November 6, 1835. Page 168 WILLIAM JACKSON took oath as Deputy Sheriff. Dated November 7, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 169 JAMES MANSKER took oath as tutor of his minor children, Amanda and Louisa Mansker. Dated November 12, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 169 ORAN (DEWY ?) took oath as undertutor of above named children of James Mansker. Dated November 12, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 171 THOMPSON M. BIRD took oath as undertutor of Thompson and Adelia Bird, minor children of William Bird, deceased. Dated November 4, 1835. Recorded November 18, 1835. Page 172 ELIZABETH NEWSOM, widow of John Montgomery took oath as tutrix of her minor children, Mary, Jane, Hugh and Sarah Montgomery. Dated November 21, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 172 WILLIAM NEWSOM took oath as undertutor of above named children of Elilzabeth Newsom Montgomery. Dated November 21, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 173 (AUREL?) H. JUBERVILLE took oath as Constable. Dated May 25, 1835. Recorded November 6, 1835. Pages 173-174 A. R. SHERBURNE took oath and gave bond as curator of the estate of the late Thomas Jefferson Vail of the Army of the U.S. Dated November 6, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 175 ANDREW KLEINPETER took oath as tutor to the minor children (unnamed in this instrument) of Mr. Mackintosh and Mary Mackintoch. Dated December 19, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 175 SUSAN MC ARTHUR, widow of John P. Cain, took oath as tutrix of her minor children, James, Elizabeth and Amanda Cain. Dated December 23, 1835. No date of recordation. Page 175 WILLIAM HAWES took oath as undertutor of above named children of Susan McArthur Cain. Dated December 23, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 176 JOSEPH THOMAS took oath as tutor of John Philip Aury, son of Pierre Aury. Dated January 6, 1836. No date of recordation Page 176 SAMUEL L. ISETT took oath as undertutor of the minor children of the late George Sharp, namely, Wm. Joseph, Leodocia Ann, Elizabeth Jane, and Carolina Bell Sharp. Dated December 26, 1835. Recorded same date. Page 176 HENRY THOMAS took oath as undertutor of the above named son of Pierre Aury. Dated January 6, 1836. No date of recordation. Page 177 SILVESTER BABIN took oath as tutor of his minor children, Telesphore and _________ Babin. Dated January 15, 1836 No date of recordation. Page 177 GREGOIRE BABIN took oath as undertutor of Telesphore and _______ Babin, minor children of the late Euphemie Babin, deceased. Dated January 15, 1836. Recorded same date. Pages 179-180