Abstracts of 1814 Probate Records; East Baton Rouge Par., Louisiana Contributors: Joyce Rogers and Pam Rice Date Submitted: October 2007 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************* ABSTRACTS OF EAST BTON ROUGE PARISH PROBATE RECORDS PROBATE - 1814 BAIRD, JOSEPH. Probate 78. Died October 11, 1814, at Pleasure Point in East Baton Rouge Parish. Judge Steele, James Cahney and Samuel Stofer took an inventory. Philemon Thomas and Charles Buhler, estimators. William Lyon resided on the plantation. George Waggamon, curator. Sales of estate December 15, 1814. Purchases made by: Julien Poydras, Pierre Broussard, James Chaney, George German, Wm. Devall, Dosit Babin, Notes due estate and receipts paid from: Joseph W. Reaves, John Kingam, Joseph Langre, Joseph Batouin, S. Sanders, Daniel Sullivan, John Baird (no relatioship stated), George McTier, John T. Bell, Lewis Pierre Levy. Prob. 78, No. I O.S., filed October 15, 1814, Bundle 3. CLARK, JOHN. Died in New Orleans, La., in early January, 1814. He was a merchant and resident of Baton Rouge. Judge Steele, E. A. Smit and Francis Herries listed his estate. John B. Clark, a creditor. On January 11, 1814, Dan'l. Norris and John Clark appointed administrators. Prob. 67, No. I O.S., filed January 20, 1814, Bundle 2. DAVIS, MOSES. Died April 14, 1814, at home of James Neilson, near Bayou Manchac. Will dated April 14, 1814. Witnessed by: Isaiah Nelson, John Davenport and John Davenport, Jr. Executors: James Neilson and Walker Gilbert. Mother, Martha Davis of Otsego, New Lisbon County, New York, heir to estate. Moses Davis was a contracted postman between Natchez and New Orleans. Outstanding bills paid by executors to the following: Paid cash Margaret Duffin for keeping post horses and riders $ 187.24 " " J. H. Ficklin for hire of horses and extra expense at Bayou Sara 16.50 " " George Hart, keeping horses and riders 35.00 " " Peter C. Harrison, post rider 256.12 1/2 " " Tabor Fields, keeping horses 148.50 " " Moses Chilton, keeping horses and riders 24.00 " " Ezekiel Alexander, post rider 378.00 " " C. L. Lovelace, keeping horses 94.00 " " Richard Duvall, debt 10.00 " " Peter Presler, keeping horses 193.00 " " George Waggaman, attorney's fees 30.00 " " Wm. Dewes, ferriage 19.50 " " Isidore Blanchard, keeping horses 85.00 " " George Newman, saddles and bridles 31.87 1/2 " " Valentine C. Grooms, keeping horses 154.00 " " John Curtis, keeping horses 155.00 " " Mrs. Purillet, keeping horses 72.00 " " Jean Mourett, keeping horses 30.00 " " Thomas M. Winne, keeping horses 65.00 Paid cash Juan Adams, repairing saddle 14.00 " " Thomas C. Stanard, keeping horses 288.25 " " Ham. Winnie, keeping horses 71.50 " " Dr. Avery and Dr. French, Physicians' bill 25.75 " " Gonet Frast, "Turk", keeping horse 27.00 " " Frederick Genno, keeping horses 79.00 " " James Godberry, keeping horses 217.34 " " James Martin, saddle 16.00 " " A. Steele, Judge 14.37 " " Alexander, for blankets 22.00 " " Gales & Seaton, for newspaper 7.50 " " Abner Evans, post rider 123.50 " " James Converse, Note 345.57 " " James Foster, Saddler 4.00 " " William Brannan, ferriage 15.00 " " Walker Gilbert, cash and goods 865.25 " " George Esmund, building tomb over corps [sic] of Moss Davis 39.00 Prob. 75, No. I O.S., filed September 26, 1814, Bundle 3. DUFFIN, HUGH. Died in Ascension Parish on September 24, 1813. Widow, Margaret Duffin, petitions for curatorship of estate. Inventory taken by Dudley Avery and John Buhler at his late residence in East Baton Rouge Paris. Margaret released from curatorship on January 17, 1817. There are six children: (1) Susan, widow of Thomas Bedsoe, (2) Anne, widow of David Andrews, (3) Polly, over 12 years, (4) Peggy, over 12 years, (5) Jane, under 12 years, and (6) Charlotte, under 12 years. Prob. 69, No. I O.S., filed March 29, 1814, Bundle 2. EVANS, JOHN. Petition of Thomas C. Standard before Judge Steele states that John Evans, late of this parish, died intestate leaving as his on heir a son (age 2) named John Evans. Standard is appointed tutor. On October 8, 1814, John Buhler and Joshua Alexander make an inventory of the estate, valued at $757.00. On October 12, 1814, Thomas Standard states the infant is deceased. Sale of estate November 7, 1814, witnessed by James Tessier and Joseph Berry. Standard released from bond, November 19, 1818. Others mentioned: Thomas Lilley, justice of peace; Philemon Thomas, sheriff on November 25, 1815; James Penney purchased a slave for $700.00. Prob. 77, No. I O.S., filed October 10, 1814, Bundle 3. HAFNER, JOHN. Will dated October 5, 1814. States he was born in Aversback in Wirlenneberg and is about 35 years old. Never married, and has no relatives in this country. Leaves barrel of rum to Madame Marie Francaise, wife of E.A. Smit. Names Jacob Cohl and Gottlieb Burnmann his heirs and executors. Witnesses: S. Trinchard, Benjamin Herries and Peter Grimes. Prob. 76, No. I O.S., filed October 4, 1814, Bundle 3. LONGSTRETH, JONATHAN. Attorney C. Baldwin presents petition of Edward Randolph of Mississippi Territory, who holds a mortgage on plantation of the late Jonathan Longstreth. Contains 420 arpents of branch of Comite River. Granted by Gov. Gayoso de Lemos to Wm. O'Connor on December 27, 1798, and sold by Catharine Miller, widow of said Wm. O'Connor to Longstreth on December 28, 1810. Catherine is wife of William Miller of County of Rapids [sic]. Sold October 18, 1814 to Ed. Randolph at public sale to satisfy mortgage. Prob. 72, No. I O.S., filed September 1, 1814, Bundle 3. LOPEZ, MARGARET. Document made by Judge Steele reveals that Margaret Broussard was the widow of Andre Lopez. Margaret died November 14, 1814, at her residence. She had eight children by her marriage to Lopez: (1) Helene, wife of Michel Garrenil; (2) Margaret, wife of Joseph Martinez; (3) Rose, married to Pierre Baron. She is deceased, left two children who died shortly after she died; (4) Pierre Lopez; (5) Mry, wife of Joseph Daigre; (6) Antoine Lopez; (7) Manuel Lopez, a minor, aged 19; Paul Daigre is his curator; (8) Gertrude Lopez, a minor, aged 16; Joseph Mrtinez is her curator. Estate estimated by Pierre Aucoin and Charles Dupis, valued at $6,243.25 including house and 11 1/2 arpents on the Mississippi River. several documents in French pertaining to the estate. Sale of estate at her late residence May 15, 1815. Some of the estate purchasers were: Isidore Tullier, Jn. L. Landry, Paul Daigre, Boviere Verbois, Firmin Guidry, Pierre Lopez, Augustus Landry, Joseph Martinez, Manuel Landry, Antoine Lopez, Michel Garrenil, Manuel Perez, Peter Lopez, Andre Serret and "his brother", Celestin Serret, Joseph Daigre, Jacob Miller, John Tullier, Pierre Danney (Daumay?), Isidore Mather, Jn. B. Daigre, Pierre Clement. Prob. 79, No. I O.S., filed November 20, 1814, Bundle 3. MONTRASOL, FRANCIS. Mr. Pierre Amiraty of Ascension Parish is executor of Francis Montrasol's (Monlrasolic?) will, which is on file in Ascension Parish. Request inventory of property of deceased in this parish. The will was dated December 8, 1813. Residence on Lot 2 in part of Baton Rouge laid off by Elias Beauregard; small cabin enclosed by picket fence. Value $150.00. Francis Herault and John Sans, estimators; Richard Devall and Stephen Ross, witnesses. Prob. 66, No. I O.S., filed January 8, 1814, Bundle 2. REES, HOWEL A. Thomas Lilley, Esq., and A. Stanley were sworn as appraisers of estate of the late Howel A. Rees. Sale of estate April 21, 1814; balance after expenses, $36.75, turned over to curator of the estate, Wm. Kirkland on September 8, 1814. Prob. 70, No. I O.S., filed April 21, 1814, Bundle 3. RIGBY, DAVID AND JANE. Only the will is included in this probate. Dated September 12, 1814, and filed the same day. mentions that will is the joint will of David Rigby and his wife, Jane. The heirs are Ann Rigby and Susannah Rigby. No relationship stated but they seem to be their children. Witnesses: Abiel Draughon and Nathl. N. Baker. Prob. 74, No. I O.S., filed September 12, 1814, Bundle 3. RUSS, ABIJAH. On September 5, 1814, a petition presented to the court requested that Elias Russ (no relationship stated) and Benjamin Fridge to be named curator to the two children of the late Abijah Russ: Sophia Russ, age 13; and Abijah, Jr., age 16. On August 16, 1815, Benjamin Fridge is dead and Charles Everand is named curator to the minors. In this same petition the age of Abijah, Jr. is show as 19. Prob. 73, No. I O.S., filed September 5, 1814, Bundle 3. PROBATES - 1815 ALLEN, CIDEON. Probate 115. Petition of Amos Thames, dated November 20, 1815 states that Gideon Allen, died November 16, 1815 leaving a wodow, Martha Sprulock, and a minor child. Petition signed by William Allen and Gideon B. Allen. Relationship of the Allens not given. Inventory valued at $1834.24, and included an 8 acre farm on Sandy Creed. Probate 115, O.S.I., bundle 4, filed November 20, 1815. CHAIN, JOHN AND SARAH. Petition of Hugh Chain of New Orleans requesting tutorship of minors John C. Chain, Jr. and Eliza Chain. They are his brother and sister and children of his deceased parents, John and Sara Chain. Petition dated May 19, 1815. Prob. 90 O.S.I. Bundle 4, filed May 19, 1815. DOUGLAS, JEPTHA. Prob. 86./ Amos Thames, Justice of the Peace, accompanied by Daniel Smith and Thomas Young went to late residence of Jeptha Doublas on Sandy Creed for purpose of taking an inventory. Estimators: James Forbes and Delanson Goode. Inventory not included. Prob. 86, O.S.I. Bundle 3: filed April 27, 1815. ESMOND, GEORGE. Prob. 93. Petition of James and Catherine Young requesting curatorship of vacant estate of George Esmond who died on June 13, 1815. Inventory consisted of house and lot in town of Baton Rouge valued at $310. Inventory taken by Joseph Berry. Witnesses: Manuel Lopez, James Teysset, and Arthur York. Probate 93, O.S. No. I, bundle 3, filed June 13, 1815. FORBES, JOHN AND JAMES. Probate 99. Petition for Tutorship of Rosamund Scott, dated August 17, 1815 by Eliza Forbes and John Forbes. Eliza states that she is one of Rosamund Scott's sisters and "the only one in such a circumstance to do such a part". Petition granted. Petition for tutorship by James Forbes dated August 17, 1815, request the court appoint him tutor to Lucretia Scott "as it is her request". Petition granted. Relation of John and James Forbes is not given by indications are that they are brothers living together and that Eliza Forbes was Eliza Scott before her marriage to John Forbes. (Further research may show a connection to Prob. 85 but I do not find positive proof). Probate 99, No. I O.S., bundle 3, filed August 17, 1815. FOWLER, ELIZABETH ANN. Probate 105. Statement of Judge Charles Tessier reveals that Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Fowler died October 17, 1815. H. Dudley Avery and Joseph Berry went to her late dwelling on William Dewees' plantation to make an inventory of her estate. Inventory contains an interesting list of household items including a "17 volume set of The Encyclopedia valued at $34." Total value $6,851.50. Papers belonging to the estate were left in the care of Richard Fowler, Jr. On October 21, 1815 Maria A. Fowler requests that George Mather by appointed her curator. So granted. Petition reveals that her father, Richard Fowler is out of the state and that her mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Walles. On February 14, 1822 "a little trunk containing a few pieces of jewelry was delivered to Richard J. and C. W. Fowler to be distributed amongst the daughters of the deceased. The portion of Richard is to be given to Antoinette Fowler." Other daughters are not named. Prob. 105, No. I O.S., bundle 4. Filed October 19, 1815. FRIDGE, BENJAMIN. Probate 110. Benjamin Fridge died prior to October 22, 1815, and William Roach and Charles Everand took an inventory of his estate in presence of Eli Rufs (Russ?) and Abijah Rufs. Valued at $1,678.25. His widow Lucretia Rufs refused to administer his estate and Charles Everand named curator. Document dated September 12, 1815 signed by Charles Everand and Elias Rufs shows that Abijah Rufs, deceased, left $850 to his children Elias, Abijah and Lucretia Rufs. Lucretia Rufs married in September of 1811 to Benjamin Fridge and brought this property into their marriage. Two daughters were born, Anna and Elias Fridge. The estate sold Jan. 20, 1816. Alex. Fridge purchased the cattle. Petition dated March 26, 1819 states that Lucretia has married Silas E. McBee as her second husband. Prob. 110, No. I. O.S. Filed October 22, 1815. GIL, SUSANNE VOUCHERES. Prob. 87. Petition of Andre Gil states his wife, Susanne died March 4, 1815. She left seven children of whom he is the lawful father: (1) Joseph, age 22, (2) Petronila Augustina, age 19, (3) Emelite (Emelia) age 17, (4)Guillermo (William), age 15, (5) Maria Andrea Gertrudis, age 13, (6) Caroline, age 9 and (7) Julian Thomas, age 7. They lived on lots 1 and 2 in Beauregard Town in Baton Rouge. Joseph Berry and Joseph Olivier estimators of estate. Value $5,750. On September 20, 1818 a family meeting is called to revise the value of the estate. Composed of: Eulogie Delasas, curator; Andrea Gil, father and tutor; Tom (?) Grerot; Louis Dubreuel; Gregorio Berghil; Drego Pentado; Joseph Gil and Augustina Gil, now wife of Thomas Dickenson. Prob. 87, No. I O.S., Bundle 2. Filed May 20, 1815. GRAS, ANT. Prob. 101. Missing from files. Prob. 101, No. I O.S., Bundle 3; September 18, 1815. HARBOUR, A. Missing. Probate 103 No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed September 26, 1815. LANGE, MARGARET. Died intestate leaving 10 children. She was the wife of Alexander Lange "a free man of color". Joseph Lange is their eldest son and only child named. Inventory taken by Judge James Teysset, witnesed by Adrien Mabille and Joseph Berry. Value $2,389 including one house 48' long by 30' in breath and consisting of 8 apartments. Prob. 102, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed September 18, 1815. LEBLANC, AGRICOLE. The widow of Agricole LeBlanc is Celeste Favoie. Mr. A. F. Mabille is her attorney. Joseph Berry makes an inventory of estate valued at $157.35. Joseph Lange, f.m. of c. is witness. Prob. 83, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed April 17, 1815. LEONARD, VICTORIE. Prob. 91. Victorie Leonard died intestate leaving her husband, Patrick Leonard, and a minor daughter, Rose Adelaid Leonard. We requested tutorship of the only child and curatorship of the estate. So granted. Bartholomew T. Beauregard is named undertutor. Inventory of her estate is 1/6 interest in property on St. John's Plains. Felix De Armas and Joseph Berry, appraisers. On May 22, 1818 T. Beauregard files suit against Patrick Leonard for "violation of trust". On October 19, 1818 Patrick Leonard is deceased. Mention made of the settlement of the Beauregard Estate on August 12, 1817, and that P. Leonard died in New Orleans. On November 2, 1818 B. T. Beauregard resigns as tutor to Rose Adelaid Leonard and Peter Bubayle replaces him. At same time Bartholomew Toutan Beauregard and Manuel Toutan Beauregard, his brother, are named curator to the estate of Victorie Beauregard Leonard. She was probably their sister, but records do not say so. On Nov. 9, 1818 a family meeting composed of Lewis Dubremil, John deBilliervre, Samuel Fulton, Marle de Grand Pre, Manuel Lopez and Peter Dubayle is called. On November 28, 1818, Manuel Beauregard is appointed her tutor. On September 28, 1820 the slaves are sold and on March 4, 1825 Philip Hickey settles in full for Square 35 in Baton Rouge for $2,950. Prob. 91, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed May 27, 1815. LEROY, FIRMIN. Probate 95. Firmin Leroy died intestate in New Orleans, La. He left a widow, Dame Louise Pauline B. Leroy, and a 17 month old son, Gustave Leroy. On June 29, 1815 the widow asks to be named tutor and states she made a marriage contract dated April 10, 1813 stipulated at $15,000. Present estate inventoried by Jean B. Maillard, Adrin F. Mabille and Joseph Berry. She is named tutor and estate valued at $13,000 is turned over to her (See Prob. 116) on July 28, 1818 a family meeting is called composed of family and friends, to deliberate the sale of land in Iberville Parish. Francoise de Bellievre is tutors to the minor. Attended by Messrs. John deBellievre, Isidore Larguier, William Reynaud, Louise de Gras de Nauberey and Peter Dubayle. Several French documents and letters may be of interest. Prob. 95, No. I O.S., filed June 30, 1915. LEROY, PAULINE. Probate 116. Petition of Madame Francoise Marion dated December 4, 1815 states that her daughter, Pauline Leroy is deceased. She is grandmother of Gustave A. Leroy in direct ascending line. Pauline died intestate "with no plans for the child". She prays for tutorship. So granted. Inventory included. See Probate 95. Probate 116, No. I. O.S., Bundle 4, filed December 4, 1815. LOPEZ, CELESTE. Probate 121. A short will be Celeste Lopez, in French, leaving her separate property to her husband, Peter Lopez. Dated December 27, 1815. Probate 121, No. I. O.S., Bundle 4, filed December 27, 1815. LOPEZ, PETER. Probate 120. A short will in French by Peter Lopez leaving his separate property to his wife, Celeste Lopez. Witnessed by Louis Dubueil (?), Peter Leonard, and Jonas L. Cleavland. Dated December 27, 1815. Probate 120, No. I. O.S., Bundle 4, filed December 27, 1815. MC DONALD, JAMES. The estate of James McDonald was inventoried by Joseph Berry and Adrien Francois Mabillo. Value %19.75. Sold at auction to pay funeral expenses. Probate 117, No. I O.S., Bundle 4, filed December 8, 1815. MC GINLEY, JOHN. Petition of John McGinley states he is 16 years old and has no living father or tutor. Request that Samuel Harbour be appointed tutor. So granted. On November 9, 1816, one year later he states he is 21 years old and releases Samuel Harbour as his curator. Either the age in the first petition is in error or he has been emancipated by law? Probate 111, No. I O.S., Bundle 4, filed October 24, 1815. PLUNKET, JOHN. Will made September 19, 1814 and witnessed by William Shaw and Martin Doyle. Executors, James Penny and James Young. James Penny referred to as Captain. John Plunket died prior to June 22, 1815 and his will is identified by above witnesses and Philip McHugh and Martin Doyle. Inventory taken July 17, 1815 by John Skinner, Benjamin Hook; witnessed by James Young, James Penny and William Shaw. Value $1,592. John Plunket named his two brothers James William Plunket as his heirs. Probate 94, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed July 17,1815. PREVOST, JOHN. One document in French. The will of John Prevost dated July 28, 1815 leaving his separate property to Marianna Trahan, his wife. Probate 97, No. I O.S. Bundle 3, filed July 28, 1815. PREVOST, MARIANNA. One document, the will in French of Marianna Trahan. She is wife of John Prevost and wills her separate property to him. Dated July 28, 1815. Prob. 98, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed July 28, 1815. REINKE (REINECKE), FREDERICK. Frederick Reinecke made his will July 1, 1814 naming Mr. C. C. Staes of New Orleans administrator of his estate "to act in case of death for the best interest of my three sons: John Frederick, George William and Franklin Lewis Reinecke". Petition of Rebecca Reinecke dated April 7, 1815 states her husband died in East Baton Rouge Parish, leaving property at Mrs. Duffins, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Converse and request an inventory he made. James Tysset and Patrice Leonard are witnesses. Felix de Armas and Joseph Berry, appraisers. It appears that the full name of the deceased is John Frederick and perhaps New Orleans was his home. Rebecca is appointed tutor on April 20, 1815 then on May 16, 1815 she relinquishes the tutorship of children forever and her right to the curatorship of the estate left by her husband. On May 15, 1815 Mr. Staes is named curator. He continues as such until July 17, 1827 when he asked to be released (See Prob. 118). Probate 82, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed April 7, 1815. REINECKE, REBECA. No. 118. Mrs. Rebecca Reinecke died in Baton Rouge about 8th November, 1815. Mr. C. C. Staes in a letter to the judge states that he has the three orphaned children of the Reineckes at his home in New Orleans. That he is an old friend of Mr. Reinecke and took them at his request. Mr. Staes has hopes of uniting the children with Mr. Reineckes' family in Europe. Her personal estate sold for $226.71 as ordered by Judge Tessier. (See Prob. 82) Probate 118, No. I O.S., Bundle 4, filed November 10, 1815. SCOTT, ELIZABETH. On 27th day of April 1815 Amos Thames, one of the justices of the peace, accompanied by Thomas Young and Daniel Smith went to the residence of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Sandy Creed in East Baton Rouge Parish. She diend in March 1815 leaving 8 children. They took an inventory valued at $21.50. Children are: (1) Martha, (2) Mary, (3( Thornton, (4) Fleming, (5) Eveline, (6) Eliza, (7) Nancy, (8) Pricilla, (9) Rospsamon (Ropsamund) of Probate 99 perhaps) No Lucretia, however , in above list of 9 names. Prob. 85, No. I O.S., Bundle 4 filed April 27, 1815. SEE, ALEXANDER. Probate 104. On October 14, 1815 Judge Charles Tessier, after usual advertisement, offers estate of deceased. Alexander See died shortly before 29th day of September at plantation of Philip Hickey. He was a weaver. George Waggaman, Esq. and Geo. Mather, appraisers. Adam Winthrop and Joseph Berry witnesses. Probate No. 104, No. I O.S. Bundle 3, filed September 29, 1815. SIDES, JOHN. On October 28, 1815, Judge Tessier authorized Joseph Parish and Jacob Sides to make an inventory of the estate of the late John Sides. He died October 21, 1815 at his place of residence on the Amite River. Witnesses were Abiel Draghan and Thomas Waugh. Value $979.00. His widow was Judith Powers Sides and they have 6 children all under puberty on February 10, 1819 when a family meeting was called and she was made their tutor, and Andrew Powers, their uncle, named under-tutor. The children were: (1) Elizabeth, (2) Mary, (3) Jane, (4) Nancy, (5) John and (6) Margaret, who was born October 28, 1815. Those in attendance were family and friends: Edward C. Powers, Samuel Fulton, Peter Dubayle, John Ferguson, Aaron Ferguson and Andrew Powers. I am unable to determine the relationship between John Sides and Peter Sides of Probate 112. The dates are hard to determine and do not indicate if this John is the son of Peter. I thought Peter's son, John, was still living on October 24, 1815, but additional research is necessary in order to prove relationship. Probate 112, No. I O.S., Bundle 4, filed October 24, 1815. SIDES, PETER. Probate 112. Petition of Amos Thames, Justice of the Peace states that Peter Sides, late, of this Parish, resided on his 400 acre plantation on Amite River. Purchased above from Henry Scott Powell on March 22, 1799. Adjoins land of James Falkson. Inventory of estate made October 24,1815 by Joseph Berry and Thomas Wood. Value $3,571. The widow is Barbery (Barbara?) Carpenter Sides. Their six childre are: (1) Mary Tully, (2) John Sides, (3) Jacob Sides, (4) James Sides, (5) Elizabeth Sides, and (6) Catherine Sides. In addition the inventory is signed by Jonathan Kuykindall as one of heirs but does not say how: (See Prob. 113 - should the above Henry Scott Powell be spelled Powers?). Probate 113, No I O.S., Bundle 4, filed October 24, 1815. STEELE, ANDREW. Petition of Philip Hickey dated March 29, 1815 states Judge Andrew Steele died in New Orleans. He was late of this parish and had no heirs in this state. Mr. Hickey prays to be named curator of the estate. Felix de Armas and Joseph Berry, estimators. Adam Winthrop and George Mather witnesses. Value $3,328.92 including 1000 acres tract originally owned by R. R. Keene and purchased by Steele at auction. The estate was sold between 1815-1819 with Mr. Hickey representing the heirs who are named. Some of the purchasers were: P. Dubayle, E. T. Hale, A. Evans, A. L. Duncan, Fernando Gayoso, Dr. French. Dr. Avery, Firmin Guedry, Ad. Winthrop, C. Filan, Geo. Mather, Col. Hickey, Mr. Nash, Mr. Domingo, Mr. Converse, Mr. Teysset, Mr. Stanley and Pierre Michel. Charles Bushnell is attorney. Probate 81, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed March 29, 1815. SMITH, DUNCAN L. Petition of Abner Stanley dated December 11, 1815, states Duncan Smith died in Iberville Parish leaving a house and lot in Baton Rouge which is going to ruin. He is a creditor and prays to be named administrator. So done. On February 22, 1816 Abraham Bird bought for $1,005 the property, lots 7 & 8 square 1 in Duvall Town. E. Baldwin is attorney fot Standley. Probate 119, No. I O.S., Bundle 4, filed December 11, 1815. TRAHAN, MARGARET. On September 18, 1815 the heirs of Margaret Trahan petition the court for a division of her estate. She died leaving no ascending or descending heirs. Her widower is Joseph LeLong. The heirs are: Joseph Trahan; Francis Trahan, Marianne Trahan, wife of John Picvosh (Probably Prevost - see Prob. 97), Marie Julie Trahan, wife of John Daigre; ______ Trahan who resides in France. They are all brothers and sisters of deceased Margaret Trahan LeLong. On October 22, 1815 Joseph Berry, Jean B. Trahan and Judge Tessier went to her late residence to make an inventory. Joseph Sharp and Paul Daigre were appraisers. On November 15, 1815 the widower buys from the heirs his deceased wife's estate for $6,543. Prob. 109, No. I O.S., Bundle 4, filed September 18, 1815. THERIOT, MARIE ELIZABETH (PROVENCHE). The Petition of Ambrose Theriot states that Mary Elizabeth Provenche of East Baton Rouge Parish was his lawful wife.. She died prior to May 14, 1815 for an inventory was made that day by John Kleinpeter and Celestin Marant. Samuel Harris and Francois Daigre, witnesses. She left two children, Maxie and Elizabeth Theriot. On June 12 the estate was adjudicated to Ambrose at appraised value $2,030.30. On June 4, 1822 a family meeting composed of family and friends; Bovier Daigre, Auguste Richard, Joseph Berry, Reine Lonjnysee (under tutor). Prob. 88, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed May 14, 1815. VIOLET, AGUSTA. Only one document stating that the late, Augusta Violet was a shoemaker and lived at James Bryan. Richard Devall, Justice of the Peace for 5th Ward took his inventory on June 30, 1815. Prob. 96, No. I O.S., Bundle 3, filed July 6, 1815. http://files.usgwarchives.net/la/eastbatonrouge/court/index1814.txt