Calvit Deed Records in Carroll Parish, Louisiana Submitted by Kay Mahan Noska 12/98 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Book "N" Page-209-January 29, 1869 Thomas CALVIT sold to Samuel Francis CALVIT, all rights, titles, and interest in 70 head of cattle, more or less, 40 head of hogs, more or less, 2 horses, 2 mules, 1-4 ox wagon, 1-4 horse wagon, farming implements on place I reside, for 20 bales of ginned cotton, weighing 8,439 pounds. Witnesse: Enoch Monroe FLEMING, and Chesney C. GOODWIN. Book "O" Page-606-Dec. 23, 1873 Thomas CALVIT of Carroll Parish, LA. sold to Chesney C. GOODWIN and Benjamin F. WISE, W1/2 of W1/2 of section 29-40 acres, and NW1/2 of SE1/4 of section 29-80 acres, and E1/2 of SW1/4 of section 29 -80 acres and E1/2 of W1/2 of SW1/4 of section 29-40 acres, all in range 10E for $960.00. Witnesses: James CALVIT, and George W. THOMPSON (This was property of Mrs. Priscilla MITCHELL CALVIT, wife of Thomas CALVIT) Dec. 23, 1873 Note- This papers were "drawn" in Richland Par. LA. Book "O" Page-416 Transaction in Richland Par. La. Feb. 22, 1873 James A. LEGGITT, natural Tutor for minors, Jinny L., James N., G.T. Beauregard LEGGITT and also by consent of a family meeting, sold to Samuel Francis CALVIT, a resident of Carroll Par. La., some land, SE1/4 of SE1/4 of section 30 Township 19, Range 10E, 40 acres at $5.00 per acre, $200.00 cash. Mentions office in Delhi, La. Witnesses: John BISHOP and Thomas F. SCOTT. My Note- The 3 minor children, Jinny, James & G.T. LEGGITT were children of James A. LEGGITT & Eliza Minerva MONK, Eliza had died April 29, 1870, Her parents were: William A. MONK & Eleanor Addison YEISER. After Eliza MONK LEGGITT died James A. LEGGITT married second to Lucy M. LANIER in 1873. Book "O"-Page-605 Dec. 23, 1873 Thomas CALVIT sold to Littleberry J. LAND for $559.00, NE1/4 of section 32, NW1/4 of section 32, E1/2 of NE1/4 of Section 31, 404 acres, all in range 10E. Mentions Charles CALVIT & Lucy May LAND of Richland Parish, LA. My Note- Lucy May Land was daughter of Littleberry John LAND and Mary Elizabeth CALVIT LAND. Lucy LAND had a brother named Charles LAND. Lucy May LAND married Sanders Day OLIVER Dec. 14, 1882 in West Carroll Par. LA. ###