Newspapers: Banner Democrat 1892 Abstracts Submitter: Carolyn P. Avery 3/02 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Banner Democrat, Lake Providence, La. 27 Aug. 1892 Jack McDaniel, colored, who has been jabbering Jumbo French on our streets for many years, was quitly laid away in the Providence Cemetery Tuesday last. 10 Sept. 1892 Major A.C. Gibson who was drowned off the transfer boat between Klineston and Delta last Monday afternoon, had his life insured for $13,000.00. 10 Sept. 1892 Eugene McBain Jr., aged 4 years, 10 months and 19 days died at Floyd, 25 Aug. 1892. 17 Sept. 1892 The infant son of Mr J.C.B. Lewis who lives out near Swan Lake, departed this life on Sunday morning last. We sincerely symphathize with the bereaved parents. 22 Oct. 1892 Mr. and Mrs. Blanchfield, who live in Bunchs Bend on the Kerr Place, lost a little 4 year old daughter on Monday last. Her remains were brought to Providence Cemetery and carefully laid away. She had been sick for several days. The disease that took away her young life was diptheria. We tender our earnest sympathies to the bereaved family in their irreparable loss. 12 Nov. 1892 Wanted a sitution as plantation manager for the year of 1893 by the undersigned, who has been raised in cotton growing country and has over 15 years experience in raising the staple and general plantation management. The best of references given. C.H. Webb Illaware, La. 19 Nov. 1892 The Confederate Veterans convened in town on Wednesday. Amoung them we noticed, J.C. Bass, R.N. Rea, Gen. Guier, T.D. McCandless, and several other old friends. Their camp fire was well attended.