Lamar/Waverly School, Franklin Parish, LA Submitted by: DeWanna Lindo and Tommy Moore June 2001 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. **********************************************   Lamar/Waverly School No definite date of establishment of a school at Lamar is Known. On May 20, 1870, Mr. Charles Barker and Mr. Bushrod Baker, residents of Franklin Parish, appeared before A.R. Hendry of Franklin Parish. Mr. Barker donated one acre of land for the purpose of a school. The deed states that a white school house, being white washed and known as the ___________, was already built on the Barker land at this time. The name of the school was omitted from the deed. Mrs. Bertie Townsend's house site is on this acre of land, which she purchased from the Franklin Parish School Board April 9, 1965. Records in the School Board office show that seventy-five dollars was appropriated to the school at Waverly in 1901, and in 1916 is is recorded that a committee was appointed to work on plans for a building there. There are no records of a Lamar School at Waverly, but older people of this area have said that this school was at one time known as Lamar. The Waverly School was open to white children until about 1943 at which time it was converted to an all black school. In 1969, with the Extra Ordinary Session of the Louisiana State Legislature, this school was closed. The children were bussed to Central and Crowville schools.