Obituary: Dec. 1929, Franklin Parish, LA Submitters name listed with obit ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** The following obituaries are listed below: J. W. Busby Mrs. J. G. Gulledge Abbie Hitt J. W. Taylor ******************************************** ******************************************** The Franklin Sun Winnsboro, LA December 12, 1929 Submitted May 2009 by: Glenda Warner Boyd Death Visits Busby Home On Last Friday Victim Had Been Resident of Franklin for Twelve Years. J. W. Busby, farmer, aged 32 years, died last Friday morning at his home near Crowville. He had been ill only a few days and twenty-four hours before his death, his condition was thought to be much improved. A sudden relapse came and death followed immediately. Mr. Busby was born in Winn Parish, but had been a resident of Franklin Parish for the past twelve years. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and the Baptist church, being a faithful adherent to the principles of both bodies. He was highly respected and esteemed by all who knew him. The deceased is survived by his wife, several small children, one brother, two sisters and a host of other relatives who mourn his passing. Interment was made in the Crowville cemetery Saturday afternoon, the Masons being in charge of the funeral services. --------------------------------------------------- The Franklin Sun Winnsboro, LA December 12, 1929 Submitted May 2009 by: Glenda Warner Boyd Mrs. J. G. Gulledge On the evening of November 22, at 7:30, death came and took from us our dear mother. She had suffered three attacks of paralysis in the last years. Never murmuring or complaining of her lot, she was willing to take whatever God sent. Such fortitude in pain and sweet patience as our mother possessed is found only in the true Christian. Whose trust is in the Divine Father, even in her hours of greatest suffering as long as she was able, to speak to those around her, she was thoughtful of the welfare of others rather than herself. Mother was born October 16, 1857, at an early age, she was converted and became a member of the Bapist Church at Shady Grove, February 12, 1874, she and our father Dr. J. G. Gulledge, were married. Ten children were born to the, six of which died young. Through all of mother's life she was devoted to her home and loved ones by preceipt and example she tried to teach her children the real values of life. She was always tender in her care for us, counting not the physical cost of the task of its performance were for our good. God grant that the seed of her loving kindness and self-sacrifice may live and grow and make our lives a memorial to her many loving deeds for us. Twelve years ago our father was taken from us and eleven years ago our brother Robert Blanks followed him. Though we mourn the loss of father, brother and mother here, we know they are happier with each other and with other loved ones gone on to await the coming of loved ones left behind. There are three sons and one daughter who mourn the loss of mother. How we appreciate Tennyson's lines: "Oh, for the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of a voice that is stilled." Sad indeed it seems to live without her here, but God is infinite in wisdom and we do not complain. Rather we thank Him that mother was spared to us until we were able to care for ourselves and to realize what a mother's love meant to us. Our great desire is that some day when the last one of us has answered the summons, the family circle will be unbroken and we shall meet each other and our Savior. The Children. ---------------------------------------------------- The Franklin Sun Winnsboro, LA December 12, 1929 Submitted May 2009 by: Glenda Warner Boyd In Memory Abbie Hitt It was with sad hearts we heard the news on Sunday night, the twenty-fourth of November, of the accident that took the life of Abbie Hitt. He would have been seventeen years old the eighteenth of December and was loved by all who knew him. He leaves to mourn his passing, his parents, two sisters, and one brother, and a host of other relatvies and friends. Interment was made in the Oak Grove cemetery, Monday afternoon, November 24. Rev. Dana Terry, officiated. We shall meet him, but we shall miss him. There will be one vacant chair, We shall linger to carress him, While we breathe our evening prayer. Just that morning when he left us, Joy was in his dark blue eye, But a golden cord is severed And our hopes in ruin lie. At our fireside, sad and lonely, Often wlll the bosom swell At rememberance of the story How our noble Abbie fell. True they tell us wreaths of glory Evermore will deck his brow, But this soothes the anguish only Sweeping o'er our heart-strings now. Sleep today, oh, early fallen, In the green and narrow bed Dirges from the pine and cypress Mingle with the tears we shed. A cousin. ------------------------------------------------------ The Franklin Sun Winnsboro, LA December 26, 1929 Submitted May 2009 by: Glenda Warner Boyd Taylor of Mangham Death Victim Monday J. W. Taylor, 53, of Mangham, died last Sunday at a sanitarium in Monroe of injuries he received Saturday afternoon in an automobile accident near Mangham. Taylor was riding on the back of a cotton truck and fell to the ground when the truck hit a rough stretch of road. His skull was fractured, it was revealed in an examination at a Monroe sanitarium, where he was carried by George Crawford, driver of the truck. The accident victim is survived by his widow and three children. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Lone Cherry Cemetery near Mangham. -----------------------------------------------------