Cemetery: Unnamed Cemetery, Grant Parish La Submitted by Jane Parker McManus (mcmanus@linknet.net). ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ********************************************** UNNAMED CEMETERY - Grant Parish On LA Hwy. 8 at Boyce, cross Red River Bridge into Grant Parish, and go toward Colfax about .25 mile (just past the first house). Turn left on blacktop road that becomes dirt. At levee, bear to the left and drive on top of levee or go down to river bank (depending on whether dredging is going on). In 1995, both were good, hard roads. There were only two markers located in this burial site, and both could be easily overlooked. The underbrush and nettles were so thick it was impossible to determine if there were other unmarked burials or collapsed tombstones in the area. Tombstone inscriptions recorded by Mary Parker Partain, and Jack Fraziar Jr. in February 1995, and Submitted to USGENWEB - by Jane Parker McManus (mcmanus@linknet.net). Johnson, Thomas, only son of M&M J. Johnson - 3 Apr 1891/24 Jul 1920 Served World War One, Year discharged 11 Nov 1919 [This 3-foot obelisk, partially buried, was located by Jack under a large tree -- the only one in the area. The marker was partially buried and had to be excavated to be recorded. A base with missing marker for a possible burial was found near the obelisk.] Bernard, Joseph - 14 Jun 1890/3 Feb 1945, LA Pvt. QM Corps WW1 [This upright military marker was located approximately 30 feet to the right (if facing the river) of the above stone.