Iberville County Louisiana Archives Court.....Dupuis , Et Al July 10, 1802 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ********************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Crystal Devillier oneonone@cox.net January 10, 2007, 1:25 pm Source: Transcribed Court Document Written: July 10, 1802 Date: July 10, 1802 Petition for Inventory - Appeared: Aman Ebert and Joseph Aubry Dupuis who declare that Juan Dupuis having died, being nephew of first and brother of the second, having married Maria Cloutre, by second marriage, who has children of her first marriage with Geronimo Blanchard, decd. and by her second marriage with said Juan Dupuis, named: Joseph and Polina Dupuis, minors; petition for an inventory of the property of the decd. Juan Dupuis. Date: July 12, 1802 Decree - Having made known to Maria Clouatre, widow of the decd. Juan Dupuis, the necessity of proceeding to an inventory of the property of the decd. her husband, Juan Dupuis, and having named for this effect, as guardian to the widow, Amant Ebert; and named their uncle by blood, Joseph Aubry Dupuis, as guardian of the minor children of the decd. Juan Dupuis; and named the appraisers, Bernardo D'Auterive and Pedro Sigur, proceed to the inventory. Date: August 10, 1802 Oath of Amant Ebert, guardian of the widow of Juan Dupuis; oath of the appraisers; oath of the guardian of the minors, Joseph and Polina Dupuis. Date: August 12, 1802 Decree - Observing the oaths above, it is ordered to proceed to the inventory. Notification to Aman Hebert, guardian of the widow of Juan Dupuis; to Joseph Aubry Dupuis, uncle by blood and guardian of the minors of the decd. Juan Dupuis; to the appraisers. Date: August 14, 1802 Also to Antonio Blanchard, curator ad lite of the minor children of decd. (his brother) Geronimo Blanchard and of the widow Juan Dupuis. Date: August 16, 1802 The Commandant states that having informed the widow Juan Dupuis, that there being a minor heir of the decd. they would have to proceed to an inventory of the property of the decd. Date: September 13, 1802 The Commandant states that Aman Hebert has informed him that he releases himself from the position of Guardian of the widow Juan Dupuis and places in his stead, Joseph Mollere Date: September 14, 1802 Notice to Joseph Mollere, as guardian of the Maria Clouatre, widow of the decd. Juan Dupuis, who accepts and gives the oath. Date: September 17, 1802 The Commandant has received advice from Joseph Mollere, guardian of the widow of Juan Dupuis to proceed to the inventory and sale of the property. Date: September 18, 1802 Decree - Observing, the notice to the Widow Juan Dupuis and citation to Dn Antonio Blanchard, curator ad lite of the minors of the Widow Maria Clouatre and of her first husband, Geronimo Blanchard, named Geronimo, Enrrieta and Carmelita Blanchard; in order to proceed to the inventory and sale of the property of the decd. Juan Dupuis. Date: September 20, 1802 Notifications to Maria Clouatre, widow of the decd. Juan Dupuis; to Joseph Mollere, guardian of the widow Juan Dupuis; to Joseph Aubry Dupuis, guardian of the minors of his decd. brother; to Bernardo D'Auterive, appraiser; to Pedro Sigur, appraiser; to Antonio Blanchard, curator ad lite to the minor children of the decd. brother Geronimo Blanchard and of the widow Juan Dupuis. Date: September 22, 1802 Inventory - The present plantation situated in the said District of Iberville, on the right bank of the Mississippi river, bounded on the upper part by lands of Tomas Croper and below by those of the widow of Pedro Clouatre, composed of four arpents of front with the ordinary depth of forty, which belongs to the succession for having been purchased by the decd. of the succession of the decd. Geronimo Blanchard, according to the proceeding dated the twenty-third day of month March of the year passed of one thousand seven hundred ninety- eight, with the edifices and fences which are found on the same, built which consent *** Date: September 28, 1802 The Commandant certifies that the property represented in the inventory are the same which the two guardians presented to me of the property left by the decd. Juan Dupuis. Date: September 23, 1802 (French) Petition - To the Commandant, Francois Rivas; Petition of Joseph Mollere, guardian of Maria Clouatre, widow by second marriage of the late Jean Dupuis, saying that yesterday the Commandant transported to appraise the property of the decd. and that if the property were sold, she and the 3 children from her 2nd marriage and the 3 children from her 1st marriage would not have anywhere to go, therefore petitioning that the widow be allowed the property at price of the estimation. Signed J. Moller. Date: September 24, 1802 Decree - Observing the petition of the guardian of the widow, desire an answer of the guardian of the minors. Signed by Rivas, Commandant. Date: September 27, 1802 Answer of Aubry Dupuis, guardian of the minor children of his decd. brother, Jean Dupuis, answers to the demand of Joseph Mollere for and in name of the widow Maria Dupuis, and approves of the property remaining in the widow's hands, with good security. Date: November 18, 1802 Decree - Commandant Franco Rivas states that observing the inventory and estimation of the referred property, and considering the action of the Superior Tribunal, and herein order to appraise the costs of the said inventory, including the copy of the whole, which is in my archives of my place. In conformity with the originals which have been remitted to the Governor General No. 55 Signed by Franco Rivas Additional Comments: Transcribed from original Spanish in 1978 by Delma Abadie File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/la/iberville/court/dupuis206gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/lafiles/ File size: 6.1 Kb