Locals 16 Jan 1913; Jackson Par., LA Submitter: B. Jo Branch Source: The Jackson Independent Date: 24 Feb 2003 ************************************************ Submitted to the LAGenWeb Archives ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ************************************************ Mr. Willie Tolar came from Womack to visit home-folks Saturday and Sunday.Misses Dell and Mae McBride visited home-folks Saturday and Sunday.Miss Ethel Peevy who is attending the Jonesboro High School, visited her parents Saturday and Sunday.We are proud of our first Auto in our little town and it belongs to our energetic Dr. N. D. Smith. The Doctor always leads in advancement and progressiveness.The farmers are all busy preparing for another crop. The most of them have killed their own meat and have their smokehouse at home instead of Chicago.Uncle Jake.QUITMAN LOCALS Quitman society is progrssing right along.The Quitman Literary Society met Friday night and was a complete success.Mr. H. P. Cardwell was welcomed to our city Sunday.Mrs. Robbie Ramsey and children were the guest of Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Sneed Sunday.Mr. Robert Freeman and wife made a business trip to Ruston Saturday.Miss Julia Smith went down to Jonesboro shopping Monday.Misses Hettie McMurry and Hannah Swanson are visiting friends in Monroe this week.Mrs. C. F. Sneed went to Ruston Monday to have some dental work done.Miss Myrtle Reece Webb of Jonesboro spent the day, Sunday with her little cousin, Sybol Finley.Mr. Gordon Moore is rejoicing over his fine grades in school.Mr. Joe King and Ell Rentz are putting up a store in the domains of Quitman.Misses Balmah brooks and Ad Swanson left Tuesday where they will be matrons of the Orphans hme in ruston.Mr. Johnson made a business trip to Jonesboro Friday.Mr. Luther Bryant left for Dallas Texas, Friday, where he will finish in dentestry.---ADVERTISED LETTERSList of adverrised letters advertised by the pestmaster at Jonesboro, La., Nov. 16th, 1912:Mr. Elby Bax,Mr. S. H. Stewart,Advertised letters when delivered are due one cent. Parties calling for any of the above will please mention "advertised."Respectfully,J. C. Brown,Postmaster