Local and Otherwise; Jackson Par., LASubmitter: B. Jo BranchSource:Jackson Independent; 08 May 1913Date: 23 Apr 2003************************************************ Submitted to the LAGenWeb Archives ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ************************************************NOTE from submitter: The below has been typed exactly as printed in the newspaper.Local and Otherwise8 May 1913========================The Editor Solicits All Items Appropriate to This Department========================Mrs. J. C. Wallace of Rochester was in to see us tuesday.Mr. ?. D. thrift of Quitman, spent Tuesday in our city.Mr. W. T. Hawthornre of Quitman, was in Jonesboro today.Miss Delia Steffins of Ruston is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Beasley.Hon. Mitch Wright of Ruston, was a business representative here Tuesday.Miss Hazel Stovall, came up from Dodson today, returning on the afternoon train.Mr. J. R. Stinson from near Gansville, was a caller at the Independent office yesterday.Mrs. J. F. Sneed of Quitman, was in Jonesboro yesterday as the guest of Mrs. L. W. Ramsey.Mr. W. B. Freeman, an industrious farmer from near Weston, was an appresiative caller Tuesday.Chas. H. Carroll of Spearsville, has accepted a position as pharmacist at the City Drug Store.Mr. E. M. Rentz, one of the hustling merchants of Quitman, was transacting business here Tuesday.Mrs. L. W. Ramsey and Miss Loula McBride left this morning for Ruston where they will spend the day.Mr. F. M. Freeman, Police Juror from the Sixth Ward, was transacting business here first of the week.Mrs. Mary Usrey, mother of Mr. Lyn Atkins, is spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in wesson, Ark.The regular civil ter of the District Court met here Monday, but adjourned in the afternoon until June, court docket being light.Mr. J. p. Liles, a progressive farmer, whose home is a few miles southwest of Jonesboro, was an appreciated caller at this office Tuesday.Miss. Maude S. Talbot, one of the teachders in the Jonesboro High School, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in New Orleans recently, was able to resume her position the past week.Mr. H. M. Scroggins, proprietor of the new drug store to be opened up here in a few weeks spent a few days of the past week in Shreveport, looking after the purchasing of fixtures, etc.Estray Notice -- I have taken up at my place southwest of Jonesboro, one brown and white spotted cow. Looks to be 8 or 10 years old. Marks--crop and split in right ear and underslope in left ear. Taken up about 14 months ago. If owner is not found in thirty days, will estray and sell according to law.J. R. Stinson, Jonesboro, La.QUITMAN LOCALSMesdames Guess, Hawthorne, Blume and Brown made a return trip to Ruston Wednesday.Miss Ruth Blume is visiting her moter in Minden now.Mrs. J. F. Sneed and Miss Sybol Finley spent the day in Ruston Saturday.Miss Ida Smith from Ansley is visiting here, the guest of friends.Mrs. Ogden of Ruston, visited friends here the past week.Mr. Jim Murphey of Vienna spent the day here Sunday.Mrs. Hettye McMurry is visiting relatives at Hodge and Jonesboro this week.Mr. Percey Barnard and Claud Stewart from Hodge was visiting home folks here Sunday.Mrs. C. Nobles from Lincoln parish was the guest of Mrs. Mattie McCallia the past week.Mr. E. M. Rentz spent the day in Ruston Monday.Mr. Roy Rogers returned to his home in Minden Tuesday.Little Bessie Nesbit, of Jonesboro, visited relatives here this week.