Lafayette County Louisiana Archives Obituaries.....Comeaux, Orleian - November 18, 1930 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mary K. Creamer July 6, 2024, 5:18 pm source: The Daily Advertiser. (Lafayette, Louisiana) Thursday, November 20, 1930, page 9 COMEAUX RITES HELD CARENCRO - (Special to the Advertiser) - CARENCRO, Nov. 20 - Funeral services for Orleian Comeaux, 57, who died Tuesday morning at his home in the First ward of Lafayette parish were held Wednesday afternoon at St. Peter's Catholic church here and interment made in the local cemetery. The funeral was largely attended and the floral offerings were many and beautiful. The deceased, a prominent farmer of Lafayette parish is survived by his widow, nee Edmonia Babineaux, three sons, Eloi, Joseph and Orien, of Scott; one daughter Mrs. Vilard Landry of Grand Coteau; two brothers, Caliste and Telesmar Comeaux, of Carencro; two sisters Mrs. Joseph Melancon of Carencro and Mrs. Emeras Arceneaux of Acadia parish. E. D. Melancon and Son were in charge of funeral arrangements. Additional Comments: NOTE: memorial # 98146662 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb