Obituary of MRS. J. I. LOTT, LaSalle Parish, Louisiana Copied and Submitted by: Doug McBroom, 15520 Swan Lake Blvd., Gulfport, MS 39503 From The Jena Times - Olla Tullos Signal; Jena, LaSalle Parish, La. Microfilm at the LaSalle Parish Library located in Jena, LaSalle Parish, La. Many Thanks to The Times - Signal and to the LaSalle Parish Library for allowing the following to be added to the Archives. ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Date: June 18, 1931 Headline: Former Resident of Jena Dies Sun. At Home in Miss. Sub-Headline: Mrs. J. I. Lott Buried at Tylertown Monday, June 15 Mrs. J. I. Lott, aged 51, formerly a resident of Jena, who moved to Franklin Parish in 1921 and from there to Tylertown, Miss., died at her home in the latter place Sunday night, June 14, at 10 o'clock. She was the mother of Mrs. W. A. Clark of Jena. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were called to the bedside of Mrs. Lott Friday of last week and remained with her until the end. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Toler, pastor of the Enon Baptist Church at Tylertown, and the following children: Jesse Lott of Franklinton; Otho, Ollie and Albert Lott, all of Gilbert and Reece Lott of Tallulah, sons; Mrs. Julia King of Gilbert; Mrs. Eddie Bullock of Columbia, Miss., and Mrs. Clark of Jena. Mr. Clark is a valued employee of the C. I. Humphries Garage her and the sympathy of Mr. and Mrs. Clark's many friends go out to them in their bereavement.