Port Vincent's New Brick School House, Livingston Parish, Louisiana Clipping from Livingston Times newspaper, January 14, 1910 File prepared by D.N. Pardue. ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ********************************************** From the French Settlement Historical Register, published by the French Settlement Historical Society, French Settlement, Louisiana 70733. The LaGenWeb Archives thanks them for contributing this information. Vol. 6, December 1981 Original contributor to the FSHR is Mrs. Anita Durand Buess, Benton, Kansas. The following article is from the Livingston Times of Friday, January 14, 1910. It was published at Springfield at this time. PORT VINCENT'S NEW BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE Plainview, La., Jany. 10th, 1910, Editor Livingston Times: Through the indefatigable efforts of Mr. Roy Leftwich and a number of faithful co-workers, the little town of Port Vincent, now boasts of a splended brick school house. And as people who contribute to any public enterprise, however laudable it may be, desire to know how the funds have been used, without asking leave of any one, I desire to submit the following: J.T. FELDER, lot 12 sq., 7 value $25.00 J.T. ROUX, JR., boards value 25.00 Sid. BERNARD, carpenter work 10.00 Capt. W.C. TSCHRIN, frt. on 40 bbls. lime value 10.50 Ben CAMBRE, work value 5.00 J.F. GIBSON, work value 5.00 Jno. CAMBRE, work value 2.50 L.E. WATSON, one keg nails value 2.00 Jodie JENKS, work value 1.00 Joe. BELLE, work value 1.00 John ELY, work value 1.00 Charley NETTERS, work value .50 T.M. BURGESSS, work value .50 Paul CAMBRE, work value .50 Roy LEFTWICH, cash 25.00 W.B. THOMPSON & CO., cash 15.00 Milton W. CLENEAY, cash 10.00 Lucien CAMBRE, cash 10.00 V.S. SCIVIQUE, cash 10.00 A.V. SCIVIQUE, cash 10.00 V.T. CAMBRE, cash 10.00 J.Q. JENKS, cash 10.00 H.H. DENHAM, cash 10.00 W.H. UNDERWOOD, cash 10.00 T.S. LEFTWICH, cash 10.00 H.D. CASTLEBERRY, cash 10.00 A.A. JOHNSON, cash 5.00 H.G. TURNER, cash 5.00 Ed. GOTTSCHALK, cash 5.00 C.A. CAMBRE, cash 5.00 Pat CASTLEBERRY, cash 5.00 GEO. MALLARD & CO., cash 5.00 W.A. GILLMORE, cash 5.00 H.T. COTTMAN & CO., cash 5.00 W.J. MAITINEZ & BROS., cash 5.00 Sid. MALBROUGH, cash 5.00 Jodie JENKS, cash 4.00 Miss Bessie CASTLEBERRY, cash 3.00 John CAMBRE, cash 2.50 Hugh JENKS, cash 2.50 C.R. SCIVIQUE, cash 2.50 Seth JENKS, cash 2.50 S. & J. KATS & CO., cash 2.50 A. ADLER & CO., cash 2.50 O.L. FELDER, cash 2.50 O.D. ADLER, cash 2.50 N.E. COOPER, cash 1.00 E.L. SCIVIQUE, cash 1.00 C.A. VOREES, cash 2.00 E.J. TREPAGNIER, cash 1.00 Peter CASTLEBERRY, cash 1.00 Max BERNARD, cash 1.00 M.M. MANN, cash 1.00 Mr. DUNBAR, cash 1.00 Geo. RICHARD, cash 1.00 J.T. ROUX, cash 5.00 Other subscriptions will be acknowledged when paid in. Even, with the above leberal subscription list, (for all of which we desire to tender our thanks) we would still have been unable to build. But for the fact that the P.V. Brick Co. gave us a liberal discount on the brick, putting them on the lot, at what I am told is far below the actual cost. Brick layers and other workmen also worked for less than the usual wages, which is not included in the acknowledgments above. The house is still to be furnished, but it was quietly whispered to us that the good ladies of Port Vincent would see to it that the house was furnished, which is a sufficient guarantee that it will be done.