School Trustees Year 1898, Livingston Parish, La. Livingston Parish School Board Minute Book 1897 to 1904 File prepared by D.N. Pardue ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From the French Settlement Historical Register, published by the French Settlement Historical Society, French Settlement, Louisiana 70733. The LaGenWeb Archives thanks them for contributing this information. Vol. 4, December 1979 Originally submitted to the FSHR by Lucille B. Cooper. NORTH SCHOOL - FRENCH SETTLEMENT Azenor Matherne C.G. Perriloux Jules Aydell SOUTH SCHOOL - FRENCH SETTLEMENT T.A. Salassi Thimothe Lobell Paul Lambert DODIES CREEK (NEAR EVERETT SETTLEMENT) Wm. Palmer N.C. Everett T.L. Blount BAYOU BARBRY T.L. Martin WHITEHALL Joe Loupe Ely Fontenot BEAR ISLAND Geo. Brown Hiram Little ISLAND COL. Wilson Fleming HEAD OF ISLAND A.T. Berthelott Adam Baker and Jno. Oppendenweyer MARUEPAS COL. H. Tinkshell James Foster Peter Baytis BAYOU PERRE Geo. Stephens T. Stephens Lawrence Brignac COLYELL T.D. Blount Wm. Tate Grange Hall Carrie Ernest E.T. Landry JULY 7, 1900 MINUTES LIVINGSTON PARISH SCHOOLS, PAGE 75 AND 76 By motion Mr. W.H. Underwood moved there be a public school located at the forks of the Port Vincent and Centerville roads by request of the following settlers to wit: Antoine Aydell--------4 Eugene Dupuy----------3 John Schexnaider------3 C.G. Perrilloux-------2 Ambroise Burns--------2 C.D. Bowman-----------2 Frank Cleany----------2 and that the said school be known as the Bowman School. Copied by Lucille B. Cooper on January 26, 1976 at Livingston Parish School Board, Livingston, Louisiana