Marriage Records performed by C.D. Bowman, Justice of the Peace, Livingston Parish, La. 1919 to 1928 at Poley, La. File prepared by D.N. Pardue ********************** ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From the French Settlement Historical Register, published by the French Settlement Historical Society, French Settlement, Louisiana 70733. The LaGenWeb Archives thanks them for contributing this information. Vol. 4, December 1979 Originally submitted to the FSHR by Lucille B. Denham & Rosalie B. Palmer These marriages were performed by C.D. Bowman, Justice of the Peace, from 1919 to 1928 at Poley, Livingston Parish, Louisiana. THE MARRIAGE SERVICE We have met together for the purpose of joining this man and this woman in the estate of matrimony. If any can show just cause why these persons should not be lawfully joined together in the bonds of matrimony, let him now publicly declare it or forever hereafter hold his peace. Will you have ____________ to be your wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others keep yourself only to her so long as you both shall live? Do you _____________take this man whom you hold by the hand, to be your wedded husband? Will you obey him, love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, keep yourself only to him so long as you both shall live? Whereas, you ________ and ____________ have in accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana, pledged your troth in wedlock, I do hereby, by virtue of the authority vested in me, pronounce you husband and wife. 1. D.M. EAsley to Miss Vina Watts - April 8, 1919 Witnesses: Oliver Watts and Willie Bowman 2. Lorent Aydell to Miss Lavinia Dupuy - May 10, 1919 Witnesses: J.L. Scivicque and Geo. Dupuy 3. Robt. Pendarvis to Miss Vivian Burns - March 16, 1919 Witnesses: Glen Ellis and C.E. Bowman 4. Ollie Taylor to Miss Elizabeth McAlaster - August 12, 1919 Witnesses: G.L. Watts and J.W. Averett 5. Valsin Heintze to Miss Eliza Aydell - January 15, 1920 Witnesses: William Matherne and J.L. Scivicque 6. Henry Wells to Elizabeth Hutchinson - February 8, 1920 Witnesses: Bolivar Watts and R.R. Hutchinson 7. Eugene McMorris to Miss Nickens - November 12, 1925 Witnesses: Ruby Roddy and Mrs. C.E. Bowman 8. Edward Lee to Mamie Tate - January 24, 1925 Witnesses: John Tate and C.E. Bowman 9. Wilbur Lee to Elinor Miller - August 9, 1924 Witnesses: Howard Watkins and Ernest Lee 10. James W. Causey to Elizabeth Galloway - May 24, 1920 Witnesses: W.E. O'Neal and Mrs. C.E. Bowman 11. Willie Wallace to Lena Jones - December 1, 1920 Witnesses: Chas. Preston Perrilloux and Francis Perrilloux 12. Zack Wheat to Marie Watts - March 10, 1921 Witnesses: Oliver Watts and Monroe Watts 13. Lynn Martin to Ophelia Ouber - July 14, 1923 Witnesses: Guy Forbs and Mrs. Guy Forbs 14. Augustave Berthelotte to Annie Burns - July 24, 1923 Witnesses: Edmond Burns and Denise Bruce 15. Denver Crotwell to Leonie Burns - May 28, 1923 Witnesses: C.E. Bowman and C.L. May 16. Robt. L. Harris to Virgia Crotwell - December 24, 1924 Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutcliff 17. Johnie Ratcliff to Ruth Watts - February 8, 1926 Witnesses: Mrs. C.E. Bowman and Carl Ratcliff 18. Wm. W. Blount to Murphy Miller - November 21, 1925 Witnesses: Carl Ratcliff and Jno. J. Bailey 19. Adam Lambert to Navie Millet - April 5, 1926 Witnesses: Edlee Aydell and Elsie Vicknair 20. Emile Millet to Alice Parker - March 2, 1926 Witnesses: Sam Parker and Una Lass 21. Talmage Watts to Ethel Edwards - March 25, 1926 Witnesses: C.E. Bowman and Ina Taylor 22. Morris May to Mamie Hood - May 26, 1926 Witnesses: Mrs. Nannie Causy and Mrs. C.E. Bowman 23. Thos. J. Sutcliff to Lena Andrews - December 24, 1923 Witnesses: C.E. Bowman and H.G. Andrews 24. Nehemia Palmer to Louise Willie - January 9, 1924 Witnesses: W.M. Averett and Adam Averett 25. Jeff Ponders to Lorena Watts - April 13, 1924 Witnesses: C.E. Bowman and Etta Duplissie 26. Elliot Harrel to Elva Taylor - March 23, 1924 No witness listed 27. Antoin Millet to Martha Lambert - July 11, 1924 Witnesses: Alex Lambert and Mrs. Lambert 28. James W. Causy to Hazel O'Neal - October 8, 1924 Witnesses: Mrs. Nannie Causy and Boyd Shelton 29. Olivar Watts to Susie Willie - November 8, 1924 No witness listed 30. Adam Averett to Zelma Watts - May 28, 1925 Witnesses: William Averett and Calvin DeMars 31. Clifton Richardson to Constantine Vicknair - January 12, 1926 Witnesses: Guy Scivicque and Eckford McMorris 32. Philip Chan to Louise Bathery - June 30, 1926 Witnesses: Winfield Sutcliff and Mattie Hood 33. Joseph Wheat to Irma E. Everett - July 4, 1926 Witnesses: Larry Watts and Wm. Averett 34. Arthur J. Savoy to Bertha B. Perrilloux - July 7, 1926 Witnesses: Calvin Fayard and Homer Fayard 35. Salvador M. Pizzati to Mrs. M.J. Perdue - July 7, 1926 Witnesses: Mrs. C.E. Bowman and Julia Bowman 36. Julius Truix to Agnes McLin - July 10, 1926 Witnesses: Edith Galloway and T.R. Martin 37. James O'Neal to Bell Saint - September 21, 1925 Witnesses: M.C. Allen and Mrs. C.E. Bowman 38. Wm. Leo Hatchell to Camile Cambre - December 16, 1927 Witnesses: W.C. Cockerham and C.C. Cambre 39. Clarence Watts to Emma Wheat No dates or witnesses 40. Frank Deslatte to Dora Marine No dates of witnesses 41. Wesley Philips to Pearl Willis - August 20, 1926 Witnesses: James Simeon and Loring Smiley 42. Larry S. Watts to Eliza Averett - August 21, 1926 Witness: Martin J. Wheat 43. Moise Berthelotte to Novia Lobell - August 23, 1926 Witnesses: Henry Berthelotte and Wm. Bell 44. Joseph H. Hood to Elvina Cambre - October 20, 1926 Witnesses: A.J. Cambre and Wm. Tuttle, Port Vincent, La. 45. Abram H. Hoover to Rosalee Miller - October 24, 1926 Witnesses: David Sanchez and Wilbur Lee 46. Arthur Dupuy to Lillie Fontenot - November 25, 1926 Witnesses: Aubra Martin and C.E. Bowman, Poley, La. 47. Adolph Poche to Della Vicknair - December 27, 1927 Witnesses: Edilee Aydell, Alex Lambert and Mrs. Eugene Brignac, Poley, La. 48. Ivy P. Lambert to Lucille Weimer - January 1, 1927 Witnesses: Alex Lambert and Marie Parent 49. Honora Loup to Bertene Matherine - January 29, 1927 Witnesses: C.E. Bowman and Wilford Matherne, Poley, La. 50. Horace Loupe to Juliet Matherne - January 29, 1927 Witness: C.E. Bowman and Wilifried Matherne, Poley, La. 51. Eno Picou to Josephine Bencaz - April 18, 1927 Witnesses: John Beusett and Carl Picou 52. Grant Myers to Rose Watts - May 4, 1927 Witnesses: Julia Bowman and Mrs. C.E. Bowman 53. Wilfried Matherne to Allie Erwin - May 16, 1927 Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Bowman, Poley, La. 54. Amile Cornett to Agnes Tureau - May 26, 1927 Witnesses: Joe Cornett and Peter Chetauts, Poley, La. 55. Joe Lambert to Etta Zeigler - July 5, 1927 Witnesses: Alex Lambert and ?, Poley, La. 56. Rosenfield Sutcliff to Mary Elsie Sicard - August 23, 1927 Witnesses: C.E. Bowman and Isola Page, Poley, La. 57. Vincent J. Berthelotte to Thelma Gladys Smart - September 18, 1927 Witnesses: C.E. Bowman and Mrs. C.E. Bowman, Poley, La. 58. Emmit S. Watts to Geneva Edwards - October 22, 1927 Witnesses: Myrtle Watts and Elvin Watts, Poley, La. 59. Ira Taylor to Viola Edwards - December 10, 1927 Witnesses: Elva Harrel and Joe McMorris, Poley, La. 60. J.A. Lass to Mary Cambre - December 21, 1927 Witnesses: Mrs. C.E. Bowman and Julia Bowman 61. J.C. Caldwell to Hattie Richard - January 5, 1928 Witnesses: Alex Hunt and Julia Bowman C.D. BOWMAN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, DIED ON FEBRUARY 11, 1928