The Tallulah Madison Times - The Exposition Submitted by: Billie Grunden May 2008 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Madison Times, Saturday August 9, 1884 THE EXPOSITION At last Madison Parish has taken up the matter of the Exposition. It is better late than never, and although this matter should have been attended to last spring, there is still time to make a good showing. The Police Jury had not gotten out of town, after starting the movement, before the ladies took the business up, and going vigorously to work, organized a club within twenty-four hours. The proceedings of the club will be found in another column, and it will be seen at once, from the names of the members, that business is meant. The TIMES said long ago, that the ladies could get up a good exhibit, if they tried to, and the future will, tell how strong the TIMEs is on prophecy. Let the other sex in the parish, play half as much interest and energy and Madison will have no cause to be ashamed. Circulars will be sent to all the ladies in the parish, asking them to join in getting up an exhibit, both from the ladies club already organised, and from the Police Jury, and it is of the greatest importance, that no effort should be lacking to make a success of the undertaking. The TIMES is at the service of the ladies, in this affair, and its usefulness will only be limited by its ability to do what is wanted. TALLULAH EXPOSITION CLUB The ladies of Tallulah and vicinity met at the School house, Thursday August 7, 1884 for the purpose of organising a ladies society to secure an exhibit from Madison Parish, to the Exposition. There were present the following ladies: Mrs. B. Carter, Mrs. Weightman, Mrs. Kate Holmes, Mrs. Julia Trezevant, Mrs. S. B. McClellan, Mrs. M. Sparrow, Mrs. E. D. Beer, Mrs. Julia Hebert, Mrs. Bertha Crandall, Miss Curtis A. Ragan, Miss Lorena Sparrow, Miss Octavia Slack, Miss Sena Spencer, Miss Amanda R. Stone, Miss Susie Zeigler, The club was organised by electing Mrs. Bertha Crandell President, Miss Amanda R. Stone, Secretary, Miss Octavia Slack, assistant Secretary, and Mrs. J. M. Hebert, Treasurer. It was decided that the society should be called the Tallulah Exposition Club. A committee of three, to solicit subscriptions, was appointed composed of Mrs. Carter, Miss Lorena Sparrow and Miss Sena Spencer. A committee of three was appointed to draw up a circular letter to be sent to the ladies throughout the Parish, inviting them to organise clubs in their respective neighborhoods, and to send delegates to Tallulah to meet the club here, for the purpose of forming a Parish Association. Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Trezevant and Mrs. Carter, were appointed such committee. They unanimously agreed to extend a cordial invitation to the gentlemen, to attend the meetings of the Club and take part in the proceedings. After passing a vote of thanks to Messrs. J. T. McClellan and Weightman, for assistance in organising, the Club adjourned to meet Tuesday Aug. 12, at 5 o'clock p.m.