L. L. Barbee, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana Submitted by: Gaytha Carver Thompson Source: Bigraphical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest Louisiana, 1890 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ********************************************** L. L. BARBEE L. L. Barbee is one of the leading and most successful planters of Natchitoches Parish, and is especially well know in Ward 6, of which he has been a resident for a number of years. He was born in Sabine Parish, La., on April 23, 1848, to Leslie and Argarine (Dulliam) Barbee, they being born in North Carolina and Georgia, in 1812 and 1818, respectively, their marriage taking place in 1837. The father emigrated from North Carolina to Alabama when a youth, and in 1842 they emigrated to Louisiana, settling in Sabine Parish, where he still resides. He followed the planting business for a number of years, after which he turned his attention to merchandising, a calling he followed for some eighteen years, after which he retired from business. He is a member of Sabine Lodge No. 75, of the A. F. & A. M., and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. He has always been a Democrat, politically, since 1856, prior to which time he was a Whig, and from 1867 until 1868 he represented Sabine Parish in the State Legislature. L. L. Barbee was educated in the common schools of Sabine Parish, and in 1872 he began business with his father, becoming associated with him in his mercantile establishment, at the time of their retirement being worth at least $20,000. In 1880 Mr. Barbee took for his companion through life Miss M. A. Carter, their union taking place on November 20, she being a native of Louisiana, born on May 18, 1861. To them five children have been born: Joseph L., A. V. (Living), and three other children who died in infancy. Mr. Barbee is now following the occupation of planting, and owns land to the amount of 3,800 acres, of which 500 acres are under cultivation, well stocked and improved with good buildings, among the latter being an excellent mill and cotton gin. Mr. Barbee is a member of the Farmers' Alliance, and he is a man who takes an active part in building up churches and schools, as well as taking an active part in all other worthy enterprises. He is one of the substantial men of the parish, and as a law abiding and public spirited citizen has not his superior in this section.