St. Roch Cemetery # 2 Wilson, Emanuel / Landry, Mrs Joseph Submitted by NOVA March 2004 Source Cemetery Photo ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Cemetery # 2 Square B Range 9 St Peter Claver Walk Tomb / Coping # 1 - 2 Tombstone: Antonia Bercier 03-04-1881 - 08-28-1954 beloved wife of Manuel Wilson Charles A Wilson 03-02-1911 - 03-09-1962 Manuel A Wilson 12-28-1905 - 04-27-1962 Mary Wilson Conrad 05-02-1908 - 04-16-2002 In Loving Memory of Cynthia Landry Gilyot 03-03-1952 - 03-27-1982 Burial Card: 09-06-1954 Antonio Wilson 03-19-1962 Charles A Wilson 05-05-1962 Manuel A Wilson 09-19-1967 Morris G Guichard 01-27-1977 Jeanne W Guichard 03-30-1982 Cynthia Gilyot 30 07-31-1984 George Edward Wilson 68 09-07-1999 Frances Wilson Pratt 04-22-2002 Mary Ida Jenn Marie Conrad