Donation to the “widows and orphans of the late police officers" Submitted by: Jan Strickland April 2005 Source: ************************************************* Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Also listed on a column of this paper is a list of donation to a fund for the “widows and orphans of the late police officers. S.W. CLARK & SONS New Orleans, Aug 8, 1900 - Editor Picayune; Inclosed please find our donation of $25.50 for the relief fund for the widows and orphans of the late police officers. Respectfully, S. W. CLARK 7 SONS AND EMPLOYES. F. JOHNSON & SON CO., LTD. New Orleans, Aug. 8, 1900 - Editor Picayune; For the benefit of the families of the policement slain while in the discharge of their duty, we inclose you our check for $25. Respectfully, S. JOHNSON AND SON, LTD. TROY LAUNDRY CO., LTD. New Orleans, Aug. 8, 1900 - Editor Picayune; Dear Sir - We inclose herewith our check for $25 for the benefit of the families of murdered police officers. Respectfully yours, TROY LAUNDRY CO., LTS., Per E. W. Smith. L. FELLMAN & CO. New Orleans, Aug. 8, 1900 - editor Picayune; Inclosed please find check for $25 for the police officers’ widows and orphans’ fund. Yours truly, L. FELLMAN & CO. _______________________________ The following donations are made in behalf of the bereaved family of Andrew Van Kuren, murdered by Robert Chrles, Friday, July 27, 1900. He leaves an aged blind mother and five small children in destitute circumstances. Returns to be made to Hon. F. E. Bishop, Chairman: Cash $1.00 Ed V. Ruel 1.00 H. Uthoff 1.00 R. McWilliams 1.00 Cash (D) .50 Cash (R) 2.00 C. M. .50 Cash 1.00 B. P. Sullivan 5.00 James Kenney 1.00 Chas. Rieder 5.00 Cash (S.) 1.00 Esther Krumplemann 1.00 Rosa 1.00 Mae 1.00 Frank Carroll $5.00 Cash 1.00 Employes of the Whitney National Bank Through Captain James Kenny 6.50 Mrs. M. A. O’Connor 5.00 P. K. 1.00 Mrs. Eveline E. Pilcher 1.00 Cash (C. A. D.) 2.00 Geo. Neggett, Washington, D.C. 1.00 From a Boy Admirer, Ama, La. 1.00 John B. M. 2.00 G. G. F. and G. R. 5.00 J. R. M. 2.00 Peter P. Kennedy, 10 years of age .25 A. J. Buja 2.00 Miss M. T. N. ???? **list is cut off here**