Mother's Day Memorial in The Times Picayune May 12, 2002 Submitted by Darnell Brunner Beck ************************************************* Submitted to the LAGenWeb Archives ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http:/ ************************************************ Email Submitter for a scan copy of the memorial. *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF THELMA L. ALCORN May 2, 1916 March28,1992 PROVERBS: 31 :26-28 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her CHILDREN arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Love, your CHILDREN, GrandCHILDREN and Great GrandCHILDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY BERTHA BECNEL ALEXANDER Rest in peace, Mother, your work is over, Every problem is solved at last. And we your loving ones will join you when our earthly tests are past. SADLY MISSED BY: CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY GLORIA C. ALEXANDER A precious gift to us was given With a heart as pure as gold Her eyes with lovelight shining through Showed the kindness in her soul. When weary, tired, lonely, and blue In our dreams comes her dear face. As long as life and memory last. There's none that with picturetake her place. SADLY MISSED BY: CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY MADELINE ANDERSON Born December 23, 1921 Died January 11.2002 A precious gift to us was given With a heart as pure as gold. Her eyes with lovelight shining through Showed the kindness in her soul. When weary, tired,lonely and blue In our dreams comes her dear face As long as life and memory last there's none that can take her place. WITH LOVE, Husband, CHILDREN and GrandCHILDREN *********************************************************************************** ALTHEA M. ANTHONY Sunrise: Oct. 25, 1933 Sunset: May 29, 2001 A rose was picked from the garden of love and sent to the Father above. Sadly Missed By Your Daughters: Shireen, Yvette, Antoinette and Ayanna *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARIE ANTOINETTE AUGUST Born: Dec 31, 1935 Died Sept 15, 1990 Not a day passes that we do not think of you, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Love, CHILDREN, GrandCHILDREN Family and Friends *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER LUCILLE MARTINEZ BACHEMIN BORN: August 26, 1914 - DIED: January 31, 2002 Oh Mother dear, when you were here We had your loving care Not just today but everyday Your loss is hard to bear But God is just, so in our hearts As we offer a silent prayer Dearest Mother, God be with you Till someday we join you up there. Sadly missed by: Sons: Mervin, Walter, Tyronne and Wayne, other relatives & friends. with picture *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory of our Mother BARBARA A. JONES BARBAIN January 12, 1942 January 15, 1981 LOVED & MISSED by your CHILDREN Debra, Kerona, Zelda, Felix, Pinky, Ricky,Tony, grandCHILDREN & great grandCHILDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED MOTHER VIRGINIA BASSETT November 29, 1908 - July 8, 1999 Gone, but not forgotten. Happy Mother's Day Mama. Sadly missed by: CHILDREN, Grand, Great & Great-Great GrandCHILDREN & Family. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER MARY BELL Died: December 12, 2000 My lips cannot tell how I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how I miss her In a home that is lonesome today. Sadly Missed By: Only Daughter, One Son and Son-in-Law, GrandCHILDREN and Great-GrandCHILDREN *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY BEATRICE (Mommie) PIERCE BENNETT BORN: March 26, 1924 DIED: June 24, 1996 Mommie, the emptiness in our hearts will one day be no more, when we join you in that peaceful rest with our Father who loved you best Sadly missed by: Husband, CHILDREN, Sisters, GrandCHILDREN, Relatives and Friends, with picture *********************************************************************************** IN lOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY LAVERNE R BERGERON Sadly missed by your CHILDREN: Louvinia, Felicia, Lelianand Diedra, GrandCHILDREN: Danny, Keithchell and Kara and Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY ELYRIA DARBY BLUNT MAY 9,1929 You will always remain in our hearts and in our thoughts. Your spirit shall live on forever through the hearts of those who love you You have touched so many lives in a special way. All are forever blessed. God decided your work on this side was done. He called you home. You always have a place in our hearts. SADLY MISSED BY: CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, FAMILY AND FRIENDS with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY MARY GEORGE BOULIGNY Born: Feb. 9, 1915 Died: Feb. 9, 1994 A wonderful mother to her own CHILDREN and family and anyone who needed food, money or a place to stay. Sadly missed by the family. *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY VIVIAN R, BROWN What would I not give to clasp her hand, Her dear sweet face to see To hear her voice, to see her smile That meant so much to me You left behind an aching heart That loved you most sincere, I never did, nor never will Forget you, Mother dear Your daughter, Odile B Charies & Family *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY GERTRUDE BROWN Fondest memory keeps you near us, Memories that will never fade: Only God, alone can cheer us Sadly missed by: Daughters, Grand, Great and Great-Great GrandCHILDREN. *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY MRS. HARRIET H.L. BROWN Sunrise: Oct 4, 1912 Sunset: Sept 6, 1996 This is a Mother's Day, not like it used to be The gladness of the day is gone: you are not here to see. A mother gives you all her love no matter what you do and even when you make mistakes she still believes in you. Your memory dear is all we have of you. May God have you in his keeping and console those left behind, for Mother we love you so. Memory is all we have of you till we meet again in heaven we shall never forget Mother. 2 Sons, 1 Daughter, 19 GrandCHILDREN, 23 Great GrandCHILDREN and 7 Great Great GrandCHILDREN and Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF TIFFANY C BROWN THINKING OF YOU AND LOVING YOU ON MOTHER'S DAY AS ALWAYS, SADLY MISSED BY: Deonte, Steven, Shaniqua, George. Mother and Family *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF ELIZABETH D, BRUMFIELD BORN: Dec. 14, 1930 DIED: Oct. 22. 2001 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. MOM Sadly Missed By Daughters and Family *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY ETHEL BUCKNER Thinking of you and loving you on Mother's Day as always. Sadly missed by: Aldrema, Dick, Deedy, Sue, Family and Friends with picture *********************************************************************************** JUELIENE LASALLE BUTLER Sunrise: Jan. 6, 1956 Sunset: May 7, 1998 4 years seems like 4 days. We loved you dearly, but God loved you more What better blessings have we received, then the gift of you our Angel. Love, Your Daughters ANITRA, SHANNON AND ASHLEY with picture *********************************************************************************** CECILIA ROCHE CADRES Sunrise: Aug. 24, 1923 Sunset: April 11, 1998 A Mother's heart is full of love so deep and strong. It comforts and brings us peace long after she has gone Truly Missed By CHILDREN, GrandCHILDREN & Great-GrandCHILDREN MOM, YOU ARE FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS with picture *********************************************************************************** MARY THIBODEAUX CARRAGAN Born: 1-18-19 Died: 3-18-97 Gone is your pretty face. Now we have only our memories of you. In life we loved you and you will never be forgotten. Daughter Edith Carragan Boudoin and Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF AUDREY S. CARRIERE You left sweet memories to blossom Bearing fruit for the years to come In the lives of those who loved you Precious memories of days that are gone. Sadly Missed By: Husband, CHILDREN, Sister, Brother, GrandCHILDREN, Great-GrandCHILDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** GERTRUDE T. CARTER Sunrise Oct. 15, 1903 Sunset July 16, 1995 Another Mother's Day has come. However we remember the Mothers Days we were with you. We love you, but God loved you best Alma C. Lanux and Edward Carter, Sr. Grandkids and Great-Grandkids *********************************************************************************** ROSA JOYCE CARTER MAY 1, 1930 - DECEMBER 2, 2001 This is the first Mother's Day we will experience without you. Though we loved you, God loved you best. We miss you, Edward Carter, Jr., Russell J. Carter, Donna C. Myles, Edward Carter Sr., Denita, Ira, Demonte, Little Stevie and Steven Myles, Sr. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR FELECIE CASTILLE There are tears and fond remembrance, Dearest Mother, for you still For you held a place within our haarts That none can ever fill. Sadly missed by: Clarence Jr, Carl, Normand, Beverly, Barbara, Pat and Family. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER DELORES CHAPTMAN BORN: MAY 10, 1910 DIED: JAN 7, 2002 Tis only God alone that knows my sorrow and my pain: 'His will ba done,' I have the faith, I'll meet my own again. Sadly Missed On Your Birthday and Mother's Day Your Daughters, Doretha Clavo, Mildred Williams, and Marguerite Bhola with picture *********************************************************************************** 'IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY MOTHER' LEONA 'NUNNIE BAY' SMITH\CHEATTEAM 'ON MOTHER'S DAY' We had good and bad times, but loving you was something I didn't mind Even though I prayed for you a little too late, the night before your expired date, you said I didn't love you. Only if you knew the things I would have done to show you I cry day after day, wishing I could see your face on Mother's Day. LOVE ETERNALLY, ROSIE, MICRE'YON & FAMILY *********************************************************************************** TIMOLIN CLEMONS 'RED' Precious Memories on Mother's Day We will always love you, Mother, Husband, CHILDREN, Sisters, Brothers, Mother-in-Law, Nieces, Nephews, Owens Family and Friends with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER EVA CRAWFORD CLOUD Deep in our heart lies a picture more precious than silver or gold. It's a picture of our dear Mother whose memory will never grow old SADLY MISSED BY: FAMILY & FRIENDS with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF JANICE WEATHERSPOON SPILLER COJOE BORN: FEB. 15, 1958 DIED: JAN. 4, 2002 We Know You Are At Peace With Jesus HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY SADLY MISSED BY; MOTHER, FATHER CHILDREN AND FAMILY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF VELMA JEAN COLEMAN BORN: JUNE 30, 1960 DIED: MAR. 12, 2002 Today is your day Happy Mother's Day Your Daughter, Domicka *********************************************************************************** Alpha: April 10, 1914 Omega: Dec. 18, 2001 IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY JUANITA LACROIX COOK Mother Dear, yoU are gone but still remembered. We can't see your face any more. But when we join that angelic host, we'll meet again beside the shore. You're gone but still rememered. Your deeds were motivated by love. We know you're resting with God In the heavens high above. Gone! Yes! but still remembered. Loved and sadlY missed by Daughters: Ruby Cook ForglS, Joyce Cook Powell with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS ALINE D. COOK Born July 29, 1936 Died February 14, 2000 We see you Mama there in the stars and a brilliant prism of celestial reflection, in the majestic birth of a nova's delight. Splashing acrOS$ the sky, finding its way into our universe. You are as near as the warmth our hearts can embrace, absorbed into the cellular rhythm of our souls. You are the indefatigable might in us You are the good and inexplicable right in us, You are the light in us. Happy Mother's Day Sweet Lady From Hearts of your Love, Your Unity *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF IDELLA COOPER Born October 23, 1923 Died Nov 25, 2000 My lips cannot tell how I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how I miss her In a home that is lonesome today. Sadly missed by Husband and CHILDREN, Sisters, Brother, Family and Friends with picture *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ROSEMARY CORMIER MOM, WE LOVE YOU AND WE MISS YOUR SMILE SADLY MISSED BY: Your Husband, CHILDREN and GrandCHILDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR WIFE and MOTHER CONSTANCE DOUGLAS CORNELIUS Sadly Missed By: Clarence, Clarence, Jr. & Christopher, Family and Friends *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF GENEVIEVE M. CUNNINGHAM ON MOTHER'S DAY Born April 4, 1935 Died May 16, 1995 We all love and miss you... Susan, Wayne, Eddie and GrandCHILDREN Jeffrey, L'il Eddie and Chase *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED MOTHER ETHEL GERTRUDE DAVIS Born July 21, 1908 Died Sept. 16, 1997 For her life more abundant, for us a guiding star Sadly missed by Family: Terris, Alina, Darrell, E.J., Michael, Darrell, Scott, David and Lula Mae *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY GLADYS DAVIS SEPTEMBER 6, 1906 - JUNE 30, 2000 ISABELL BUTLER AUGUST 23, 1923 - NOVEMBER 30, 1992 LOVED AND MISSED BY YOUR FAMILY *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Viola Davis In Your Memory Is This Tribute, To Our Mother, Gone Away To A Home in God's Own's Heaven, Where we pray to meet - Some Day, Missing You on Mother's Day, And Always Daughter, Daffney, Son, Eugene, and GrandCHILDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY LUVERDA N. DEGREAT DECEMBER 7,1917 - FEBRUARY 13, 2001 Even Though You Are Gone, We Still Remember Your loving Smile and Your Warm Grace. WE MISS YOU VERY MUCH. JOSEPH, BRENDA, KENNETH *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY DEBBIE JUSTIN DELAHOUSSAYE SUNRISE DECEMBER 14, 1960 - SUNSET DECEMBER 19, 1997 A Garland of Memories I'll Wear Round My Heart, and Cherish, Dear Mother, While We're Apart. LOVE DESIREE' Thinking of You and loving You on Mother's Day-as Always LOVE MOM with picture *********************************************************************************** IN lOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY LIZZIE P. DILLON MAY 3, 1930 - AUGUST 12, 1996 God looked around His Garden and found an empty place He then looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face. He knew you were suffering. He knew you were in pain, so He closed your weary eyes and whispered, 'Peace be thine' It broke all our hearts to lose you, but did not go alone, for part of us went with you the day God called you home. SADLY MISSED BY CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN, GREAT GREAT GRANDCHILDREN, RELATIVES AND FRIENDS with picture *********************************************************************************** In loving Memory Of Our Dear Mother ANGELINA DOMINICK In that Blessed land called Heaven, We Pray Once More To Be, United as we were on earth, Mother, For All Eternity Sadly Missed by: Children and Grandchildren *********************************************************************************** IN lOVING MEMORY OF MY SISTER ADELINE LEMON DORSEY ON MOTHER'S DAY SADLY MISSED BY YOUR lOVING SISTER ARIE HOWARD AND FAMilY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR MOTHER MRS. ADELINE LEMON DORSEY Words can not express the heartfelt lost You are terribly missed dearly, Dexter and Drexel P. Dorsey Sr And Grandchildren *********************************************************************************** Ella M Dufrene MARCH 28, 1910 - JANUARY 10, 2002 In life we loved you, and in death we will never forget. loved and Missed by: DAUGHTER, PATTY; GRANDCHILDREN: TAVE, BRENT, BRANDI, AMANDA, KRISTEN, RENE; GREAT-GRANDCHILD, ALEXIS with picture *********************************************************************************** IN lOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY THELMA DUNN FEBRUARY 1 , 1925 - MARCH 1, 2000 GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN SADLY MISSED BY; HUSBAND, CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, AND BROTHER with picture *********************************************************************************** MARION DUPONT DURST To Our Mother, Grandmother, and Mother-in-law Happy Mother's Day! We love and miss you very much. YOUR DAUGHTER, MARGARET; GRANDCHILDREN: JASON and MARION GRACE; SON-iN-LAW, IVAN TROCHEZ *********************************************************************************** GEORGIANA HAWKINS EDWARDS SEPTEMBER 12, 1922 - AUGUST 26, 1999 WE lOVE AND MISS YOU; DCHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory on Mother's Day ELSIE SIMPSON ELLIS Mom was 'A Woman after God's own Heart' Mom instilled in us 'It's important to Be Saved' Truly we give God all glory Honor and Praise for the years of our Adorable Mom. Through God's Grace We are preparing to see Mom on that Great Day. Memories from Husband, Children and Grandchildren. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF FRANKIE JOYCE ELLIS Not a day goes by. We love you and miss you dearly. Love, Toni, Toya, Joyce, Larry, Lance, Sr., Relatives and friends with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY: VERDA M. FLEMING JUNE 2, 1940 - DECEMBER 17, 1999 You Are The Greatest Mother and Friend a Daughter Could Ever Have. I Miss You Dearly. KRISTI AND FAMILY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF SHANDRIEKA ANN FOX Sunrise October 10, 1976 Murdered March 9, 1998 Thinking of you and loving you on Mother's Day, As Always Sadly missed by; LIL Tarik, Mom, Dad, Raymond, Karasia, Lil Drieka, Big Tarik, Family, In-laws and Friends with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF BERNICE CELESTIN FRANKLIN Thinking of you and loving you On Mother's Day-as always Sadly Missed by (Johnny) Thomas Williams, Sisters and Brothers with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY ANNIE GAINES THINKING OF YOU AND LOVING YOU ON MOTHER'S DAY AS ALWAYS LOVE, Willie Sr, Mary Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF VICTORIA CHIASSON GASPER BORN August 2, 1907 DIED: April 8, 2002 You left sweet memories to blossom Bearing fruit for the years to come In the lives of those who loved you Precious memories of days that are gone THINKING OF YOU THIS MOTHER'S DAY, LOVE ROSE GASPER with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF SHIRLEY B. GAUFF August 27, 1937 - May 9, 1999 Foundations and homes are being built with the cornerstone of faith, family and love, just as you taught us. Memories of you will forever guide us Loving and Missing You, Lucien Jr., Lucien III, Chermain and Errol with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF RHEA H. GESSFORD Born: Feb. 8, 1919 Died: Sept 28, 1999 Your contagious laugh and great sense of humor are greatly missed by your Friends and Family, especially your son and granddaughters. We Love You and We Miss You. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF IRMA YOUNG GLAPION Happy Mother's Day Sadly Missed by, Husband, CHILDREN, Mother, Brother, Relatives and Friends. with picture *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory Of HENRIETTA HARRISON Fond memories ever bring you back, to those who loved you best, Rest in peace, our loved one, In your blessed heavenly rest. Sadly Missed By CHILDREN, GrandCHILDREN and Great GrandCHILDREN. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY ROSA DORA MELANCON HENDERSON JANUARY 14, 1925 - OCTOBER 18, 1996 YOU ARE GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN, WE LOVE AND MISS YOU. SONS: IZELL JR. AND MELVIN SR.; DAUGHTER, THELMA; AND GRANDSON MELVIN JR. with picture *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory Of Our Mother CECILE HENRY Born: June 21 ,1928 Died August 18, 2001 Sleep on Mama God saw the road getting rough; the hills were hard to climb He gently closed those lovin9 eyes and whispered 'Peace Be Thine'. The weary hours of the days of pain, the sleepless nights are passed, the even worn out frame was found. 'Sweet Rest at Last' Remember we love you, but God loves you best Sadly Missed By Daughters, Sons, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, Sisters, Other Relatives and Friends. *********************************************************************************** In Loving MemorY Of Our Wife and Mother ALMA L. HIBBS No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered, since we lost you Life has never been the same In our hearts your memory lingers, There is not a day dear Mother That we do not think of you. Sadly Missed By, HUSBAND & FAMILY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF VIOLA D, HICKERSON FEBRUARY 17, 1910-AUGUST 21, 2001 It's Mother's Day and Mother we miss you. We miss your smile and the smell of your perfume too. We miss the way we used to talk at night We miss the way you laughed to make things airight But most of all we just miss you being here. LOVED AND MISSED BY: LINDA, KATHY, TANYA, BETTY, SISTER ODEAL RHODES, CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN, FAMILY, AND FRIENDS with picture *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory of Our Momma, Big Momma, Grameo and Grams WILLIE ESTES HICKS December13,1899 December28,1998 Three Little Words, Forget Me Not Don't seem much but mean a lot. Just A Memory Fond and True To Show, Dear Mother, We Think Of You! Sadly missed by Children, Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren, Great-Great-Granchildren and Great-Great-Great-Granchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY LYDIA BRAZELTON HOGAN AUGUST 5, 1943 - NOVEMBER 13, 2001 THINKING OF YOU AND LOVING YOU ON MOTHER'S DAY -AS ALWAYS SADLY MISSED BY: YOUR LOVING HUSBAND, HARRY; YOUR LOVING' DAUGHTER, DARLENE; and FAMILY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS CECILE V HOLMES We love and miss you Mom. T Sadly Missed by daughter Beverly, Sons Rich (Cynde) and George (Audrey) Also grandchildren, great-grandchildren, a host of friends and pen-pals - with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF ARICA ALBERTA 'BERT' HOLMES Sunrise: Feb 21, 1924 Sunset: March 8, 2001 In life we Loved You, And in Death we will Never Forget. Sadly Missed By: Son, Daughters, Sister, Brothers, Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren, Nieces, Nephews, Cousins, Other Relatives & FriendS *********************************************************************************** TRENELL MARIE HONEYCUTT HI MOM, You are truly the Greatest Mom We are sending you this greeting With aU our Love, Happy Mother's Day - Sadly missed by your Husband, Children & Family *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory of our Mother and Sister Norma Jean Martin Lita M. Isidore February 5, 1935 October 3, 1963 May 17, 1996 November 10, 2001 On Mother's Day SADLY MISSED BY HUSBAND CHilDREN SISTERS & BROTHERS FAMILY & FRIENDS *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY KATIE JACKSON Mom, It has been 11 1/21 yrs, I miss you so much Words could never describe the way I feel When you were here you were the most wonderful Mother in the world. You are gone, but I will never forget you, because I carry you around each & every day, you are in my heart forever Even though you are not here you are still a great Mother, because you taught me a lot before God called his perfect Angel home, I know heaven is shining bright, with that beautiful smile I will never forget it I feel so blessed to have learned from the best, Thank you Mama, I love you forever, YOUR BABY GIRL FLEE *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY MOM JERRY L JAMES Sunrise February 17 Sunset August 10: Mama, You are dearly missed each & Every day. Love Always, Terry & Corey *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER THERESA LEWIS JANUARY BORN: AUG. 9,1932 DIED: AUG 8, 2001 SADLY MISSED BY HUSBAND, CHilDREN, FAMilY AND FRIENDS *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF Elenora Raymond Jasmin Born March 8, 1937 Died April 20, 1998 In life we loved you, And in death we will never forget SADLY MISSED BY, Your Husband, Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOSEPHINE 'BEANNE' JEFFERSON Your presence will be greatly missed on this Mother's Day by Family and Friends The hearts and lives that you have touched will be forever filled with all the wonderful memories that we have shared with you WITH LOVE, FROM Son, Sisters and Brother, Nieces, Nephews and Friends *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY RUBY LEE NEWTON JENSON Sunrise: Aug. 4, 1937 Sunset July 7, 2001 If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane; We would walk right up to heaven and bring you home again Sadly missed by Genell, Karen, John and Family *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OLIVE D. JOHNSON Thinking of you & loving you on Mother's Day Sadly missed by Husband, Son, Daughters Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF ROSEMARY 'MOLLY' JOHNSON October 26,1935 November 7,2001 M-olly We Love and Miss You O-h, So Much: Our L-ord and Savior Called You Home L-eaving Us Heartbroken and All Alone But Y-our Love and His Strength Helped Us To Move On Loved and Missed By: Children, Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren, Family and Friends with picture *********************************************************************************** ETHEL B W JOHNSON Sunrise: Feb. 3, 1932 Sunset: Jan 8, 2002 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace and find rest as they lie in death. SADLY MISSED BY, Albert, Mary, Karen, Colleen, Elston, David Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY MELISSA JOHNSON SADLY MISSED BY: YOUR DAUGHTERS JOYCE AND LILLIAN, GRANDCHILDREN AND FAMILY with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY MARY L. BELL JONES Sadly Missed by your granddaughter DEBRA, & Entire Family *********************************************************************************** BEULAH JONES Sunrise June 20, 1950 Sunset Oct. 30, 2001 To our beautiful Mother, taken far too soon away from us. I close my eyes I see your face, I turn around I hear your voice, just knowing your there makes me rejoice You're not here but always in our hearts. Life is not the same without you, but through God I know you're always near YOU ARE SADLY MISSED by your Children and Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** LOIS BLAllO JOSEPH Born: 11/06/39, Died: 11/05/01 A Heart of gold was stilled forever, We'll meet again, in God's heavenly land. Love: The Family, Relatives, and Friends *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory of Our Mother CAMILLE G JOSEPH JOSHUA died December 22 1994 In Heaven we pray to be Missed by Hebert A, Joseph Jr, Saralyn Joshua Grandchildren Family & Friends. *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARY L. KEELEN Sunrise 7-21-26 Sunset: 1-31-99 Thinking of you and loving you on Mother's Day - as always. Sadly missed by Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF BERNICE MORGAN 'MAMA' KELIGOND ON MOTHER'S DAY SUNRISE: March 14, 1923 SUNSET Nov 20,2000 Even though you're gone, your kindness and sweet spirit remain You lived a marvelous and blessed life so we know you are rejoicing in heaven We Love and miss you Husband, Children, Grand & Great grandchildren, Daugher-in-law, Sons-in-law & family. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF LORRAINE 'MAMA RAINEY' KING Deep in our heart lies a picture More precious than silver or gold It's a picture of our dear Mother Whose memory will never grow old Dearly Missed by: Children, Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren, daughters-in-iaw and sons-in-law with picture *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MRS. GERTRUDE R. KNOX Born: 10-25-1918 Died: 3-7-71 Our precious mother. With love from your sons, daughters, grandkids & great grandkids All relatives, Never forgotten The Knox Family *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY DEOLA M. LAGRANGE SUNRISE: December 10, 1947 SUNSET: March 31, 2002 Angels round the heavenly throne, Saw a playmate of their own; God alone saw they were wise, And took above our angel prize. Loved and greatly missed by: Son, Father, Brothers, Grandchild, Family and Friends. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER ELIZA HOWARD LEMON Thinking You And Loving You On Mother's Day As Always, Sadly Missed By Arie Lemon and Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER FANNIE MAE LEWIS born Aug. 30, 1921 Departed May 9, 2001 Tho, you have gone home, your blood still flows through our veins. Sadly missed by, Your Children, Husband and a host of other relatives and friends *********************************************************************************** SISTER MILDRED C. LEWIS Momie, we love you very much We miss your caring and tender touch from Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchild *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory of Rose Tobias Lewis Not a day goes by that I don't cry, but there are tears of joy for I know you watch over us. Truly Missed By Husband, Raymond; Children, Robin, Kim and Stacy Lewis; Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren. *********************************************************************************** DELPHINE H, LOLOW MAY 1, 1915- DECEMBER 20, 2001 LOVED and MISSED BY; YOUR SON, REVEREND LOUIS W. and LEONA SMITH and FAMILY with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY EMELDA ALEXANDER LOUPER SUNRISE: November 28, 1915 SUNSET: April 26, 1995 Mother dear, we miss you ever, Miss your kind and loving care, But we know your home is in Heaven And some day we'll meet you there. Sadly missed by: Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Great grandchildren and family. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF VIRGINIA E. BERBUESSE MARINO My Mother, My Inspiration, My Eternal Flame. Always on my mind. MOM, I'm right here Waiting. Love Always and Forever Your One and Only NICKY BOY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY MRS MABLE STEWART MARSHALL Mother, dear, we miss you ever, Miss your kind and loving care; But we know your home's in heaven, And some day we'll meet you there. Sadly missed by Husband, Children and Grandchildren. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER BESSIE FOXWORTH MCGOWAN We miss you Brenda Milton and Edward Mcgown with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY WANDA H. MELANCON Mom, yours were the first fingers to find mine, the first hand to hold mine, the first touch that would guide me for a lifetime It seems like it's been a lifetime since I held your hand but it's been just over a year If I could just hold your hand today, We love you and miss you. MICHELE & BRITTO *********************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF LYNETTE ANN 'BABY' COLLINS MITCHELL, Born: Feb. 17, 1975 Died: Dec. 23, 2001 This is our first Mother's Day without you, You are deeply loved and missed. But you still live on in your special gift. You gave him everything you had to give, And with in him you will always live. HAPPY FIRST MOTHER'S DAY, LYNETTE FROM YOUR BABY BOY JAYLEN, MOM, DAD, SISTERS *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO OUR DEAR MOTHER MRS. RUBY RAINES MITCHELL Born Feb, 22, 1922 Died July 25, 2001 You can only have one mother, Patient, kind and true; No other friend in all the world Will be so true to you For all her loving kindness She asks nothing in return, When all the world forsakes you To your Mother you can turn. Sadly missed by her Children, GrandchHden, Great Grandchilren & other family members and friends *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF GERRY MOREAU HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY SADLY MISSED BY Your loving husband, Charles; Children Linda, Karen, and Pam, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY ETHEl LOCKETT MORRIS Sadly Missed by your granddaughter DEBRA & ENTIRE FAMILY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY BEATRICE R. ROUSELL MORTON Forever in our hearts; Always in our thoughts Loved and Sadly Missed By CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY BEATRICE MURRAY Our first Mother's Day without you You are sadly missed by: Kendra, Kristi, Derrick, Curtis, Bernadine, Christine, Annie Mae, Emmett and Fannie. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER ON MOTHER'S DAY PATSY ANN WOODS NERO August 9, 1929 December 30, 2001 Sadly Missed By, Sons, Daughters & Entire Family *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY ROSIE LEE NEWTON SADLY MISSED Florence, Edward and Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** SISTER REBECCA MUSE REAUX NIXON Sunrise; Jan 27, 1930 Sunset Oct 5, 2001 Precious memories is what you gave us, LOVE, Nixon, Children and Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY GIDGET NORAH Your gentle heart would grieve to know How slowly time doth heal The wound it dealt us with your death A pain we'll always feel Sadly missed by Alisha, Kevin, Darielle, Tranicia, Keith & the Hunter Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF VIOLA O'DELL Always in our thoughts Forever in our hearts, We love You Janice, Velma, Delesa & Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY EZZIE R PALMER Thinking of you and loving you on Mother's Day as always Love Sandra Willie Sr and Willie Jr with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY PHERN WilLIAMS PANNIA NOVEMBER 21, 1934 DECEMBER 24, 1999 Each day that passes, your memory lives in each of us. You touched our lives and brought joy to our hearts and will forever live in our spirits With much gratitude for the gifts you have given us, you are greatly missed. YOUR LOViNG HUSBAND; EARL SONS: DeWAYNE and PATRICK DAUGHTER-iN-LAW TERI GRANDCHiLDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY Agnes Hewlett Parker Sadley missed by your loving husband Alton P Parker Sr Children and family. with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF SHIRLEY WILLIAMS PHARR Born June 6,1941 Died September 15, 2000 What would I not give to clasp her hand, Her dear sweet face to see To hear her voice, to see her smile That meant so much to me You left behind an aching heart That loved you most sincere, I never did, nor never will Forget you, Mother dear Sadly missed by Daughter Donna & Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF LUIZA PINKNEY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY You will always be with us in our hearts and memories, especially on this Mother's Day We love & miss you Your daughter, Samaria and Family *********************************************************************************** IN MEMORY OF EDNA DOUGLAS POWELL ON THIS MOTHER'S DAY Missed By Husband, Children, Grandchildren, and Great Grandchild *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER ALTHEA PRICE JUNE 25, 1944 - AUGUST 21, 1990 LOVED AND MISSED BY: DEE, MAN IE, NUNIE, AND TRICIA *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF VERNA MAE PRICE BORN: Nov. 4, 1929 DIED: Aug. 23, 1993 You left sweet memories to blossom Bearing fruit for the years to come In the lives of those who love you, Precious memories of days that are gone From Your Four Children: Joseph, Vincent & Calvin Beverly and daughter, Annie Caston *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF HAZEL BROWN RICHARD Died: August 20, 1974 You left sweet memories to blossom Bearing fruit for the years to come. In the lives of those who loved you Precious memories of days that are gone. Thinking of you and loving you on Mother's Day-as always Sadly missed by Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren and Especially your 1 st Great Grandson. *********************************************************************************** GLORIA B. ROBERTSON SadlY Missed By: Husband, Children and FamilY with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARLENE ROUBION HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Love Denise, Eric, Mervin, Cheryl and Kirk with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF ALMA D, ROUSSEL ON MOTHER'S DAY We shall not say that you are gone, Too final is the sound, We'll say instead, you've gone ahead, Where heavenly joys abound, Sadiy missed by Husband Jules, Ann Nell, Monje, Monje T, Jenais, Joseph ahd Mark *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF GENEVA B, SAUL Mother's Day has come again, the day we love well, but you're not with us today, our love for you to tell No presents now, just flowers, Mother, in tears we pray to meet again in heaven above someday, Happy Mother's Day, We Love You Your Son, Percy, Daughter-in-law Geessler & Grandchildren *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY RUBY MAE SCOTT Paulette, Benjamin, Gregory, Mona Lisa, Larry Robin, John, Ruby's Baby, Grandchildren, Son-in-law, Daughters-in-law, Family and Friends, *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory of BETTIE G sEGURA Deep in our hearts lies a picture More precious than Silver and Gold It's a picture of our dear Mother Whose memory will never grow old Sadley missed by your Children Grandchildren Family and Friends *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER MRS. FELICIA BATISTE SHEZBIE Thinking Of You and Loving You Always YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF JESSIE SIMMONS Born May 15, 1910 Died May 20, 1986 Sadly Missed by, Children Grandchildren & Great-Grandchildren WE LOVE YOU FOREVER with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF ANNETTE SINGLETON Deep in our heart lies a picture More precious than silver or gold. It's a picture of our dear Mother Whose memory will never grow old Missed by Children, Uncle & Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOSEPHINE MORRIS SMITH Born: Nov. 16, 1928 Died: Jan. 4, 2001 Deep in our heart lies a picture More precious than silver or gold. It's a picture of our dear Mother Whose memory will never grow old. Sadly missed by Daughters & Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER & GRANDMOTHER RITA D. SMITH Sadly missed by: Robert, Sylvia, Mary Ann and Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY BETTYE SNEED BORN: JULY 24, 1940 - DIED: MARCH 22, 2002 Precious in The Sight of The Lord Is The Death of His Saints. SADLY MISSED BY: KERIC DESIRE', JEFFREY, CASSANDRA, AND KRISTY *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory of Our Mother Florence M SparacinBorn May 22 1894 Died April 2 1991 Thinking of you and loving you on Mother's Day as always Sadley missed by son Joseph and daughter, Lillian with Picture *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY HELEN R, SPEARS MISSING YOU, MISSING YOU Its only been a little while, but you are truly missed. Never in a million years would I have imagined my heart aching like this. A tribute to you MaMa. From Your Husband, Kids, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Sisters, Brother, Daddy, Grandchildren, Great Grandchild, Nieces & Nephews We love You and Miss You Very Much! *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OR DIANNIA 'MS. DEE' STAMPLEY Born February 1942 Died May 12, 2000 Your radiant smile, your special touch and loving ways are sadly missed. We miss you each day. Wish we could hold you and never lose the ones we love. Even though they are gone, within our hearts their memory lingers on. Loving you still, Your Husband and Sons, Lee W. Stampley & Sons Lee, Kevin and late Jerome Stampley, Sisters, Brother, Grandchildren & Family with picture *********************************************************************************** GOD BLESS AMERICA HILLSIDE CEMETERY MATTIE LEE STEPHENEY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF SHIRLEY A. STIRGUS January 15, 1932 February 9, 2002 Maw-Maw, We Love & Miss You. Happy Mother's Day. Children and Grandchildren *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF ELLA J (SISTER) TAYLOR March 3, 1936 September 28, 1994 There are tears and fond remembrance Dearest Mother, for you still For you held a place within our hearts That none can ever fill Love, Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Great-grandchildren, and Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY ALICE S. THORNTON Sadly missed by Your Husband Clarence H. Thornton, Sr., Children: Carol, Joyce, Veronica, Bernita, Kevin and Dr. Clarence, Jr with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS. ESSIE DUMAS THORNTON BORN: June 17,1917 DIED: May 23, 2001 We Miss You and Will Always Love You Your Children, Grandchildren, & Family *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory of EMMA TILLMAN November 7, 1941 - May 12, 1995 Emma, affectionately known as 'Linky', passed seven years ago today Mom, I miss giving you your favorite on Mother's Day, 'Pink Roses', but the fond memories of your smile and your strong spirit keeps me on top of my game Thanks for bringing me into this life Ray Tillman with picture *********************************************************************************** YOU STILL LIVE ON IDA DeGRUY TILLMAN BORN: Dec 4, 1933 DIED: July 1, 2001 We can't believe it 'Nunnie' Almost a year since you've been gone, But in our hearts, we know dear MoTHER YOU STILL LIVE ON. Heaven is now a more special place All because of you Until the day we again Your face We know what we must do... Continue to take a Christian stand, Work hard, remain family and pray So when OUR sunsets are close at hand We'll be with you - JUDGEMENT DAY, MOTHER, you were the very best, And even though you're gone, Asleep in blessed eternal rest... YOU STILL LIVE ON! SADLY MISSED BY CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN *********************************************************************************** FLORETTE 'FLO' TRABEAUX IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk up to heaven and bring you back again, All our love always and sadly missed Ronnie, Christee *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY LEONA GLORIA WILLIAMS TUBRE SADLY MISSED BY your husband Henry, children Henry Jr, Stephen Jr, Bruce and Mark Carmen, Grandchildren, Nieces, Nephews, Family and Friends with picture *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MYRA 'DOLLY'VETERS You can only have one mother, Patient, kind and true; No other friend in all the world Will be so true to you For all her loving kindness She asks nothing in return, When all the world forsakes you To your Mother you can turn Sadly Missed by: Daughter Myra, Grandson Robert and Great-Grandson Nathan with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF ANNIE PEARL VINNING August 19 1944 - November 21 1994 Thinking of you and Loving You on Mother's Day As always Sadley missed But Never Forgotten By Husband Children Grandchildren Family and Friends with picture *********************************************************************************** ETHERLEEN DASIN WALKER Born May 1, 1933 Died Apri1 15, 1999 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY From Kids and Grandchildren with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARION WALKER Thinking of you and loving you on Mother's Day as Always Missed by Children (Gary Wolf Walker) *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF THELMA C. WALTER BORN August 12, 1911 - DIED August 6, 2001 Deeply missed on the first Mother's Day without you. To the best mom in the world. love, Mickey Walter and Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF GERTRUDE WASHINGTON March 2, 1942 July 16, 1995 What is home without a Mother? Never never anymore the same How I would love to call your name through & through God's heavenly place. Mother, still my heart is filled with pain for I'll never find another like you in this world again. It seems like only yesterday you were here with me These years have been so very hard without you There are so many things I want tv share witH you but the lord has taken you to a better place I know you're in a heavely place looking down with a big smile, urging me to stay faithful, no matter how hard life's trials. Sadly Missed By Daughter Elisha Washington, Your Best Friend with picture *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY FLOY WILLIAMS Born: February 27, 1923 Died: April 4, 1985 We love & Miss You, Daughter, Afferretta; Grandchildren, Kenny, Jr, Abrina & Kaiel; Great-grandchildren, Kaywon & Karla *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY OF LOUISE LARRY WILLIAMS We Thank God For Giving Us One of His Finest Creations We all Miss You, Daughters, Grandchildren, Family and Friends *********************************************************************************** Happy Mother's Day Betty Ann Williams Love Children and Grandchildren *********************************************************************************** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY LORRAINE WINDFIELD My Darling Mother, You slipped away before we could say good-bye We do rejoice that you are reunited in heaven with your beloved husband, Alex Sadly missed by: Pat, Carolyn, Marvette, Michelle, Lydia, Lucille, Nieces, & Nephews, with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY MARY MAXINE WOODARD Mother, Dear, we miss you ever, Miss your kind and loving care; But we know your home's in heaven, And spme day we'll meet you there SADLY MISSED BY: Your husband Herbert Jr your children: Herbert, III, Kevin and Ethel, Grandchildren and Family *********************************************************************************** In Loving, Memory Of EVELYN C, WOODS Thinking Of You And Loving You On Mother's Day - As Always. From Husband, Family, and Friends with picture *********************************************************************************** ERNESTINE WRIGHT Sunrise: July 29, 1912 Sunset: Oct, 3, 1999 In Life we loved you, And in death we will never forget, Missed By: Children, Grandchildren, Family with picture *********************************************************************************** IN LOVING MEMORY ON MOTHER'S DAY MARilYN C, ZAHN Born Jan. 14, 1941 Died March 3,2002 No one knows how much we miss you No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered, since we lost you Life has never been the same, In our hearts your memory lingers, There is not a day dear Mother That we do not think of you. Sadly missed by family & friends *********************************************************************************** In Loving Memory on Mother's Day MARION ZIMMERMAN It fills my heart with bitter pain to think we'll never meet again but fervent hopes forever rise that we will meet beyond the skies sadley missed by children Alfred Shirley Una and Daughter in law Delores with picture ***********************************************************************************