Bible: Miller- Scriber- Stroope Bible, Ouachita Parish La. Submitted by: Jan Parsons Armstrong Date: November 1999 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** These records tell the story of Nancy Stroope and her 3 husbands, John Pirkey, Abel Miller, and Hugh Stephenson, and all their descendants. The reader will see how the Millers and Scribers married back and forth. I do not have the original records, but was fortunate enough to copy them back in the '60s..don't know who has them now. It is believed that Nancy Stroope Pirkey married Abel Miller in Tenn., and then the family went into Ouachita/Union Parishes. Some of these marriages are to be found in Ouachita Parish. I have no direct Miller line, but my Grandmother, GUSSIE TUBBS, whose mother was BELLE HARDY, was raised by Benj. Henry Miller, Sr. and his wife Mary Elizabeth "Molly" Hardy. Molly was a sister to Belle Hardy. All of these people followed sawmill work and sort floated around Ouachita Parish Union Parish, Caldwell Parish, and even over the Ark. line into Ashley Co. I'll be happy to share any other data I have on these families. Jan Parsons Armstrong MILLER SCRIBER STROOPE (Bible #1) BIRTHS Nancy Stroope was born on January 19th A.D. 1773. Polly Pirkey was born May 24 A.D. 1795. John Pirkey, Jun. was born Aprile 24 A.D. 1797. Nancy Pirkey was born October 5th A. D. 1802. William Hill Miller was born October 23 A.D. 1806 Elizabeth S. Miller was born September 30 A.D. 1808 James Stephenson was born September 24 A.D. 1811 Anna Stephenson was born Septem 6 A. D. 1813. MARRIAGES Benjin Scriber was maried to Elizabeth S. Miller on January 20, 1831 William F. Collier was maried to E. S. Scriber on September 10, 1846 William H. Miller and Nancy Wafer was married Aprile 8, 1829 Maryann E. Scriber was married to John G. Miller 29 May 1856 John Pirkey and Nancy Stroope was married September 3, 1793 Abel Miller and Nancy Pirkey was married July 7, 1805 John Harris and Polly Pirkey was married August 28 (9?) 1810 Hugh Stephenson and Nancy Miller was married October 4, 1810 BIRTHS Benjin Scriber was born on the 27 of January 1808 Elizabeth S. Miller was born on the 30 of Sept 1808 Abram Henry Scriber was born on the 6 of November 1832 Loueza Ann Scriber was born on the 13 of Aprile 1835 Mary Ann Elizabeth Scriber was born on the 26 of March 1837 William T. Calderwood Scriber was born on the 11 of August 1839 DEATHS Loueza Ann Scriber departed this life on Sept 1, 1836 Benjamin Scriber departed this life on July 16, 1840, aged 32 years. John Pirkey departed this life on A___ 11, 1804 Abel Miller departed this life on Tuesday, Dec 5, 1809, age 32 years John Pirkey, Jun. aged 31 years, departed this life March 30, 1828 Polly Hathway departed this life Nov. 7, 1829 Ann C. Stephenson departed this life Oct 24, 1831 Abraham Scriber departed this life Aprile 28, 1834, the Father of John, Eli, and Benjin Scriber Eli Scriber departed this life on Dec 10, 1834, age 28 years John S. Scriber departed this life on Mar 19, 1835, age 35 years James Stephenson departed this life Oct ___ 1820 age 8 years Madline Pirkey, age 22 years departed this life Oct 1, 1824 (1844?) Nancy Stephenson aged 75 years 10 mo departed this life Nov 17, 1846. Nancy Sterins (Stevens?) departed this life July 18, 1844 MILLER - SCRIBER BIBLE RECORDS (Bible #2) BIRTHS John G. Miller was born June 8th, 1826 Mary E. Scriber was born March 26, 1837 A.. H. Scriber was born Nov 6th 1832 Bettie Miller was born August 11, 1842 Peter Benjamin Scriber was born Sept 2nd 1860 Henry Miller Scriber was born March 6th 1863 Benjamin Henry Miller was born Nov 23rd 1874 Clara Miller Scriber was born July 21, 1888 David Benoit Miller was born June 22nd, 1898 Ruby May Miller born August 20 1899 Peyton Louie Scriber born Nov 2nd 1888 Gussie Tubbs was born Feb 10 1895 _elma Tubbs born Sept 11 1896 (lst letter erased) Lyda Mae Miller born Feb 1st, 1901 Carrie Belle Miller born Jary. 8th, 1903 Benjamin Henry Miller, Jr. born March 28, 1905 Herman Bradford Miller born June 5th, 1909 Frances Elizabeth Miller born Dec 9th, 1911 Benjamin Drue Wilson born Sept 21, 1926 Jack Hardy Wilson born Jan 6, 1928 Herman Bernard Wilson born March 29, 1929 Mary Frances Wilson born July 19, 1930 Johnny Ray Wilson born Oct 28, 1934 Woodrow Parsons born July 25, 1912 (note: died July 18, 1969) Virginia Mae Parsons born Feb 10, 1919 (note: died Dec 1975) Jan La Rue Parsons born Aug 7, 1936 Dennis Mackey Parsons born June 29, 1943 (note: died July 20, 1971) MARRIAGES John G. Miller was married to Mary E. Scriber, May 29, 1856 A. H. Scriber was married to Bettie Miller Oct 18, 1859 P. B. Scriber was married to Minnie Jones on 13 April 1887 (1889?) Henry M. Scriber was married to Izola Adams on Sept 18, 1887 Benjamin H. Miller was married to Mary E. Hardy 29 Dec 1898 (note: actual license states Dec 29, 1899) George Brandon Wilson was married to Lyda Mae Miller 3 Oct 1925 Charles Brunson Parsons married Gussie Tubbs 24 Sept 1911 Gilbert Woodrow Parsons married Mary Marzee Johns 6 Oct 1934 James Page Crawley married Virginia Mae Parsons 16 July 1938 Robert Clyde Armstrong, Jr. to Jan La Rue Parsons 23 Nov 1959 DEATHS Mary E. Miller died Nov 22, 1860 E. S. Scriber Collier died Jan 25, 1863, aged 55 years A. H. Scriber died Jan 27, 1899 aged 66 years David Benoit Miller died Nov 14 1898 Peyton Louie Scriber died Aug 31, 1900 Peter Benj. Scriber died 10 Sept 1900 Ruby May Miller died 17 Dec 1900 Lenard B. Miller died Dec 8, 1900, age 53 years Elma Tubbs died Sept __ 1898 (note: again, the first letter has been erased, much mystery surrounds this child, and this Tubbs family) Carrie Belle Miller died 25 Feby. 1906 William J.(T.?) C. Scriber died June 27 1910 age 71 years George W. Miller died 10 Sept 1909 age 70 years Bettie Miller Scriber died 5 Feb 1918, age 76 years Lyda Mae Wilson died Feb 8, 1963, Monroe, La. Mary Elizabeth "Molly" Hardy Miller died 8 Dec 1949, Monroe, La. Benj. Henry Miller, Sr. died 14 Sept 1952, Monroe, La. Herman Bradford Miller died 7 Aug 1965, Natchez, Miss Benjamin Henry Miller, Jr. died 12 May 1966, Monroe, La. To my knowledge I have no Scriber/Miller bloodline, but the information just falls into my hands. I would love to hear from someone who can use this information. After these letters, there's a summary of information about all these people. Here are transcriptions of 2 old letters which were originally found tucked away in the Miller-Scriber Bibles: LETTERS WRITTEN BY NANCY WAFER MILLER, WIFE OF WILLIAM HILL MILLER Union Parish, La. June 30th, 1849 My dear and long lost sister, Tell Wesley that I am glad that he thought enough of me to write to me one more. we are all well except Mr. Miller and Thos. Mrs. Pettet departed this life the 13 May. Petet took the children off to Ark to his parents immediately. I received a letter a few days ago from Minerva D. Madden she said her sister Sina was dead and her sister Sarah was in the last stages of consumption. She had a babe in Feb last and Minerva had to keep it and Martha Madden had ran away with John Brice and got married. I suppose you have heard long since of the death of James mother. Eddings is our preacher this year. Isaw Eliz the other day she said to tell the girls to write to Mary Ann. Her and Collier get along badly. remember me to Brother Friend. Tell him Mr. Miller has written to him often and he never received a line from him. Brother Hughes brother in Lawlines on the Walker place and Hughes and his mother lives with them. I suppose the old lady is at least eighty three years old. Your own faithful sister Nancy W. Miller (NOTES: William Hill Miller and Nancy Wafer md. 8 Apr 1829) Union Parish, La. Sept 13, 1849 Dear Sister, We are alive Mr. Miller and Thos had more or less fever all the summer and Mr. Miller is weakly. Thos health is improving. Wm is quite unwell at this time. It is likely Bro Friend wishes to know how the new comers fared. As regards health they had a good deal of sickness. they were all from Alabama except one or two families that came from Ga. now Sarah Tarkington is deal I beleive I told you of Sinias death they say that Sarah died triumphantly. Ben Lewis located last year and settle in Farmersville for the pirpuse of educating their children. They are all well. sister L has a boy running about and calls him George Lawrence. Brother Eddings is our circuit preacher this year. Last winter he bought the old Britt Plantation. a short time since he went up to Claiborne and married Minerva McLeroy they went on home the other day and John Burnham was with them. He called on us and said that Tatum Wafers wife departed this life on the 24 Aug after three or four week severe illness he did not say what her disease was. he says Wm. P. Robinson lost a grown daughter latterly. Doct Ridgway had a sister that lived with him Doct Ridgway James Wafer and her was engaged to be married and james had asked for her and she died also. Sept 26. Although we have but two children I find more to do than I can do I done up Thomas trunk and bedding and sent him off ten miles from home to study medicine with a physician. Thos education did not gp to suit me I had rather much rather he would have stayed at college long and he would of been willing if his Pa had of been as persistent as me but he found that his pa could be persuaded my family with the exception of Wm consists of Owenses Mary John and Wm Owens the son of old James Owens he was in all the Mexican War he went from the military institution in Kentucky in the on holding office of a cadet and from some act during the war was promoted to 1st lt. and after the war he went on a Man or War I believe I told you Jame Owens had run off. Mary is called the handsomest young lady in all the country especially as far as figure is concerned. the Alabamans some of them that are religious respectable and wealthy and one brother Jameses old acquainances have come and offered themselves to Mary and if could of been pleased I should of and her uncle was more than willing. Little Bill as old Mrs. Clady used to call him says he is very glad that she is so careless about getting married. Louisiana and Louisa must write to me. Mary Ann Scriber corresponds with me from Bastrop where she is going to school. a horse trampt on Elizas foot last May and she has scarcely walked ever since. from all accounts Eliza and Colier lives a miserable life. You no Mrs. Cillam Eliza Troy married Burl Jones she had a son the same age of my Wm all the living child she had he died very suddenly not long since and she lies very low with chronic diareer George Caldwell the Steam Boat Capt died from disipation on 18th and now my dear sister, Nancy W. Miller PS I have received a letter from Margaret Wafer she says her father has been verry sick and has got well but weak and he is going to Taxes for his health and is going to take his son Thos with him. Mr. Miller went out to Farmersville yesterday he went with Mr. Bartlette as a family meeting for Mr. B. to administer of Capt Caldwells estate. He took dinner with sister Lewis they were all well. She said when I wrote to remember her to you NWM A SUMMATION OF MILLER/SCRIBER INFORMATION Data taken from Miller/Scriber Bible Records, Records in the Ouachita Parish, La. Courthouse, Census material, and La. Marriage records. ABRAHAM SCRIBER born c1775, place unknown, died Monday 28 Apr 1834, at the home of JOHN SMITH on Bayou Bartholomew, Ouachita Parish, La. Abraham md. (1) JAMIMA COURTS (COUNTS?) She died prio to 1820. Their children: a)JOHN S. SCRIBER, b. c1800, d. 19 Mar 1835, Ouachita Parish, La. md. 7 June 1832, Ouachita Parish, La. ELIZA JANE AILES, (no further data on this couple) b) ELI SCRIBER b. c1806, d. 10 Dec 1834, probably in Ouachita Parish, md 4 Apr 1830, EDNA HICKMAN (no further data) c) BENJAMIN SCRIBER b 27 Jan 1808, d. 16 July 1840, Ouachita Parish, md 20 Jan 1831, Ouachita Parish, ELIZABETH S. MILLER, b. 30 Sept 1808, La., d. 25 Jan 1863, Ouachita Parish, La. (more about this couple later) After his first wife died, ABRAHAM SCRIBER then md. (2) LYDIA WHITE and had one child. Estate papers of ABRAHAM SCRIBER in the Ouachita Parish, La. clerk's office, list his heirs: ".....3 sons by former wife JAMIMA COUNTS (COURTS), BENNA (sic), JOHN and ELI....and a daughter, JANE, age 2 years by widow LYDIA WHITE SCRIBER." Nothing else is known about Lydia or Jane. ELIZABETH S. MILLER (above) was the daughter of ABEL MILLER and NANCY STROOPE PIRKEY MILLER. NANCY STROOPE was born 19 Jan 1773, died 17 Nov 1846. She married 3 times: (1) 3 Sept 1793, JOHN PIRKEY. Their children: a) MARY "POLLY" PIRKEY, b 24 May 1795, md. 26 Aug 1810, Ouachita Parish, La. JOHN HARRIS b) JOHN PIRKEY, JR. b. 24 Apr 1797, d. 30 Mar 1828, md 23 Nov 1827 Ouachita Parish, La. MADLINE CAVIT, she died 1 Oct 1844 c) NANCY PIRKEY, b. 5 Oct 1802, md 7 Oct 1827 Ouachita Parish, La. JAMES OWENS JOHN PIRKEY, d. 11 Aug (or Apr) 1804 NANCY STROOPE PIRKEY then md. (2) 7 July 1805, ABEL MILLER, b. c 1777, d. Tuesday 5 Dec 1809 (NOTE: Nancy is listed in the 1810 census Ouachita Parish as "Widow Miller") Their children: a) WILLIAM HILL MILLER, b. 23 Oct 1806, d. (still living in 1849, Union Parish, La. according to the letters above) md 8 Apr 1809 , NANCY WAFER, b) ELIZABETH S. MILLER, b. 30 Sept 1808 d. ?, md. 20 Jan 1831, BENJAMIN SCRIBER After the death of ABEL MILLER, NANCY then married a third time : 4 Oct 1810, Ouachita Parish, La. HUGH STEPHENSON, their Children: JAMES STEPHENSON, b 24 Sept 1811, d Oct 1820 aged 8 ANNA STEPHENSON b 6 Sept 1813, d. 24 Oct 1831. # # #