The Ouachita Telegraph - Three Acquited in Murder of Pat Dugan Date: Jul. 2000 Submitted by: Lora Peppers * ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** * The Ouachita Telegraph Friday, February 25, 1876 Page 2, Column 2 Murder of Dugan. Three men, Ben Varner, Jno. Morris and Jno. Tilyaw were put in jail on Sunday charged with the murder of Pat Dugan, the Irish foot peddler, whose murder was noticed in the TELEGRAPH in the early part of January. Dugan was coming to Monroe from Red river, and was traced to the south western corner of this parish by his brother. A few days subsequent, Dugan’s remains were found in the woods near the road, his clothes showing he had been shot. He had with him about $300 in money and a few goods in his pack, none of which were found with his body. Information, it seems, came through Tilyaw, some days ago, to a citizen in the neighborhood of the murder, that certain persons committed the deed. He was taken into their confidence, it appears, because he knew too much of the murder not to be trusted. The arrests were made upon this information, and the Sheriff is now in search of Ben. Carroll, who, it was siad by Tilyaw, did the shooting. Tilyaw, we learn, denies making any revelation in the case, and says he knows nothing about it. The whole affair is wrapped in mystery, but no doubt some light will be thrown upon it tomorrow in the preliminary trail before Judge Ray. NOTE: All were acquitted by Morris (Ouachita Telegraph, Friday, March 10, 1876,page 2, column 3) # # #