The Ouachita Telegraph - Constable Fitzgerald Murdered Date: Aug. 2000 Submitted by: Lora Peppers * ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** * The Ouachita Telegraph Friday, March 15, 1878 Page 3, Column 2 Constable Fitzgerald, of Trenton, Murdered. Tuesday evening last, James, William, Clay or Pes and Henry Brown, all colored, entered the town of Trenton and soon became drunk and boisterous, and at the Roseman place they discharged their guns and pistols to the terror of whites and blacks. Constable Fitzgerald was called upon for protection and immediately repaired to the scene of trouble. The rioters dispersed and started home. They were hardly out of sight before the firing commenced again. Mr. Fitzgerald went towards it. The rioters were then in the Hasley field. One of them called to Mr. F. that if he wanted to take them they were ready for him. Mr. F. sprang upon the fence and was shot down by parties in ambuscade and died from its effects within the space of two hours. Sheriff Richardson, upon notice of the foregoing, took the matter in hand and soon had William and James Brown under arrest. Clay or Pes brown, ginger-cake color, medium height, burly, with burnside whiskers, left hand injured and wrapped with a striped cloth and thumb stall, had on yellow pants and hickory shirt, was the ringleader, and made good his escape. Henry Brown, darker and larger than Clay or Pes, also escaped. Every effort is being made for their capture and it I hardly probable that they can elude the officers for any length of time. Mr. Fitzgerald had been a citizen of Trenton for the last three years. He was constable of the ward and policeman of the town. He leaves a wife and child. Peace to his ashes. NOTE: The Friday, March 22, 1878 issue of the Ouachita Telegraph relates the capture in Vicksburg of the perpetrators (Page 3, Column 1). # # #