Marriage: William Bannister/Mary Amanda Wright, Ouachita Parish La Submitted by: Dorothy Wheat ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Ouachita To any Ordained Minister of the Gospel, domiciliated within the Parish and State aforesaid, or to any Justice of the Peace legally authorized according to law to celebrate marriages within the same place, Greetings: You are hereby authorised and empowered to unite in the bonds of matrimony and holy wedlock, Mr. William Bannister and Mys Amanda Mary Wright, both residents of said Parish and State; and to solemnize and celebrate the said marriage between the parties as above named, according to the laws and customs of the State of Louisiana, and make your return hereof as the law directs: and this is your authority for so doing. Given under my hand, and Seal of Office, on the 27th day of November A.D. 1835. Signed: Lewis Lamy, Parish Judge. State of Louisiana, Parish of Ouachitta I DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That, I have on this day, in pursuance of the foregoing licence, celebrated and solemnized a marriage between Mr. William Banister and Mys Amanda M Wright agreeably to the laws and customs of the State of Louisiana and Parish of Ouachita. In Testimony Whereof, I have together with the parties, and in presence of the undersigned witnesses signed the present, on this 29th November A.D. 1835. Signed: William X Banister Witnesses: Jas Grisham, J.B. Day (his mark) Absalam S Slaughter? Amanda M Wright John T Faulk, Justice of the Peace