DEFINITIONS OF SOME FRENCH WORDS & TERMS Submitted BY: Darnell Marie Brunner Beck Published in The New Orleans Gensis by Charles K Ramond ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Frere Consanguin half-brother by same father Frere Uterin half brother by same mother Soeur Consanguine half-sister by same father Soeur Uterine half-sister by same mother Demi-Frere, soeur general term for half-brother, half-sister, step-brother or step-sister Enfant d'un autre lit step-child (m) Enfant ne' d'un lit antereur step-child (m) Beau-pere father-in-law, also step-father Belle mere mother-in-law, also step-mother Belle-fille daughter-in-law, also step-daughter Bru daughter-in-law Gendre son-in-law Beau-fils step-son Beau-frere brother-in-law Belle-soeur sister-in-law Epouse' bridegroom Epousee' bride Epoux husband Epouse wife Mari husband Femme wife Fr`ere brother Soeur sister Fils son, also Junior Petit-fils grandson Petite-fille granddaughter Grand-pere grandfather Bon-papa granddad Grand-mere grandmother Aieul grandfather Aieule grandmother Aieux ancestors or forefathers Arriere-grand-pere great-grandfather Arriere-grand-mere great-grandmother Bisaieul great-grandfather Bisaieule great-grandmother Triaieul great-great-grandfather Triaieule great-great-grandmother Parrain godfather Marriane godmother Filleut godson Neveux goddaughter Nieces neices Tante aunt Oncle uncle Cadet younger than or youngest in the family L'aine eldest son of the same family He'ritier pre'somtif next of kin He'ritier legitime heir-in-law Le'gataire unversal residuary legatee Untel or Un tel "John Doe" or Mr. So and So or Mr. "X" Enceinte pregnant Sage-femme midwife Dufunt deceased Feu the late or deceased Relique surviving wife Dit called, know as, alias Parents all relatives "Parents avec" (m) related to Parents par alliance relation by marriage Plus proche parent next of kin Sans enfantes without children Cousin germain (m) first cousin Cousinage lesser degree of cousinship L'orphlin orphan (m) La veuve widow Le veuf widower