Carroll Jones, Rapides Parish, Louisiana Submitted by: Gaytha Carver Thompson ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Source: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest Louisiana The Southern Publishing Company, Chicago & Nashville, 1890 CARROLL JONES Carroll Jones is a plantation owner of the parish of Natchitoches, La., but first saw the light of day in Sumner County, Tenn. April 4, 1815. When he was seven years old he was brought to Louisiana, and the remainder of his boyhood and his early manhood were spent in Rapides Parish. In his early manhood, although his principal pursuit has always been farming, he did considerable trading and speculating in live stock, and some of the horses he raised were the finest in the United States, being thoroughbred race horses that made names for themselves. He was successful in both farming and the livestock business, and became one of the leading plantation owners of Rapides Parish. In 1869 he came to this point and located on his present plantation in Ward 9, eighteen miles southeast of the city of Natchitoches, which then contained about 1,200 acres of land, but since that time he has made adjoining purchases until he is now the owner of 1,500 acres. This plantation is splendidly situated, extending across the Cane River and is sufficiently high to prevent overflow. For this reason it is very desirable, as well as for the fact that the improvements are first class. Mr. Jones' residence is a large and commodious one, being 130 feet long by 80 feet wide. The yard in which it stands contains a fine cedar grove, and overlooking, as it does, the beautiful Cane River, it is one of the most beautiful country seats in the parish. It is also well improved in the way of fences and tenement houses. Mr. Jones is the owner of another plantation four miles further down the river, which is valuable and in a good state of improvement. In the month of December, 1844, he was united in marriage to Catherine Clifton, who was born in Rapides Parish in 1829, and to them thirteen children have been born: Laura (born December 14, 1845), William C. (Born December 24, 1847, and died August 17, 1870), Jerry M. (Born October 14, 1849), Maria L. (Born October 15, 1851), Rachel (born November 7, 1853, and died March 10, 1857), Matthew (born November 2, 1858), Martha (born October 8, 1860), Catherine (born July 15, 1863, and died May 26, 1864), Cora born December 18, 1865), Carroll (born February 22, 1867), Floresten (born April 12, 1869), Mary (born August 30, 1872), and Louis T. (Born February 5, 1875). Mr. Jones, his wife and children are consistent members of the Catholic Church, and in politics he is a Republican. He is an honorable and, a liberal, upright citizen, and his home is recognized as one in which true hospitality is extended.