Christopher Lewis Ransdell, Rapides Parish, La Submitted by: Suzanne Shoemaker ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Source: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest Louisiana The Southern Publishing Company, Chicago & Nashville, 1890 CHRISTOPHER LEWIS RANSDELL, deputy district clerk. He was born in the parish in which he is now residing June 1, 1855, being a son of John Hickman and Amanda Louisa (Terrell) Ransdell, the former of whom was born in Frankfort, Ky., being reared to the profession of journalism, graduating in that calling from the office of the Louisville Courier, which afterward became the Courier Journal. In the early history of Rapides Parish, La., he came thither, and a for a time conducted the Red River Whig, but subsequently engaged in merchandising, and still later turned his attention to planting and was following this calling at the time of his death, which occurred in 1869, he being accidentally killed. He was a son of Christopher Ransdell and Martha (Hickman) Ransdell, the latter a daughter of Parson William Hickman, a member of the well known Hickman family of Kentucky, who accompanied Daniel Boone to that Sate and left an undying name and fame upon the pages of the history of the Blue Grass State. On both sides of this family they are found to be connected with Revolutionary War times, the Hickman family being particularly famous during that time. Christopher Lewis Ransdell is the sixth child and fourth son in a family of five sons and four daughters born to his parents, of whom four sons and two daughters are now living. He grew to manhood on his father'' plantation in this parish, receiving meager educational advantages on account of the war; was sworn in as deputy parish clerk on his twenty-first birthday, a position he has very acceptable filled ever since, being faithful, efficient, and a true and trusty officer. His marriage, which occurred in the city of New Orleans in December, 1887, was to Miss Cordelia, daughter of Joseph and Cordelia (Bowles) Hoy, of Rapides Parish, natives of Ohio and Louisiana, respectively. Mr. Ransdell is vice chancellor of Alexandria Lodge No. 3, of the K. of P., and he and his family worship in the Roman Catholic Church.