James B. and Harriet Bryant McCullough, Rapides Parish Louisiana Submitted by Bill McCullough Transcribed by Sharon Crosby Kubler Date: December 12, 2008 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************** State of Louisiana Parish of Rapides To any Justice of the Peace or Minister of the Gospel, authorized to Celebrate Marriages in and for the Parish of Rapides, Greetings: You are Hereby licensed and permitted to unite in the Bonds of Matrimony, according to Law and Established Rules, Mr. Jas B McCullough and Miss Harriet Bryant Given under my hand and the Seal of Office as Clerk of the District Court, in and for the Parish of Rapides, the 16 day of November, 1868 Charles.(illegible), Clerk State of Louisiana Parish of Rapides Be it Remembered that on the 17th day of November, 1868 Mr Jas. B. Collough and Miss Harriet Bryant personally appeared before me Saml Harper, Minister of the Gospel in and for the Parish of Rapides, together with S.D. Moore Jesse McCollough all witnesses of full age, and resident in the said Parish, and that then and their said Mr. James B. McCollough and Miss Harriet Bryant having produced the license requiredby Law, signified their desire and intention, before us the said Minister and witnesses, to be united in the State of Matrimony. Whereupon, after due proclamation made, and no impediment being suggested, they the said Mr. James B. McCullough and Harriet Bryant were by me, the said Saml Harper in the presence of the said witnesses Joined in Wedlock according to the Laws of the State of Louisiana, and by me the said Saml Harper duly pronounced to be Husband and Wife. In Testimony Whereof, the parties to the said marriage hereunto affix their signatures, together with me the said Saml Harper and the aforesaid Witnesses on this 19th (difficult to read) day of November, 1868 at D.D. Moore's residence in the Parish aforesaid. Witnesses: S.D. Moore Jas. B. McCollough Jesse McCollough Harriet McCollough