Ray, Olive - Strother, John, Allen-Rapides Parish Louisiana Submitted by Judith Greer Date: February 3, 2006 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ********************************************** Allen-Calcasieu-Rapides County Louisiana Archives Marriages..... Ray, Olive - Strother, John February 2, 1859 Jasper Couny Tx Courthouse 2-2-1859 Certificate No.: A115 ..Be it further remembered, that on the 2nd day of Febuary, 1859, the following certificate was filed in my office, to wit: Texas, to-wit: Jasper County. This certifies that I joined in marriage, as husband and wife, John Strother and Olive Ray on the 2nd day of Febry, 1859. G I Goode. Additional Comments: John Strother is "Cye" John A Strother Jr. Olive Ray aka Olif (Oliph) Ray Strother Willis.