Red River County Louisiana Archives Wills.....Collins, Philip L. June 6, 1919 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 30, 2007, 5:23 pm Source: Red River Parish / Coushatta, La. Written: June 6, 1919 Recorded: July 1, 1926 LAST WILL OF PHILIP L. COLLINS, deceased. Filed April 12, 1926 M. A. Conly, Clerk D. C. "Ne Varietur" J. F. STEPHENS, District Judge State of Louisiana Parish of Red River Being mindful of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, I make this my last will and testament - 1st. I am of sound mind. 2nd. I will that all of my just debts be paid. 3rd. I will and beaqueath unto the (5) five children of R. E. and LEONA KITCHINGS viz: THYRA, the oldest, and PHILIP BENIT, 2nd, and JAMES GARLAND, 3rd, and JOHN L., 4th, and HELLEN, 5th, the sum of $1,500.00, One Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars, in Liberty Bonds now in the Bank of Coushatta, at Coushatta,La., the interest to be drawn annually after my death by the Executor of this will and paid over to them for their benefit, the bonds to be drawn by them as they become of age or otherwise by emancipated. 4th. The balance of my estate be divided according to relationship between my people and my deceased wife's people. What is left at my death after all expenses paid. June 6th. 1919 PHILIP L. COLLINS "Ne Varietur" J. F. STEPHENS District Judge (second page) "Ne Varietur" J. F. STEPHENS District Judge 5th. I will that W. H. ELLIOTT be appointed Executor of this will and in case of his death PHHILIP C. ELLIOTT be appointed with bond. This written, dated and signed wholly with my own hand on this day. "Ne Varietur" J. F. STEPHENS, District Judge (Third page) "Ne Varietur" J. F. STEPHENS, District Judge LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS TO EXECUTOR OF MY WILL AS FOLLOWS: 1st. I wish to have a decent burial 2nd. I wish a suitable tomb to mark my last resting place, giving the date of my birth, and state of birth, all to be paid out of my estate. 3rd. I wish be be buried by my wife. In regard to dividing my estate I wish the grandchildren of a brother or sister to share equal with the children, where they have no children. Where there is no children, for instance, there is LANCE COLLINS and LEONA KITCHINGS have neither brother or sister, they to receive the same as their father or mother would receive if they were living. I hope this will be adhered to in the division. This written and signed with my own hand. In gold I havve $202.50 in safe to use for my burial. P. L. COLLINS (Third page of reverse side) To W. H. or P. C. ELLIOTT: In case of the inability of W. H. ELLIOTT to attend to the winding up of the estate, then P. C. ELLIOTT will take his place. PHIL has power of attorney in my business in life and I extend it until the succession is opened. [He is] empowered and instructed to deliver to R. H. KITCHINGS, father, and MRS. LEONA KITCHINGS, mother, for and on behalf of said minors, and the sum of FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS IN LIBERTY BONDS out of the bonds left by said deceased testator. That PHILLIP C. ELLIOTT, Executor of said last will and testament of PHILLIP L. COLLINNS, deceased be and he is hereby instructed and empowered to disburse and distribute among the universal legatees afore-named, in the proportion to the interest which each has herein been judicially determined to have in said succession, the residue of the cash money on hand and in the possession of said executor, and shown by his final account after all bills and charges were paid, and that payment to the minors named in said petition may be made to their legal representatives. 4th. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the universal legatees afore-named in the proportion in which each has been decreed interested in owners in fee simple, of all of the property leftby said decedent, PHILLIP L. COLLINS, deceased, in indivision , except the special bequest made to the KITCHINGS minors aforesaid, particularly the following described property, situated in the Parish of Red River, Louisiana, to wit: S1/2 of SW1/4 of Section 18; NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 19; SW 1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 19; E1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 19; All of the foregoing in Twp. 13 N. R. S. West; also, E1/2 of NE1/4 of Section 19; SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 13 All in Twp 13 N. R. ( West, and said land, in aggregate, containing THREE HUNDRED SIXTY ACRES (360.00) acres more or less, Three head of cattle, one horse; one mule; four hogs and pne2 and 3/4 wagon. Thus done, rendered and signed, in open court on this lst day of Jyly, 1926. J. F. STEPHENS, Judge District court Attest, a true record, recorded July 7, 1926 M. A. Conly, Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder Additional Comments: Note: Apparently the instructions to the executors were not filed until July 7, 1926, as a preliminary to the Sucession, filed on July 2, 1926. The heirs are listed in the Succession. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.7 Kb