Claiborne-Richland County Louisiana Archives Obituaries.....Calhoun, John Davidson December 30, 1915 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Irma Sohnchen April 16, 2005, 12:43 pm Times-Picayune, Friday, Dec. 31, 1915 Obituary from the Times-Picayune - Friday, December 31, 1915:   Assistant Surgeon General of Louisiana Division U.C.V. is Mourned. Rayville, LA, Dec. 30 - Major J.D. Calhoun, aged 69, died here this morning at 10 O'clock after a week's illness with la grippe.  He was a long time resident of Claiborne Parish and moved to Rayville about eight years ago.  He had retired as a physician, but was a prominent business man, being interested in several mercantile establishments and also interested in large real estate holdings in this parish.  He was assistant Surgeon General of the Confederate Veterans of Louisiana.    He is survived by his wife, two sons, two daughters, and two brothers, all of whom reside here, and a sister, Mrs. Pickel, of St. Louis. He was a Mason of high rank and also was a member of the Methodist Church. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon with interment in the cemetery here.                                                                         _____________    The following special orders have been issued:    "Headquarters Louisiana Division United Confederate Veterans, New Orleans, LA., Dec. 30, 1915."     "Special Order No. 1: "It is with profound sorrow that the major general commander announces the death of Major J.D. Calhoun, M.D., assistant surgeon general of the division, who died at 10 O'clock a.m. today at Rayville, LA. Funeral will be held at that place at 3:30 O'clock p.m., Friday, Dec. 31, 1915.    "Major Calhoun was a gallant soldier of Company E, Thirty-first Regiment Louisiana Infantry, C.S.A., and a member of Henry W. Allen Camp No. 182 U.C.V. at Monroe, LA., and was a retired Physician, and took interest in the affairs of the organization.  He attended the reunions at Richmond, VA., and New Orleans, November 10-11 this year, in good health, and his death is a distinct loss to the division and brings sorrow to his many friends and comrades."    By order of A.B. Booth,  Major General Commander  "Official:  Thomas Higgins, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff" This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb