Richland Parish Louisiana Marriage notice Circa 1912of Mittye Duncan and Charles Coghlan at Boughton,La. Submitted by Donald Patrick ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Marriage Notice of Mittye Duncan and Charles Coghlan at Boughton,La. Could there be a more appropriate time for the union of hearts thanthis holiday season when the hearts of the whole world are going out to their fellow man! At the home of the bride's parents; on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, December 28th, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. Mr. Chas. R. Coghlan and Miss Mittye Duncan were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed in a very impressive manner by Rev. J.C. Dove. On the Veranda, 'neath an arch of mosses and evergreens, the bride was lovely. She wore a beautiful gown of lavender sat in messaline, with accessaries to match. Immediately after the ceremony, the bridal party repared to the dining parlor, where a delicious supper was served i n honor of the bride and groom. The bride is the charming and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Duncan of Boughton. The groom, formerly of Mississippi, but now of Baskin, La., is a young man of splendid character, and strong intellect; and is certainly to be congratulated upon winning such a fair and lovely bride. After a short visit to relatives of the groom, in Mississippi, the happy young couple will be at home in Baskin, Franklin Parish, La. Among those present besides the relatives and friends of the community, were: Mr. Johns and Rev. J.C. Dove of Baskin, Mr. A. Winters and daughter, Miss Unice, of Liddieville; relatives of the bride, and Messrs. Jas. I. Hixon, Geo. W. and J.B. Broadway, and Misses Cora and Wilhalmina Broadway, and Lucy Hixon of near Alto. We wish for them a long, happy and prosperous journey over the matrimonial sea. A Friend.