Churches: Prospect Church to Celebrate 125 Years, Sabine Parish Source: Sabine Index, Many, La., Oct 13, 1999 Submitted by: Carl Dilbeck ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Prospect Church to Celebrate 125 Years Prospect United Methodist Church of Florien was organized before the Civil War as Prospect Episcopal Church South, near the Garner Branch, on Toro Creek. The site changed about the close of the Civil War to near Columbus on Sabine River. In the late 1860s this church ceased to function for a time. In 1870 or 1871, occasional services were held in a log cabin, about one-quarter mile west of the present site. The church reorganized in 1874 with J. M. Franklin as pastor, and in 1880 a new building was erected on Prospect Road. In 1904, four acres of land was donated to the church by William Miles Sandel, where the present building stands. In 1930 a new church building was erected on this site. Then, in 1974 a new brick building was built and continues in use. This year, the Church will celebrate its 125th anniversary. The Pastor, Dr. William R. Boyd, and the congregation extend an invitation to the public to share in the celebration during the weekend of October. Plans include a time of fellowship/reminiscing as well as an Old fashioned singing and dedication service on Friday, Oct. 22, 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Saturday, Oct. 23 beginning at 4 p.m. there will be games for the children and adults; 5 p.m. a hot dog roast and 6:30 p.m. an Old time Brush Arbor meeting around the camp fire. Sunday, Oct. 24 at 10:45 a.m. will be a time to be refreshed spiritually. Bishop Dan Solomon will bring the morning message. There will be a covered dish dinner the grounds following the morning worship service. Immediately after dinner members will celebrate Holy Communion and a "sending forth" with Dr.Larry Maddin, Lake Charles District superintendent officiating. The theme for this celebration is: "Proclaiming Hope! The Passion of our Past, Present and Future."