Obituaries: Mrs. R. L. Armstrong, Sabine Parish A-652 Source: Sabine Index, Many, La., Jul 20, 1934 Submitted by: Tammy Larche-Smith ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** The Sabine Index - Mrs. R. L. Armstrong 20 Jul 1934 - Mrs. R. L. Armstrong, aged wife of Dr. R. L. Armstrong of Pleasant Hill died at her home Wednesday. Funeral services at 4 p.m. Thursday from Pleasant Hill Methodist church. The Rev. Roy T. Williams of Kansas City, Mo., will officiate, assisted by the R. F. Harrell of LeCompte and her pastor, the Rev. Howard F. Pfost. Interment will be in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Mrs. Armstrong was born and has spent her entire life in Sabine parish. She attended the old Pleasant Hill college and later married Dr. Armstrong, a prominent physician of Pleasant Hill. She is survived by the widower; a son, Dr. Ralph Armstrong of Lewisville, Ark., three daughters, Mrs. Jefferson Davis of Minden, Mrs. L. G. Evans and Mrs. Solan Tarbox of Pleasant Hill.