Criminal Justice Matters: Carolina, 1891, Winn Parish, LA Inquest of Carolina This information generously donated to the Louisiana Genealogy Project - African American Archives by: Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: Inquest Book, Office of the Clerk of Court, Winn Parish, LA In The Matter Of The Inquest Of Carolina, Colored, Filed Feb'y. 16, 1891, J. M. Abel, Dy. Clerk State of Louisiana Parish of Winn At an inquest taken this the 10th day of February 1891 near the place of Jno. Kieffer's in the public road in the Parish aforesaid before me, C. M. C. Martin, Justice of the Peace in and for the 8th Eard in said parish acting as coroner of said parish for the time being upon view of the body of Carolina, colored, then and there lying dead upon the oath of M. E. Jackson, G. T. Harlen, A. J. Franks, Albert Franks, and John Franks, good and lawful men of said Parish, who being duly sworn and charged to inquire on the part of the State when and where how and after what manner the said Carolina came to his death says that they have carefully examined the body of the deceased and that the cause of his death is unknown to them. In witness whereof we the said jurors as well as the Justice acting as the coroner aforesaid have to this inquisition set our hands on the day and year and the place aforesaid. M. E. Jackson F. T. Harlan A. J. Franks Allen Franks John (X-his mark) Franks C. M. C. Martin, Justice of the Peace and Acting Coroner Examination of witnesses. S. R. Carson The State of Louisiana, 8th Ward, Parish of Winn, S. R. Carson, sworn and examined on the 13th day of February, 1891, near the place of John Keiffer before me, C. M. C. Martin, Justice of the Peace in and for said Ward then and there actiing as coroner, there being no coroner of said Parish upon an inquisition held over the body of an unknown body to me, S. R. Carson being first duly sworn testifies and says that he know said person by the name of Carolina only and that he has known said person by said name about one year and that he is a colored man of old age. S. R. Carson John Franks sworn says that he has known said colored man about one year by the name of Carolina and that he does not know no other name but Carolina. John (X-His Mark) Franks I hereby certify that the foregoing is the testimony of all the witnesses taken on the foregoing inquisition and that the said testimony was at the time and place first above mentioned reduced to writing by me. C. M. C. Martin Justice of the Peace and Coroner for the time being Recorded March 19 A. D. 1891 J. M. Abel, Dy. Clerk and Ex Officio Recorder