Conveyance Book B (with Forward), West Florida Parishes, La. Submitted for the LAGenWeb Archives by Warren B. Wall, Oct. 1998 File prepared by D.N. Pardue ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** ST. HELENA PARISH, LOUISIANA, CONVEYANCE BOOK B Term of Parish Judge AUDLEY L. OSBORNE, May 1811 - Oct. 1812 [Copied/abstracted by Warren B. Wall. February, 1992] ***Surname index referenced by entry number included on the bottom of this file.*** FOREWARD The Louisiana Territory was purchased by the United States from France in 1803. It included the Isle of Orleans, lying east of the Mississippi River, but not West Florida, although the United States would later claim that the latter was included. As a matter of fact, however, West Florida, including the Distrito de Santa Helena, would remain under Spanish control until 1810. In March of 1804, the Louisiana Territory was divided by an act of Congress into the Territory of Orleans (that portion lying south of 33 degrees latitude) and the District of Louisiana (that portion north of 33 degrees). In October of 1804, WILLIAM C.C. CLAIBORNE was inaugerated Governor of the Territory of Orleans. That part of West Florida lying between the Pearl and Mississippi rivers was divided by the Spanish into the four distritos of Feliciana, Baton Rouge, St. Helena and "Chifoncte". The top Spanish official in each district was the Comandante, who also served as an Alcalde. Don JOSE BERNARDO DeHEVIA was the Commandante of the St. Helena District from ? until mid-1809, at about which time he left the district. (See Doc. #22-74, this paper.) Presumably at about that time the Spanish appointed SHEPHERD BROWN to succeed DeHEVIA. BROWN, originally from Baltimore, was a business partner and associate of JOHN McDONOGH of New Orleans, and the two of them owned a considerable amount of land in West Florida. BROWN held the position of Comandante until the Spanish were overthrown in the West Florida Rebellion in 1810. Of particular significance is the fact that the conveyance or notarial records of the St. Helena District, recorded in Spanish by BROWN in 1809-1810, were saved and comprise the first fifty-five pages of the St. Helena Parish Conveyance Book B. (Unfortunately, about half the pages are missing, and the exist- ing pages are in poor condition and difficult to read.) The West Florida Rebellion in 1810 resulted in the overthrow of Spanish authority and the establishment of the free and independent "West Florida Republic." However, the young republic was short-lived; the United States at about that time claimed it on the basis that it was included in the Louisiana Purchase. After some negotiation the United States prevailed, and West Florida (extending to the Perdido River east of Mobile) was annexed to the Territory or Orleans in December of 1810 as the County of Feliciana. The County of Feliciana was divided into six parishes, Feliciana, East Baton Rouge, St. Helena, St. Tammany, "Viloxi" and Pascagoula, the latter two lying east of the Pearl River. The top officials in each parish, appointed by the governor, were the parish judge and the sheriff. On Jan. 14, 1811, Gov. CLAIBORNE appointed AUDLEY L. OSBORNE Parish Judge for St. Helena, and at about the same time he appointed FORTISCUE CUMING Sheriff and Justice of the Peace. In May of 1811, Jude OSBORNE began recording St. Helena conveyances and other documents, and he used the same journal that Comandante BROWN had used when recording Spanish records! That is, Judge OSBORNES'S record begins on page 57 of Conveyance Book B. (St. Helena Parish and the Spanish Dist. of St. Helena were approximately the same geographically, but there were sig- nificant differences in both east and west boundaries.) On April 30, 1812, Louisiana was formally admitted to the Union as the eighteenth state, and it comprised all of the former Territory of Orleans except the two parishes lying east of the Pearl River ("Viloxi" and Pascagoula). WILLIAM C.C. CLAIBORNE was elected governor of the new state, and OSBORNE continued to serve as Parish Judge of St. Helena, at least through October of 1812, the month in which he made his final entries in Book B. His successor was SHEPHERD BROWN (the ex-Comandante), who began recording conveyances in July of 1813. For some unknown reason, BROWN, rather than use the journal that he and OSBORNE had previously used, began recording in a new journal, and that journal became Book A. FORTISCUE CUMING, too, served through 1812, and he was succeeded as sheriff in 1813 by DAVID KEMP. However, CUMING continued as Justice of the Peace in Springfield in 1813. References: 1. Edwin Adams Davis, "Louisiana, A Narrative History" 2. Stanley Clisby Arthur, "The Story of the West Florida Rebellion" 3. "Minutes of the Police Jury of St. Helena Parish, August 16-19, 1813," The Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 2 4. St. Helena Parish, La., Conveyance Books A & B ---------- The abstracts that follow represent all of the St. Helena deeds and other documents recorded by Judge OSBORNE from May of 1811 through October of 1812. The lands described in these deeds might lie anywhere within the present-day parishes of St. Helena, Livingston (except Maurepas Island) and the western "half" of Tangipahoa. Such information as was in the documents to help locate the land is included in the abstracts. (Remember that townships and ranges were not laid out by U.S. surveyors until some time later.) Entries were not numbered by Judge OSBORNE, so for our pur- poses here we have asigned two-part document numbers. The entry number precedes the "-", and the page number follows it. ---------- THE DOCUMENTS 1a-57: Recorded May 4, 1811. Aug. 6, 1803; JOHN HUMPHREYS sold to JOHN EGARD a tract of land, which he had "entered and improved", "on the Bluf below where NATHAN ALLEN'S improvement lies", for $15. Test.: T.S. ALLEN 1b-57: Jan. 13, 1804; JOHN EGARD sold above land and improve- ments to WILLIAM VARDEMAN, for $100. Land one mile below Mrs. McWATERS, on Darlings Creek. Wit.: JOSEPH SHARP 1c-57: Jan. 17, 1810; WM. VARDEMAN endorsed the deed "unto JOHN ROLLINS." Wits.: WM. KINCHEN, MARY KINCHEN 1d-58: July 15, 1810; JOHN ROLINS sold the land to JOHN W. LEONARD "for value recd. this day." Wits.: ROBERT POWERS, WM. KINCHEN 2a-58: Dec. 22, 1807; RICHARD WILLIAMS, planter of St. Helena sold to DAVID HOUSE, for $100, a tract on the river Amite ad- joining land of PETER DISMUKES on Darlings Creek about 1.5 mi. from its mouth. Wits.: ROBERT POWERS, WM. WILLIAMS. 2b-58: May 29, 1811, DAVID HOUSE sold above land to GEORGE JOHNSON for value recd. Wits.: R. POWERS, W. WILLIAMS. 2c-58: Nov. 22, 1811; GEORGE JOHNSTON (spelled both ways) sold above land to JNO. W. LEONARD. Test.: ROBT. POWERS A.C. 3a-59: Nov. 27, 1807; BLEDSOE WHITE OF D. of St. Helena sold to ABNER WAMMACK an improvement, made in May 1802, "lying on mouth of Sandy Run where it runs into Darlings Creek and joins LUCAS below and JOHN WELLS above." For $210. Land surveyed by IRA C. KNEELAND. Wits.: ISAAC KEMP, ROBT. HOLLOWAY, WM. BELL A.C. 3b-59: Aug. 17, 1809; ABNER WAMMACK assigned all his rights to above claim to WILLIAM BERRY. Test.: WILLIAM WATKINS (?) 3c-59: Dec. 7, 1809; WM. BERRY assigned his rights to above claim to WM. LUCAS. Test.: ROBERT POWERS 3d-59: Oct. 22, 1810; WILLIAM LUCAS Planter sold above tract to JOHN W. LEONARD merchant, sit. on Darlings Creek 3 mi. E of Amite River and about 6 mi. S of state line. For $500. Test.: ROBT. SINGLETON, ROBT. POWERS. SALLY or SARAH LUCAS assigned over to LEONARD her right of Dower, etc. Test.: ROBT. POWERS A.C. Plat of above land on p. 60, surveyor IRA C. KNEELAND, " containing 515 arpents measured with the perch of Parish of 18 feet of said City, and counting 100 square perches to the arpent according to the custom of this province..." (Later, someone wrote in the margin "Section 77-2-4.") 4-61: May 31, 1811; DRURY D. ANDREWS sold to JOHN W. LEONARD merchant, 640 acres on waters of Sandy Run, adjoining lands of WILLIAM WELLS ON S, SIMSON (?) on W, other sides vacant. For $500. NELLY ANDREWS, wife of D.D.A., renounces her rights, etc. Wits.: ROBT. POWERS, D. ELLISON, C. BALDWIN 5-61: Oct. 22, 1810, WILLIAM LUCAS planter sold to JOHN W. LEONARD merchant, for $500, 542 acre tract on Darlings Creek about 3 mi. E. of Amite River and 6 mi. S of state line. Wife SALLY LUCAS assignes her right of Dower, etc. Test.: ROBT. SINGLETON, ROBT. POWERS 6-62: May 16, 1811; JOHN GUSTAVUS of St. Tammany sold to JOHN W. LEONARD tract on Darling's Creek, 373 acres joining lands of WILLIAM ALLEN on W, on NE by JOHN W. LEONARD and on S by CHARLES STEWARD, and about 6 or 7 mi. from state line. For $500. Wits.: ROBT. POWERS, CHARLES BALDWIN 7-62: Amite, July 12, 1810; Rcd. from JOHN W. LEONARD $300 in full pmt. for parcel of land sold him in June last "as per agree- ment in commandant's office". JOEL SORRELL and ELIZABETH SORRELL. Wits.: JNO. MOORE, ROBT. POWERS 8-62: Dec. 20, 1809; WILLIAM LANGTON sold to JERREMIAH BRYAN "the improvement on which he now lives iwth all the seasoned or other timber, one yoke oxen, one cow and calf and the tar kiln as it now stands", subject to JOHN W. LEONARD's mortgage, for $600 out of which the mortgage and LANGTON's debts were to be paid. Promissory note from BRYAN. Wit.: JAMES JOHNSTON. 9-63: May 25, 1811; JERREMIAH BRYAN of Springfield, for $450, sold to JOHN WILLIAM LEONARD a tract "on the west side of the main branch of the River Ponchatoula where the King's road cros- ses", (claim of WILLIAM LANGTON). Wits: F. CUMING, LEWIS CROWELL, JAMES NORTON 10-64: Union Estate, Mar. 1, 1811; "These are to certify that when MATHEW KINCHEN Senr. Esq. shall pay me the sum of $464 in cash then and in that case I will deliver up to him to his order Negroe MOSES ---." JNO. W. LEONARD. Wit.: R. POWERS 11-64: July 21, 1811; JOHN W. LEONARD, for $3,452.44 rcd. from SAMUEL LEONARD Druggist of New Orleans, mortgaged to SAMUEL LEONARD two pieces of property: (1) tract on Darling's creek known as Union Estate and purchased by J.W.L. of ROBERT WILLIAMS and sold by order of the Commandt. DON JOE B. DeHEVIA, b. N by WILLIAM LUCAS, S by DAVID ELLISON, W by Darling's creek, E vacant, containing 490 arpents; (2) tract -- (desc. in 1-57.) Presence of A.L. OSBORNE, P.J. & N.P. 12-66: Aug. 10, 1811; JOHN CORE to JERREMIAH BRYAN "six cows and calves and three yearlings with an improvement on the west side of Ponchatoula and one bay horse saddle and bridle and one set of Coopers tools ..." Wits.: MALICHA LEONARD, JACOB COULTON, JAS. J. WHITE. 13-66: Oct. 25, 1811; DAVID GAINES, for $200, sold to EPHRAIM BATES tract lying on both sides of Darlings Creek, b. N by lands improved by JAMES McNABB, S by EPHRAIM BATES, E & W vacant, being same land improved by HUGH FLANNAGAN in 1799, conveyed by WILLIAM FLANNAGAN to HENRY GOLMAN and by GOLMAN to GAINES. Done before A.L. OSBORNE P.J. 14-67: Dec. 23, 1811; ELIZABETH STILLY gave to "JAMES HOLLOWAY my son and the son of JOHN HOLLOWAY discd. and one of his heirs for whom I have been guardian", a negro woman LUCEY and her two children JEFFRY and ISAAC, for $200 due her as guardian of JAMES in 1800, which said negro woman and children "do of right belong to said JAMES HOLLOWAY as son and heir of JOHN HOLLOWAY." 15-68: May 10, 1811; FORTISCUE CUMING, Sheriff of the Par. of St. Helena, as directed by Judge OSBORNE, sold the Sloop Sylviana at public sale on May 8 to JESSE EFFERSON for $210. Wits.: (First name illegible) STRICKLAND, TOBIAS RHEAMS. 16-69: May 10, 1811; JESSE EFFERSON sold one-half interest in the Sloop Sylviana to JOSEPH HUTCHINSON for $105. Wits.: F. CUMING, J.P. & Shff., & TOBIAS RHEAMS. 17-70: Nov. 11, 1811; JOSEPH HUTCHINSON having died intestate, his father BENJAMIN HUTCHINSON Sr. became owner of his share of the Sloop Sylviana. BENJAMIN HUTCHINSON Sr. and JESSE EFFERSON sold the sloop to PETER HUTCHINSON Jr. for $500 ($250 each). Donebefore A.L. OSBORNE, P.J. 18-71: Warren County, Ga., Oct. 20, 1805; JOHN MOOR bound himself unto NICHOLAS HIGHLAND in the sum of $1250 for value received. Wits.: BENJAMIN HOWARD Jr., MARY HOWARD. Recorded by Judge OSBORNE on Dec. 25, 1811. 19-71: Warren County, Ga., Oct. 20, 1805; JOHN MOORE planter, indebted to NICHOLAS HIGHLAND planter, for $1250, mortgaged unto HIGHLAND the following slaves: WILL, about 17 years; JERSEY, about 22, and her child DICK, about 6. Wits.: BENJAMIN HOWARD Jr., MARY HOWARD. Recorded by Judge OSBORNE on Dec. 25, 1811. [Note in left margin of page 71; "Satisfaction of mortgage & debt made & acknowledged by public acct. by NICHOLAS HIGHLAND & JOHN MOOR, 12th day of October 1814. JOHN R. SALISBURY P.J. & N.P."] 20-72: Sept. 13, 1811; JOHN CRAIG, Mariner of St. Helena Par., agreed to sell to FORTISCUE CUMING Esqr. of sd. par., Shff. and J.P., for $10, the Schooner named the St. Helena Packet. Sale was to be voided if CRAIG paid three notes amounting to $148.91, plus interest, to CUMING in 60 days. Wits.: A.L. OSBORNE; JAS. NORTON. [ED. NOTE: The term "Bottomry" is used in this document; in maritime law, the term is used to describe the act of borrow- ing money and pledging the ship as security. If the ship is lost, the debt is canceled.] 21-73: Jan. 24, 1812; SQUIRE LEA of St. Helena Par., for $300, sold to JAMES LEA of Amite County, Miss. Terr., an improvement right on the Amite River in St. Helena, which was purchased of DAVID HOUSE, situated between improvements of JESSE HOOPER above and EPHRAIM SMITH below. Wits.: ALEXR. LEA, SAML. H. HARPER. Rec. Mar. 24, 1812. 22-74: St. Helena, Aug. 26, 1809; two letter to ROBERT POWERS, Union Estate, one from JOSE BERNARDO DeHEVIA [referred to in Entry 11-64 as the Comandante] and JOHN W. LEONARD, the other from DeHEVIA alone. Summary: LEONARD had given the infant son of DeHEVIA an interest in Union Estate; POWERS was their agent. DeHEVIA was planning to leave St. Helena, and as Guardian of his son presumably had sold his son's interest in the plantation back to LEONARD. POWERS was so informed, and instructed to complete an inventory, list of due bills, etc. [ED. NOTE: With DeHEVIA's departure the Spanish probably at that time appointed SHEPHERD BROWN "Comandante and Alcalde" of the "Distrito de Ste. Helena", a position which, according to STANLEY CLISBY ARTHUR, BROWN held in 1810 during the "West Florida Rebellion."] 23-75: Oct. 8, 1810; rec. Mar. 24, 1812; JOHN WELLS OF St. Helena Dist., for $400, sold to ROBERT HOLLOWAY "a Negroe man named SAM". Wits.: PHILLIP SIMMS, WM. FLETCHER. 24-75: May 29, 1810; rec. Mar. 24, 1812; JOHN WELLS gave to his daughter, REBECCA HOLLOWAY, wife of ROBERT HOLLOWAY, a "Negroe girl CELE", age 13. In presence of DANL. RAINER Al. C., WM. FLETCHER, MICHL. P. JONES. 25-76: Sept. 24, 1810; LEWIS H. GURLAIN of Dist. of St. Helena, agent general of the Eastern Shore of Maryland Louisiana Company, acting in his own name as well as the company, sold 24 slaves to SHEPHERD BROWN for a total of $11,150 paid in full; 7 men: JACK, DAVIS, LEVIEY, PIERRE, LOUEY, BATISTE & JOSEPH; 12 women: ANGELINA, ALBA, MELIA, MARIE LOUISE, CELESTA with infant child, ZAY with her child, GRANNY, SALLY, POLLY, PEGGY, CELEY & FRAN- COISE; 3 girls: SERAPHINA, ZELIA & MELIE. Wits.: CELESTIN LAVERGNE, JNO. P. WIRTH. Purchaser to have the same recorded "whenever a proper organization of the present government shall have been finally established." Rec. by A.L. OSBORNE, not dated. (Prob. Mar. or Apr. 1812.) 26-77: Dec. 25, 1810; JOHN TALLY Sr. sold to KADER RABY for $400 an improvement of land on twelve mile creek below HEZEKIAH WHEAT'S claim; tract cultivated, inhabited and improved in the year 1802. Wits.: BENJN. O. WILLIAMS, ROBERT HOLLOWAY, CALEB KEMP, ROBERT BIGGS. Rec. Apr. 8, 1812. 27-77: Dec. 25, 1810; JOHN TALLY Sr. of Union Dist. appointed KADER RABY of St. Helena Dist. his lawful attorney to claim in his name the above (26-77) land. Wits.: BANJN. O. WILLIAMS, ROBT. HOLLOWAY, CALEB KEMP, ROBT. BIGGS. Rec. Apr. 8, 1812. 28-78: Mar. 20, 1812; JERREMIAH STRICKLAND of St. Helena Planter, for $1 in hand and $300 to be paid, sold to ROBERT GURLEY of sd. par., Planter, a tract of about 400 acres on Josey Branch bounded on SE by DANIEL RAINER, on the NW by ALEXR. FREELAND, according to survey made by J.C. KNEELAND for DANIEL SPILLERS. Rec. Mar. 28, 1812. 29-78: Mar. 20, 1812; JERREMIAH STRICKLAND sold to ROBERT GURLEY, for $100, a mare, 7 head of catle and all his household furniture. Rec. Mar. 28, 1812. 30-79: Apr. 9, 1812; MICHAEL JONES sold to ABRAHAM JONES, for $556.75, a negro man named CATO. Sale to be voided if the amount was repaid with interest within one year. Wit.: WILLIAM SPILLER. 31-79: May 24, 1811; JAMES NORTON of the town of Springfield was appointed Deputy Sheriff of St. Helena Parish by the Sheriff FORTISCUE CUMING. Before A.L. OSBORNE. (Prob. in April 1812.) 32-80: Dec. 12, 1811; JACOB JONES, WILLIAM SHABBURT and REBECCA SHABBURT of St. Helena Par., bound to WILLIAM SPILLER as agent to DAVID HUNT in the sum of $312 and int.; mortgaged a 640 acre tract on twelve mile creek, b. on the N by WILLIAM SPILLER, on the SW by NICHOLAS HIGHLAND, on SE by land lately occupied by DENNIS CORBIT. Done at "Mounty Airy", St. Helena Par. Wits.: JOHN B. WILLSON, URIA KING. 33-81: Mar. 20, 1812; Indenture of EPHRAIM BATES, in which he gives property to children and grandchildren: to son JOSEPH BATES, the home plantation, negro man ROBIN, livestock; to son THOMAS BATES, an improvement purchased of DAVID GAINES, negro boys PETER & JEFF, girl MILLEY, livestock; to son JOHN BATES, negro men BEN & DOCTOR, women EAD & SALL, livestock; to grandson EPHRAIM DENNIS, negro boy SIMON; to grandson THOMAS RODYE, negro boy EDWARD. Acknoledged by EPHRAIM BATES before A.L. OSBOURNE. 34-82: Dec. 12, 1811; WILLIAM SHABBURT and wife REBECCA sold to JACOB JONES of Wilkinson Co., Miss. Terr., the land "on which we now live", on Tickfaw R., adjoining lands of ABRAHAM WAMMACK and IKE LEA, for $500 to be paid later to SHABBURT "if he indemnifies the said JONES from any damage" that may be sustained from a mortgage on a tract on twelve mile creek, formerly property of JESSE VINING decd. Wit.: WILLIAM SPILLER. [Written across this entry: "Agreeable to this receipt this bill of sale is hereby cancelled this 27th April 1827. B. CHILDRESS, P.J."] 35-82: May 6, 1811; ABRAHAM JONES sold to WILLIAM BELL a negro woman MANCE, about 40, and her 6-mo. old child NANCY, for $500. Wit.: WILLIAM SPILLER. 36-83: Jan. 1, 1812; EDWARD CAVENAH of the State of Ga., ap- pointed JOHN ROBINSON of S.H. Par. his lawful attorney "to act for me in the same way by which I am bound to act for THOMAS WHITEHEAD" of Putnam Co., Ga. ROBINSON also empowered to act for WHITEHEAD. 37-83: Nov. 25, 1811; DENNIS CORBIT, in consideration of JONATHAN KEMP Sr. having paid BARTLET & Co. of N.O. $100, JOSEPH KILLIAN $11, SAMUEL MANES $3.90, ROBERT HOLLOWAY $4, WILLIAM WELLS 31 cents, MR. HAMBLETON $1, and CAMPBELL & RICKEY of Baltimore $800, sold to said KEMP his plantation on twelve mile creek, with furniture, stock, crop, and slaves DICK, POLLY & her child ELIZA, and DINA. Wits.: SAML. MILLER, ZACK NETTLES, B.O. WILLIAMS. 38-84: Oct. 3, 1811; JAMES BLOUNT of St. Helena Par. gave to his granddaughter PENNY BLOUNT a bay mare. Wit.: DAVID HOUSE. [Rec. prob. 1812.] 39-84: Oct. 3, 1811; JAMES BLOUNT gave to his grandson WILLIAM C.C. BLOUNT a bay horse. Wits.: M. STEWART, DAVID HOUSE. 40-85: Oct. 3, 1811; JAMES BLOUNT gave to his grandson ANDREW BLOUNT 11 head of horned cattle marked with two smooth crops and under bit in left ear and a nick in the right, branded thus, B. Wits.: MATTHEW STEWART, DAVID HOUSE. 41-85: Sept. 17, 1810; PHILLIP SPILLER sold to THOMAS FAIL a cart and one yoke of oxen "marked in WILLIAM BELL'S mark & brand", also sundry cattle. Wits.: THOMAS SLOAN, PRICILLA SPILLER, ELIZABETH FAIL. [Rec. prob. 1812.] 42-86: Feb. 22, 1812; HENRY JACOBS of Amite County, Miss. Terr., for $300, sold to JOHN WEST of St. Helena Par., a tract on the SW side of twelve mile creek including two improvements, adjoining lands of JOHN WEST, DENNIS CORBIT and ABRAHAM MOURNING, known as JACOB'S old place, improved in the year 1801. Wit.: A.L. OSBORNE, P.J. & N.P. 43-86: Oct. 4, 1811; JAMES BLOUNT of St. Helena Par. gave to his son ELIAS BLOUNT a "gang of hogs running on the west side of the Amite river", and a feather bed. Wits.: MAT. STEWARD, DAVID HOUSE. 44-87: Nov. 16, 1811; WILLIAM FLETCHER and his wife MARY FLETCHER of St. Helena Par., in order to secure the payment of $330.12 to JOHN W. LEONARD, merchant, mortgaged to him their tract on "back creek", adjoining JOHN WELLS on the SE and land formerly belonging to BENJAMIN O. WILILAMS on the NW. Plat made by IRA C. KNEELAND on June 12, 1806, showing 151 "arpens"; plus crop, cattle, horses, hogs and furniture. Wits.: R. POWERS, C. BALDWIN. 45-88: May 25, 1812; THOMAS J. DAVIDSON and JACOB RHEAMS, Executors of the will of TOBIAS RHEAMS descd., "authorized and empowered" DAVID KEMP to go in search of a runaway slave JOHN belonging to the estate of TOBIAS RHEAMS. Wit.: SAML. H. HARPER. 46-88: May 20, 1812; JAMES BURNEY assigned to JOHN W. LEONARD "the annexed mortgage" to satisfy two judgements in favor of LEONARD in the sume of $421.55. Wits.: ROBERT POWERS; C. BALDWIN. 47-89: Jan. 28, 1810; THOMAS CRYER gave to his son MORGAN CRYER four negroes - woman LIDDY, boy DOSS, girl CHLOE, and a boy child NOBLE; also gave to MORGAN all goods and chttles belonging to TIMOTHY CRYER, deceased son of THOMAS. Wits.: WILLIAM COOPER, SKIPWITH DURBIN, JOSEPH SLATTER, CARLTON COOPER. Rec. July 13, 1812. 48a-90: April 9, 1812; JAMES NORTON, deputy Sheriff, sold property of NELSON BLOUNT, "lying on Spring Creek, above where WILLIAM WELLS now lives", to A.L. OSBORNE fo $100; to satisfy a judgement against BLOUNT in favor of WILLIAM BOYKIN. Wit.: MATTHEW STEWARD. 49-90: May 28, 1812; JOHN WELLS of St. Helena Par. sold to WILLIAM BELL of St. Helena a negro woman NANN, about 40, and a 20-month old child NANCE, for $500. Wits.: WILLIAM SPILLER, ROBT. HOLLOWAY. 50-91: Jan. 11, 1812; TIMOTHY MULLIN, for $125 paid, sold to JOHN GAYLOR an improvement "on the Colyel bayou settled by the governor's permission in 1802." Wits.: WILLIAM GLOVER, SAMUEL CHEVOUS. 51-91: [Copied verbatim.] Parish of St. Helena. Jan. 31, 1812. The Honbl. Judge OSBORNE. Sir, please deliver to Mr. JOHN MINK ALEXR. BOOKTER'S not for 127 dollars payable to the Syndics of WILLIAM BACON'S estate bearing the date the 25th Apl. 1810, the amount of which having been paid to the Syndics. If it has not been found in your office amongst the papers transferred from Commandt. BROWN'S office be good enough to certify the same for the satisfaction of the parties concerned. I have the honour to be your humble servt. JOHN W. LEONARD, acting Syndic. The above was duly acknowledged before me. A.L. OSBORNE, P.J. 52-92: Feb. 1, 1811; STEPHEN BLOUNT of Iberville Par. sold to WILLIAM WELLS of St. Helena Par., for $600, a tract of land containing 740 arpents per survey of IRA C. KNEELAND, lying on Spring Creek, bounded E by survey of LUKE BLOUNT and W by survey of JAMES BLOUNT Senr. Wits.: J.W. LEONARD, NANCY LEONARD. 53-93: Feb. 7, 1802; WILLIAM SQUIRE (also sp. SQUYRES) of the Miss. Terr., Amite, sold to WILLIAM BOYKIN of St. Helena Par. a negro girl FANNY, 4 years old, for $165. Test.: HENRY HALL, WILLIAM LEE. Proven in court 4th Monday in May 1812. 54-93: Jan. 29, 1812; ABRAHAM WAMMACK of St. Helena Par., for $500, sold to JOHN BECKHAM a negro NED, age 28. Wits.: DANIEL RAINER, DEMPSEY KEMP, URIEL KING. Proven Aug. 17, 1812. 55-94: Aug. 17, 1812; FORTESCUE CUMING, Shff. of St. Helena Par., as directed by court order, on the 4th Monday in March 1812 sold the right and title of EPHRAIM McCAULEY to a lot and house known as the "Hevias house" in the town of Springfield (Lot No. 4, Block 12 on Plat of town) to A. & I. McILVAIN, by their attorney CHARLES BUSHNELL, for $350. By JAMES NORTON, "his Depy". 56-95: [Copied verbatim.] Parish of St. Helena, District of Feliciana. These may certify to whom it may concern that I have resided in the Territory of West Florida since the year of our Lord eighteen hundred, and have during part of that time exercised the office of Alcalde under the authority of the Spanish Government. That I am well acquainted with ISAIAH DRIGGARS and that the said DRIGGARS settled an improvement in the District of St. Helena on the banks of the Natalbany some time in the year eighteen hundred and three. That he was the first and original settler and proprietor, and the aforesaid improvement is the same which has been lately sold to Miss DEBORAH LEONARD of this Parish. (s) ALEXR. BOOKTER Certified and subscribed in presence of F. CUMING, Justice of the Peace. Proven before A.L. OSBORNE, Aug. 19, 1812. 57a-95: April 4, 1812; MICHAEL JONES receIved of ABRAHAM JONES $556.75 as pmt. for negro man CATO; if the money plus interest was repaid within one year the sale was to be voided. Wit.: WILLIAM SPILLER 57b-95: "I assign the within negro CATO to JOHN WELLS in the full extent of the within bill of sale as witness my hand this 26th May 1812." (s) ABM. JONES. Wits.: WM. SPILLER, R. HOLLOWAY 58a-96: July 31, 1804; WILLIAM LILES sold to JOHN ROBERTSON an improvement lying near the mouth of Spring creek, with about 7 or 8 acres in cultivation since Dec. 1801. Wits.: BENJ. BICKHAM, WM. BICKHAM. 58b-96: June 2, 1806; JOHN ROBERTSON assigned title to above claim to NICHOLAS HIGHLAND for $300. Wits.: JOHN LIDDON, WM. BELL A.C. Aug. 2, 1812, proven in open court, by A.L. OSBORNE. 59-96: Dec. 20, 1806. IRA C. KNEELAND, Deputy Surveyor ap- pointed by Surveyor General PINTADO, certified that he had surveyed for NICHOLAS HIGHLAND a tract containing 1133 arpents on the west side of 12 mile creek, a branch of Tickfaw and "about twenty miles north of Lake Pontchartrain." 60-97: June 18, 1806. DANL. HUFFMAN sold to NICHOLAS HIGHLAND an improvement with house, kitchen, and two acres of land under cultivation, for $200. "Settled in 1805 January." Wits.: BENJ. BRYAN, ANDREW KINCADE, JOHN BAKER. IRA C. KNEELAND, Dep. Sur- veyor, certified that he had surveyed for NICHOLAS HIGHLAND a 1500-arpent tract "on twelve mile a branch of Tickfaw." Rec. Aug. 27, 1812 61-98: Feb. 22, 1812; FORTESCUE CUMING sold for $1 to WILLIAM SPILLER agent of DAVID HUNT & Co, & of HUNT & SMITH, and also to secure payment of the sum of $540 to WILLIAM SPILLER agent, a 100-acre tract in Jefferson County, Miss. Terr., acquired of ROBERT COCHRAN. Sale null & void if sum & int. repaid in 12 months. 62-99: Dec. 20, 1806; IRA C. KNEELAND, Dep. Surveyor, certified that he had surveyed for NICHOLAS HIGHLAND a 1000-arpent tract on the waters of the Tickfaw, bounded E by N. HIGHLAND, N, S & W by vacant lands. Rec. Aug. 27, 1812. 63-100: Jan. 25, 1811; GEORGE SPILLER of St. Helena Par., sold to JERRIMIAH STRICKLAND of St. Helena, Planter, a tract of land lying on both sides of "Jose's Branch", bounded on the SE by DANIEL RAYNOR, on NW by ANNE DAY, containing about 400 acres per survey of I. KNEELAND for DANIEL SPILLER. In presence of F. CUMING J.P., J. SIMMS. 64a-101: Jan. 26, 1810; MICHAEL JONES sold to MICHAEL P. JONES a certain improvement on black creek above PHILLIP SIMMS (?). Test.: JOHN CRAWFORD, RICHARD FURGUSON. 64b-101: July 18, 1812; MICHAEL P. JONES assigned to JAMES JONES the son of ABRAHAM half interest in the above claim lying on black creek. 65-101: Aug. 29, 1812; DANIEL TAYLOR of West Fla. sold to JAMES COBB of West Fla., for $200, an improvement on the river Amite; improvement begun and claimed by MARK WOODWARD (?). Test.: HUGH BARFIELD, NATHANL. COBB. 66-102: Feb. 3, 1812; MICHAEL JONES, indebted to DANIEL RAINER by book account in sum of $225.93, and also $663 by note assigned to him by ABRAHAM SPEARS and MICHAEL P. JONES, to secure said debt mortgaged the following: a negro woman BET, about 36, a negro man TONEY, about 45, a boy JOHN, 9, a boy JACOB, 9, and some livestock. 67-103: Aug. 24, 1812; Sh. F. CUMING, at public sale, sold an improvement of JOHN MOORE to SAMUEL H. HARPER (?) for $135. Near the mouth of Darlings Creek, b. W by Amite River. Signed by JAMES NORTON, Dep. Sh. 68-103: Sept. 30, 1811; Const. JAMES NORTON, at public sale, sold for $50 to MOSES RICHARDSON an improvement on the waters of the Tickfaw, on Josie (Jose's?) Branch, the right of JAMES McMULLIN. Wit., WILLIAM SPILLER. 69a-104: June 29, 1812; STEPHEN BLOUNT sold to DAVID HOUSE of St. Helena Par. a tract of land on the E side of the Amite swamp & joining FRANCIS ??? 250 arpents, for $100. wits.: JNO. ELLIS, ED. C. POWERS. 69b-104: July 8, 1812; DAV. HOUSE assigned his right to above land to URIEL KING. Wit.: JOSEPH IRWIN. 70-104: Apr. 2, 1808; THOMAS FAIL sold to ELIZABETH SPILLER a mullatto boy named GEORGE, about 10 years of age, for $450. Wit.: ? TILLER(?). "Certified in the Spanish language to have passed before Jose Bernardo De Hevia, Commandt." Rec. by OSBORNE. 71-105: Sept. 10, 1812; Instrument of "Quit Claim, Hire and Stewardship" between RICHARD TICKELL Senr. and his sons RICHARD Junr., NATHANIEL and GEORGE, all of St. Helena Parish. RICHARD Senr. gave up to his sons his right to four female slaves. PATSEY, PRICILLA, MARY & DICE, the same having been purchased in the name of his deceased wife ELIZABETH. The sons granted to their father certain slaves for his use, reverting to them at his death. They further agreed to manage his plantation on shares. Wits.: JOHN NOBLET, HENRY GIBSON, SHEPHERD BROWN. 72a-106: Nov. 18, 1805; THOMAS VICK sold for $25 to ROBERT WILLIAMS an improvement lying two miles below the upper fork of the "Nitalbany", joining AMBROSE McDAVID above and JAMES H. HARVEY below. Wit.: JOSEPH KILLIAN. "Done in presence of me who was regularly appointed Alcalde of this district of St. Helena. (signed) WM. BELL." 72b-106: Feb. 18, 1808; ROBERT WILLIAMS assigned above bill of sale to ELIZABETH FAIL, for value recd. In presence of WILLIAM BELL A.C. 73-106: Sept. 10, 1810; PHILIP SPILLER sold "Scooner interprise" to THOMAS FAIL. Wits.: ELIZABETH FAIL, JOHN ROLINS, WM. VAWN. 74-107: Aug. 1, 1811; Bond of ALEXANDER BOOKTER Senr., DANIEL BOOKTER and JAMES HARRIS, Planters of St. Helena Par.; bound unto the Honble. AUDLEY L. OSBORNE, P.J., in the amount of $3852. Condition, that $1926 be paid to ALEXANDER BOOKTER Junr. by age 21, in conformity to a condition in a conveyance of this date. [See 85-113]. Wits.: F. CUMING, J. NORTON. 75-107: Aug. 1, 1811; Quit Claim of DANIEL BOOKTER, for $1, in favor of ELIZABETH HARRIS wife of JAMES HARRIS, to a tract of land on the E side of the "River Tacfoha" about three miles above BOOKTER'S Toll Bridge. 76-108: Aug. 1, 1811; Bond of ALEXANDER BOOKTER Senr., DANIEL BOOKTER and JAMES HARRIS; bound unto Judge OSBORNE in amount of $1052. Condition, that $526 be paid to NANCY BOOKTER by/before age 21. [See 85-113] 77-108: Aug. 1, 1811; Bond of ALEXANDER BOOKTER Senr., DANIEL BOOKTER and JAMES HARRIS; bound unto Judge OSBORNE in amount of $652. Condition, that $326 be paid to MARY BOOKTER by/before age 21. [See 85-113] 78-109: Aug. 1, 1811; Quit Claim of JAMES HARRIS and ELIZABETH HARRIS, for $1, in favor of REBECCA BOOKTER, to a tract of land on E. side of the R. Ticfoha formerly granted to DANIEL JONES. 79-108: Aug. 1, 1811; Bond of DANIEL BOOKTER; bound unto ALEXANDER BOOKTER, DANIEL BOOKTER and JAMES HARRIS in amount of $8148. Condition, that he pay to the 3, as trustees, the sum of $4074 "before he arrives at the age of twenty one years." [This last statement is in error - he was already of age. See 85-113.] 80-110: Aug. 1, 1811; Bond of ALEXANDER BOOKTER Senr., DANIEL BOOKTER and JAMES HARRIS; bound unto Judge OSBORNE in amount of $1452. Condition, that $726 be paid to REBECCA BOOKTER by/before age 21. [See 85-113.] 81-110: Aug. 1, 1811; Bond of ALEXANDER BOOKTER Senr., DANIEL BOOKTER and JAMES HARRIS; bound unto Judge OSBORNE in amount of $832. Condition, that $416 be paid to FANNY BOOKTER by/before age 21. [See 85-113.] 82-111: Aug. 1, 1811; Bond of ALEXANDER BOOKTER Senr., DANIEL BOOKTER and JAMES HARRIS, Trustees; bound unto JAMES HARRIS in the amount of $15,150. Condition, that $7,525 be paid to JAMES HARRIS within six years. 83-111: Aug. 1, 1811; Quit Claim of ALEXANDER BOOKTER Senr., DANIEL BOOKTER and JAMES HARRIS, for $1 paid, unto JAMES HARRIS "all our right & claim to a tract of land whereon is situated the town of Springfield containing one thousand acres or thereabouts, also all right and claim to seven negroes, namely NELLY & her four children JNO., JIM, ESTHER & JACKSEY & her two children ELLEN & ROBIN, together with all the plantation tools, the Blacksmith shop, two carts, the household furniture, & stock of hogs." Unless the sum of $7,575 be paid to HARRIS within six years, in which case this deed and a certain bond be cancelled. [See 82-111] 84-112: Aug. 1, 1811; JAMES HARRIS, for $1 from each, sold to ALEXANDER BOOKTER, DANIEL BOOKTER and himself, JAMES HARRIS, Trustees for MARY D. BOOKTER and children, as follows: - In trust for MARY D. BOOKTER during her lifetime, then to revert to ALEXANDER BOOKTER Junr., the Springfield tract, less lots already sold, including the plantation "now in occupation of ALEXR. BOOKTER", with all buildings, etc., and two slaves JOHN & SIMM. Provided that the Trustees execute a Bond to pay the six children (other than ALEXR. Junr.) $2742 each. - In trust for NANCY BOOKTER a female slave JACKSEY. - In trust for REBECCA BOOKTER a female slave NELLY. - In trust for FANNY BOOKTER two slaves ELLEN & ROBIN. - In trust for ALEXR. BOOKTER Junr. a female slave ESTHER. Wits.: F. CUMING, J. NORTON. 85-113: Aug. 1, 1811; ALEXANDER BOOKTER transferred his property to a trust "for my wife MARY D. BOOKTER & her children by me lawfully begotton (sic).." [including those as of then unborn]; the 3 trustees were himself, his eldest son DANIEL BOOKTER {"he being of age"), and his son-in-law JAMES HARRIS. "In manner following." - In trust for MARY D. BOOKTER the slaves ABRAHAM & KITTY, going to her youngest son ALEXANDER Junr. upon her "demise". - In direct conveyance to oldest son DANIEL BOOKTER, he being of age, the following lands: 1) tract near "waters of Tanchapaho" acquired from EPHRAIM McAULEY; 2) tract on W bank of "Nitalbany", formerly property of DANIEL SPILLER; 3) tract on W side of "Tickfoha where PETER HUTCHINSON now lives"; 4) tract E of river Amite known as "BOOKTER old place"; & 5) tract in the forks of the River Amite & Beaver Creek. Also a slave PHILLIS, some livestock, tools and furniture. Provided he execute a Bond to the trustees ("himself being one") conditioned for the payment of $4074 "in trust for the minor children." [See 78-109] - In direct conveyance to 2d child ELIZABETH HARRIS, a slave named LYD & her children; also some livestock. - In trust until she is of age for 3d child NANCY BOOKTER, a tract of land W of the "Ticfoha", granted in the name NANCY BOOKTER, except the mill thereon, the profit of which is to remain in trust for the minor children "not mentioned"; some livestock; and a penal Bond of the trustees conditioned for the payment of $526 to her at age 21. [See 76-108] - In trust until she is of age for 4th child MARY BOOKTER, a tract of land W of the "Ticfoha" where the "Toll Bridge now is", except the toll bridge proceeds which were to go into the trust for the minor children; also two slaves FANNY & GEORGE, some livestock, and a penal Bond of the trustees calling for the payment of $326 to her at age 21. [See 77-108] - In trust until she is of age for the 5th child REBECCA BOOKTER, a tract of land W of the "Tickfoha" originally granted to JACOB GALOP; also a slave HAYMEN, some livestock, and a penal Bond of the trustees calling for the payment of $726 to her at age 21. [See 80-110] - In trust until she is of age for the 6th child FANNY BOOKTER, a tract of land E of the Amite acq. from HARRY Z?? (page damaged); also some livestock, and a penal Bond of the trustees calling for the payment of $416 to her at age 21. [See 81-110] - In trust until he is of age for the 7th child ALEXANDER BOOKTER Junr., a penal Bond of the trustees calling for the payment of $1926 to him at age 21. [See 74-107] - In trust for "lawfully begotton" children not yet born, the proceeds of the Mill and the Toll Bridge. When the youngest of such children reach 21, the Mill reverts to NANCY and the Toll Bridge to MARY. Wits.: F. CUMING, J. NORTON. Before A.L. OSBORNE, P.J. & N.P. 86-115: Aug. 31, 1811; DANIEL BOOKTER sold for $1 to JAMES HARRIS the Schooner Resolution, with all riggin, etc. If, however, DANIEL BOOKTER paid to HARRIS $2000 in 3 years, the sale to be voided. [See also next entry.] 87-116: Aug. 31, 1811; Bond of DANIEL BOOKTER to JAMES HARRIS, in amount of $4000. Condition, that BOOKTER pay to HARRIS $2000 by Aug. 31, 1814. 88a-116: Jan. 7, 1811; WM. WAMACK, for $125, sold to JACOB WAMACK "an improvement made by me on the North East side of Twelve mile creek." Test.: J.H. WAMACK. 88b-116: Aug. 31, 1811, JACOB WAMACK "indorsed over the within Bill of Sale to JNO. H. WAMACK for value recd." Attest: WM. WELLS, WILLIAM SPILLER. 89-117: Sept. 4, 1812; JOHN GAYLOR, for $250, sold to WILLIAM SPILLER a tract of land near the "Head Water of the Bayou Col- yell", and "settled by me by permission of Governor Grandprit in the Spring of 1803." Bounded N by JOHN BREED Esq. and S by "lands settled by STEPHEN FRENCH." Wits.: URIEL KING, J. NORTON. 90-117: Sept. 29, 1812; DAVID MITCHELL sold to JNO. H. WOMACK Senr., for $100, an improvement on the middle fork of Hog Branch on which he lived, claimed by right of settlement. Test: SQUIRE LEA, A. JONES. 91-118: Spr. 28, 1812; ABRAM MARNIER(?) sold to JOSHUA PARKER, for $100, an improvement on the SW side of Twelve Mile Creek; improved by vendor in 1801. Bounded W by HENRY JACOBS, E by Mrs. NETTLES & EPHM. DEAL. Wits.: DUNCAN CURRY, WILLIAM SPILLER, J. NORTON. ------------------ SURNAME INDEX Referenced to Entry Number ALLEN, 1,6 ANDREWS, 4 ARTHUR, 22 BACON, 51 BAKER, 60 BALDWIN, 4,6,44,46 BARFIELD, 65 BATES, 13,33 BECKHAM/BICKHAM, 54,58 BELL, 3,35,41,49,58,72 BERRY, 3 BIGGS, 26,27 BLOUNT, 38,39,40,43,48,52,69 BOOKTER, 51, 56, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 BOYKIN, 48, 53 BREED, 89 BRYAN, 8, 9, 12, 60 BROWN, 22, 25, 51, 71 BURNEY, 46 BUSHNELL, 55 CAVENAH, 36 CHEVOUS, 50 CHILDRESS, 34 COBB, 65 COCHRAN, 61 COOPER, 47 CORBIT, 32, 27, 42 CORE, 12 COULTON, 12 CRAIG, 20 CRAWFORD, 64 CROWELL, 9 CUMING/CUMMING, 9, 15, 16, 20, 31, 55, 56, 61, 63, 67, 74, 84, 85 CRYER, 47 CURRY, 91 DAVIDSON, 45 DAY, 63 DEAL, 91 DeHEVIA, 11, 22, 55, 70 DENNIS, 33 DISMUKES, 2 DRIGGERS, 56 DURBIN, 47 EFFERSON, 15, 16, 17 EGARD, 1 ELLIS, 69 ELLISON, 4, 11 FAIL, 41, 70, 72, 73 FLANNAGAN, 13 FLETCHER, 23, 24, 44 FREELAND, 28 FRENCH, 89 FURGUSON, 64 GALOP, 85 GAINES, 13, 33 GAYLOR, 50, 89 GIBSON, 71 GLOVER, 50 GOLMAN, 13 GURLAIN, 25 GURLEY, 28, 29 GUSTAVUS, 6 HALL, 53 HAMBLETON, 37 HARPER, 21, 45, 67 HARRIS, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 HARVEY, 72 HIGHLAND, 18, 19, 32, 58, 59, 60, 62 HOLLOWAY, 3, 14, 23, 24, 26, 27, 37, 49, 57 HOUSE, 2, 21, 38, 39, 40, 43, 69 HOWARD, 18, 19 HUFFMAN, 60 HUMPHREYS, 1 HUNT, 32, 61 HUTCHINSON, 16, 17, 85 IRWIN, 69 JACOBS, 42, 91 JOHNSON/JOHNSTON, 2, 8 JONES, 24, 30, 32, 34, 35, 48, 57, 64, 66, 78, 90 KEMP, 3, 26, 27, 37, 45, 54 KILLIAN, 37, 72 KINCADE, 60 KINCHEN, 1, 10 KING, 32, 54, 69, 89 KNEELAND, 3, 28, 44, 52, 59, 60, 62, 63 LANGTON, 8, 9 LAVERGNE, 25 LEA, 21, 34, 90 LEE, 53 LEONARD, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 44, 46, 51, 52, 56 LIDDON, 58 LILES, 58 LUCAS, 3, 5, 11 MANES, 37 MARNIER, 91 McAULEY, 85 McCAULEY, 55 McDAVID, 72 McILVAIN, 55 McMULLIN, 68 McNABB, 13 McWATERS, 1 MINK, 51 MILLER, 37 MOORE/MOOR, 7, 18, 19, 67 MITCHELL, 90 MOURNING, 42 MULLIN, 50 NETTLES, 37, 91 NOBLET, 71 NORTON, 9, 20, 31, 48, 55, 67, 68, 74, 84, 85, 89, 91 OSBORNE, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 31, 33, 42, 48, 51, 56, 58, 70, 74, 76, 77, 80, 81, 85 PARKER, 91 PINTADO, 59 POWERS, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 22, 44, 46, 69 RABY, 25, 27 RAINER/RAYNOR, 24, 28, 54, 63, 66 RHEAMS, 15, 16, 45 RICHARDSON, 68 ROBERTSON, 58 ROBINSON, 36 RODYE, 33 ROLLINS, 1, 73 SALISBURY, 19 SHABBURT, 32, 34 SHARP, 1 SIMMS/SIMS, 23, 63, 64 SIMSON, 4 SINGLETON, 3, 5 SLATTER, 47 SLOAN, 41 SMITH, 21 SORRELL, 7 SPEARS, 66 SPILLER/SPILLERS, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 41, 49, 57, 61, 63, 68, 70, 73, 85, 88, 89, 91 SQUIRE, 53 STEWARD/STEWART, 6, 39, 40, 43, 48 STILLY/STILLEY, 14 STRICKLAND, 15, 28, 29, 63 TALLY, 26, 27 TAYLOR, 65 TICKELL, 71 TILLER, 70 VARDEMAN, 1 VAWN, 73 VICK, 72 VINING, 34 WAMACK/WAMMACK/WOMACK, 3, 34, 54, 88, 90 WATKINS, 3 WELLS, 3, 4, 23, 24, 37, 44, 48, 49, 52, 57, 88 WEST, 42 WHEAT, 26 WHITE, 3, 12 WHITEHEAD, 36 WILLIAMS, 2, 11, 26, 27, 37, 44, 72 WILLSON, 32 WIRTH, 25 WOODWARD, 65 # # #