Deaths on Highland Plantation - West Feleciana Parish Louisiana 1831 - 1837 Submitted by: S.K. Martin-Quiatte - ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** This information is presented in the following format: Slave name, year of death, age at death, cause of death. ********************************************************************************************* Old Pat 1831 80 years Old Jack 1834 85 years Old Rheuben 1836 60 years Old Betty 1836 65 years Found dead, cripple for five years Billy 1836 ???? Died of worms, six hours after taken Nelly 1837 26 years Died 24 hours after seen. Received some injury. In the family way. Easter 1837 50 years Pleurisy, drinking....Great loss William 1837 3 years Worms Hanover 1837 6 years Worms George 1837 30 years Died attempting to cross creek in very heavy storm. Irreparable loss In every respect. Marcus 1840 6 years Taken with spasms at one o'clock, died at eleven. Kitty 1840 2 years Can't account for death. Sidney's infant 1840 ???? Old Lucy 1841 49 years Fill's wife. Dropsy of the chest. Monita 1842 ???? Sick and then died. Horrace 1842 ???? Had dropsy for 12 months. Took the scarlet fever. Robert 1843 3 years Worms and inflammation Bartley 1844 ???? Died of Epidemic here Essex 1844 ???? Killed by falling off cotton house shed. Atean 1844 16 mons. Sick Maria 1844 ???? Whiskey killed her. Sidney's child 1844 7 mons. Died from fall and neglect. Jane's child ???? 8 weeks Lockjaw Hetty's child ???? 2 weeks Lockjaw Frank 1845 ???? Drowned