List of Slaves from (John)Turnbull and (John) Joyce Estate, East Baton Rouge, La. Spanish Records of West Florida (Louisiana). Submitted by Doris Reese Ryan ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** (Abstracts) >From the title page: Work Projects Administration of Louisiana ... Division of Professional and Service Projects ... Survey of Federal Archives in Louisiana, a Project Sponsored by the Louisiana State University. ARCHIVES OF THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT OF WEST FLORIDA A Series of Volumes of Written Documents Mostly in the Spanish Language Deposited in The Record Room of the 19th Judicial District Court, Baton Rouge, La.... Survey of Federal Archives in La. Dr. P.M. Hamer, National Director; Stanley C. Arthur, State Supervisor 1940. ------------------------------- WEST FLORIDA That section of Louisiana east of the Mississippi river, south of the Mississippi state line, north of lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas, extending to the Pearl River, which includes the parishes of West Feliciana, East Feliciana, East Baton Rouge, St. Helena, Livingston, Tangipahoa, Washington and St. Tammany - a territory once called the "County of Feliciana," is known today by many as the "Florida Parishes." ... (under the rule of:) French 1717-1763 British 1763-1779 Spanish 1779-1810 Independent 1810 (74 days, Sept. 23 to Dec. 7) United States 1810 - Et supra ----------------------------------- ...Inventory and estimation of the property belonging to (p.737) the partnership of the deceased (John)Turnbull and (John) Joyce, at Baton Rouge, on Prairie St. John, Bayou Sarah and the Big Black, with the partition made between the widows. INVENTORY AND ESTIMATION At Baton Rouge on the fifth of May, 1800. We, Charles Norwood, testamentary executor of the property left at the deaths of John Joyce and John Turnbull, by virtue of the testamentary clauses of the latter, ...accompanied by Madam Catherine Rucher, widow Turnbull and Madam Constance Rochon, widow Joyce, and Messrs. Armand Duplantier and Philip Guinault, curators of the minor children of Joyce & Turnbull, went with the appraisers above-named to the plantation of the said Messrs Turnbull & Joyce, where we have commenced the said inventory and estimation in the following form: Lands & Buildings... Tools and Implements... At Baton Rouge, May 7, 1800... Slaves: Nat, native of the Carolinas, around 40 yrs old; Joan, wife of above, native of the Carolinas, around 35 Jim, their son, about 12 Hannah, their daughter, about 10 Sally, from the Coast of Guinea, about 30 Charlotte, her dtr., native of La., about 8 Madeline, her dtr also, about 2 Caesar, Creole, about 30, a carpenter Jenny, his wife, native of Carolinas, about 45, with two suckling children, named Adam and Eve, about one yr old. Binah, her dtr., about 13 Sam, their son, about 10 Basheba, native of La., about 20 Clarinda, about one Jenny, native of La., about 16 Primus, native of La., about 12(boy) Girl Rinah, native of La., about 11 Abram of the Coast of Guinea, about 50, having a hernia Fanny, his wife, Coast of Guinea, about 40, with dtr. Clarissa, about 15 months old Harry, her son, Creole, about 9 Dick, her son, Creole, about 9 Patty, about 3 Rose, Coast of Guinea, about 35, with suckling baby, named Stepney, about nine months old Dick, her son, Creole, about 15 Boy Renty, her son, Creole, about 13 Peggy, her dtr., Creole, abou 10 Barille, her son, about 7 Michael, her son, about 3 Tony, Coast of Guinea, about 55 Cumba, his wife, Coast of Guinea, about 40 Toby, her son, Creaole, about 13 American Will, of the Coast of Guinea, about 36, a good carpenter Minta, his wife, Creole, about 35, without good sense Tom, her son, Creole, about 10 Catiche, her dtr., about 8 Poll, her dtr., about 6 Alexis, her son, about 2 Prince, Creole of Carolina, about 30 Pinder, his wife, Creole, about 30 Mary, her dtr., about 7 Isaac, her son, about 3 Charlotte, of Coast of Guinea, about 60 Linder, her dtr, Creole, about 18, with her suckling baby, named Aimee, about 10 months Judith, her dtr., Creole, about 14 Lad, Creole, about 11 (boy) Arthee, Creole girl, about 8 Quashee, of Coast of Guinea, about 60 Juba, her dtr., Creole, about 16 Venus, het dtr., about 8 Cato, Creole of Jamaica, about 40, a good carpenter. Bess, his wife, Coast of Guinea, about 45 Tom Fuller, C of G, about 45 Prudence, his wife, a Creole of Jamaica, about 30 A griffe or mulatto named Billy, Creole of Jamaica, about 30 Nanny, his wife, C of G, about 45 Sam, C of G, about 45 Belle, his wife, of C of G, about 45 Lucy, Creole of Georgia, about 35 Pussy, her dtr., Creole, about 13 Aimee, her dtr., about 7 Matilla, C of G., about 55 Bungey, Creole, about 20 Phanta, C of G, about 30, blind Banjicha, C of G. about 60, hving one limb Jack, Creole of Carolina, about 40, speech impediment Sampson, C of G., about 35 Murray, C of G, about 55 John, C of G., about 35 Lydia, C of G, about 45 Jude, Creole of Carolina, about 25, with suckling baby, Esom, about 3 months Chlor, her dtr., Creole, about 8 Hetty, her dtr., about 5 Billy, her sonb, about 2 Negress named Murrah, C of C, about 60 Celia, Creole of Jamaica, about 35, with suckling baby, Neptune, about 14 months Jacob, her son, Creole, about 6 Douglas, C of G about 35 Celia, his wife, C of G, about 35, with dtr. hannah, about one yr old Boyer, C of G, about 45 Mahomet, C of G., about 30 Negress named Mirah, Co of G, about 50 Sally, C of G, about 35, with costiveness("obstructions") Peggy, C of G, about 45 John, C of G, about 45 Bess, his wife, C of G, about 30 Nancy, her dtr, Creole, about 8 Joe, her son, Creole, about 5 John, her son, Creole, about 2 Sambo, C of G, about 28 Boatswain, C of G, about 40 Harriet, his wife, C of G, about 35 Abraham, C of G, about 40 Abba, his wife, C of G, about 35, with suckling baby, Sampson, about four months Adam, her son, Creole, about 8 Bonner, C of G, about 50 Banna, his wife, C of G, about 45 Lucy, C of G, about 50, infirm Simon, her son, Creole, about 7 Mulatto named Dick, Creole, about 18 Nancy, C of G, about 70. Having no more slaves to inventory, we have closed this, all amounting to 26, 530, leaving them in the possession of the said ladies...who voluntarily have taken charge of them, and who signed with us, the testamentary exes. and curators of the minors. Signed V. Joyce; Danl. Hicky; Hubert Rowell; Frans. Poussett; Caty Turnbull; Armand Duplantier; Aug. Rochon; Charles Norwood; Louis Faure. >From the Spanish Archives of West Florida, as translated by the WPA in Louisiana in 1940: Partition of a portion of the property belonging to the succession of John Turnbull and John Joyce, between their widows (Catharine Rucker Turnbull & Constance Rochon Joyce). Written in French Widow Joyce takes on account of her share and portion, with the consent of Widow Turnbull and the curators of the Turnbull and Joyce minors, according to the appraisement, as follows: (Abstracted. Grouped as in the document) Boatswain Harriet, his wife Douglas Celia, his wife, with suckling dtr., Hannah Sampson Sude, his wife, w/suckling son, Esom Chloe, her dtr. Hetty, her dtr. Billy, her son Abram Fanny, his wife Clarisse, her dtr. Harry, her son Dick, her son Patty, her dtr. Catherine, her dtr. Bungey (male) Nat Joan, his wife Hannah, her dtr. Cato Bess, his wife Sally Charlotte, her dtr. Madeline, her dtr. Quashee Take, his wife Juba, her dtr. Venus, her dtr. A negress named (looks like Jenny) A negro named Boyer Mariah, his wife John Celia, his wife, w/suckling son, Neptune Jacob, her son Sam Bella, his wife Mahomet Peggy, his wife Tony Cumba, his wife Toby, her son Guy Basheba, his wife Joseph, her son Judith Clarinda, her dtr. Sambo Sally Benjicha, being one-legged The land and plantation at Baton Rouge, with all buildings... (WPA note: probably what later became Magnolia Mound Plantation) ... A negro named Charles A negress named Hannibal A negro named Grog A negress named Marianna, his wife A negress named Jenny, a negro boy named Baptiste, her son, a negro girl named Lucy, her dtr., conforming to the estimation made in New Orleans One negress named Nancy One negro boy named Charles, shoemaker. The aforesaid division...Presented and approved Carlos de Grand-Pre Widow Turnbull came to account for her part and portion with the consent of Widow Joyce and the curators of the Joyce & Turnbull minors, ... Tom Fuller Prudence, his wife Jack Lydia, his wife John Bess, his wife Nancy, her dtr. Joe, her son Juba, her son Hector Rose, his wife, w\suckling baby, Stepney Dick, her son Renty, her son Peggy, her dtr. Basille, her son Michael, her son Prince Pinder, his wife Mary, her dtr. Isaac, her son Ceasar Jenny, his wife, with two suckling babies, Adam and Eve Binah, her dtr. Sam, her son Charlotte Linder, her dtr., with suckling baby, Aimee Judith, her dtr. Lad, her son Arthee, her dtr. Bonner Banna, his wife Abraham Abba, his wife, with suckling baby, Sampson Adam, her son Murray Murrah, his wife A griffe or mulatto, Billy A negress, Nanny, his wife Harry Lucy, his wife Simon, her son Lucy A mulatto named Dick, her son A negro girl named Pussy, her dtr. A negro girl named Aimee, her dtr. A negro boy named Primus A negro girl named Rinah A negress named Matilla A negro named Phanta, blind The land and residence on Bayou Sarah or Bayou Alexander conforming to the estimation... the land and residence at St. John's Plains... tools for grinding corn; indigo tools, etc. ------------------------------------ Inserted here is copy of will of John Turnbull, written in English ...I, John Turnbull, formerly of the County of Dumfries in Scotland, but at present of Baton Rouge District in the Province of Louisiana... I give and bequeath unto George, William & Sylvia, my three illegitimate children, three thousand dollars each, and the remainder or residue of all the property I possess, I give and bequeath unto my lawful and dearly beloved wife Catharine Rucker, with whatever children may be at my decease, to be equally divided among them, share and share alike...(named executors...) signed 9June 1798. --------------------------------------- In the middle of the estate papers, is the Partnership Agreement between John Turnbull and John Joyce: We the Subscribers, having been for several years past, copartners in Trade, Plantations, Negroes, Cattle etc. and whereas no Agreement in writing was entered into between us heretofore, We now declare that all Debts due to us, as well as any Debts we may owe, also all Negroes, Plantations or tracts of Lands granted in either of our names, are hereby acknowledged and understood to be for our joint Accounts, except only a few Negroes, horses and Cattle which may belong to either of us on our own private accounts, which will be very easily known and made appear. ---------------- A Certificate of Copartnership was issued 24 feby 1798. ----------------- This was followed by a Baptismal cert. of Maria Josefa (Josephine) Joyce, issued by Juan Francisco Vaugeois, priest of the Church of Our Lady of Conception in Mobile, 8 apr. 1790... ------------------------------- On a later page: Mrs. Turnbull's share in the division... After the division she has the negress named Minta with her four children... Mrs. Joyce's share.. After the division, she has a negro named Will, a carpenter 2800 arpents of land on the Big Black remain unsold... A negress on the Big Black named Nancy, about 71 yrs. old... A house and land in Mobile Seed cotton is on the plantation on the, etc. Mr. Turnbull (a son of the deceased?) has taken for his account, to-wit: the cooper's and carpenter's tools, etc.; The History of America; one Seal. In the inventory and estimation of the property done at Mobile, he has 18 beeves...347 goat skins..which were taken to New Orleans and have been sold there for the account of the partnership. Four beeves sold to Regis Duret Ten do to Miguel Eslava Four do remaining serve to replace those which were consumed as meat by Mrs. Joyce as well as by Mr. Turnbull during their sojourn in Mobile. Written in Spanish. Statement of the slaves which Mr. Turnbull sold for the account of the partnership, after the inventory and estimation was made: Will and his wife, Jenny, to Jenjn. Dubroca Colin and wife, Sally, to Diego Alvarez John, to Saml. Moore Maca, to (appreviation for Francisco?) Suarez Gale, to Saml. Moore antony, to Thomas Durnford Caesar, to ditto Cusinier, to Jayme Gorda George, to Richard Hall Kitty, mulatto woman, to James Freret Tom, to Daniel Clark Sam, to ditto Grace, negress, to William Garland Dated New Orleans, Mar. 4, 1803. Signed C. Norwood. ------------------------------ Written in Spanish Petition to "His Excellency, the Political and Military Governor of this Post. I, Josephine Joyce, legitimate dtr. of John Joyce, now deceased, and of Constance Rochon, resident of this dist., ...that being of the legal age to name my curator, I make the said appointment in the person of Simon Favre, my uncle, resident of the City of New Orleans, in order that in my place and reprsenting me in the proceedings which may occur in the succession of my deceased father which are pending in the superior tribunal of the said city of New Orleans... Signed Jan. 19, 1803 (this was accompanied by copy of the earlier cert of baptism). --------------------------- The WPA translators included the following (abstracted) notes: "The longest single litigation involving the largest (dual) estate that has appeared in the West Florida Records, apparently is the partition sale of the Widows of John Turnbull and John Joyce. The original documents of the abovementioned sale are in Vol. III, pages 737-1179, inclusive. Vol IV, pages 952-1035, inclusive, gives copies of many documents which appeared in Vol. III. The partition sale of the Widows Turnbull and Joyce involves the names of most of the prominent men in governmental, financial, and ecclesiastical circles in New Orleans, Mobile and Baton Rouge. Constance Rochon of Mobile, seems to have married John Joyce when quite young. Of this marriage two children survive, Marie Josephine and William Joyce... Augustin and Feliciana Rochon as godparents of Josephine Rochon. John Joyce was mysteriously drowned while enroute to Mobile from New Orleans May 9, 1798, Vol. III, pg. 645.... One month later, probably because of the inconvenience occasioned by the loss of the original last will and testamanet of John Joyce, John Turnbull made his will, June 9, 1798, Vol. III, pg. 787. He died in Sept. of the same year... Constance Rochon Joyce...exact date of her marriage to Armand Allard Duplantier is not given in a number of documents pertaining to this marriage or its legality... Padre Lennan, formerly priest of the church at Baton Rouge, but later located at the church of the Second Coast of the Germans (St. John the Baptist) replied that he had officiated at the marriage, but fails to mention the date... Dec. 1, 1802, Governor Carlos de Grand-Pre' stated that Armand Allard Duplantier was a widower with three minor children... A search of the records of the 19th Judicial Dist. Court of Baton Rouge discloses Armand Allard Dudplantier left no estate in Baton Rouge, which probably was a basis for a rumor that he and Constance Rochon had separated and that he died in New Orleans. That Armand was not an efficient business man was evidenced by the fact that the John Joyce's estate was decimated after his widow's marriage to Duplantier... ...she died in Baton Rouge in 1841, where her will was probated Apr. 8, 1841 before Judge Charles Tessier. Her stepson, Fergus Duplantier was executor. She was survived by Augustin, Alheric and Alfred Duplantier(these three boys evidently born of her union with Duplantier), and Josephine Joyce, wife of Fergus Duplantier, all of Baton Rouge, and William Joyce of West Baton Rouge. ------------------------------------ "The first entry in the 18 vols of the Spanish West Florida records, which have been preserved in Baton dated June 3, 1782; the last in Vol. XVIII, carried the date of Saturday, Sept. 22, 1810, the day before the early Sunday morning attack on the Baton Rouge fort by the Bayou Sarah patriots." (WPA note)